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I Know Its Not Really International News

steven !

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Over-managed and under-led will unfortunately put people off. Surely one of the greatest strengths of an anonymous forum is that everyone can voice their (anonymous) opinion? Lose that and you lose free speech.


No forum is anonymous, You will always leave an IP trace unless you're very clever or a l33t hax0r. Nobody on here can turn your IP into a real person, only potentially link it with other posts and with most people that post here being on one of 3 ISPs, the dynamic pool is limited and ips are reused very regularly. I'm on a fixed IP here so it would work for me, but bleh.


Mods really have no reason to need IP information for anything other than posts that break the T&C.

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A little conservative with the truth ans?

Its quite easy to find out WERE A PERSON LIVES VIA THERE IP ADDRESS.

But im sure you know this already.


Without access to ISP records and being able to match customer accounts to telephone numbers, there are very few people on the Island who would be able to find this out. ISPs and their employees are bound by privacy and confidentiality laws that would prevent them revealing this not only to those outside their company, but the majority of their fellow employees without the correct clearance.


To suggest otherwise is not only incorrect and alarmist, but also bordering on paranoia. If you are in any way concerned that it is true, I would urge you to contact your ISP for official reassurances that your identity is safe.


Sure, in large countries, you can identify a certain IP range to a general area such as a state or a country, but to say that anyone could find out where someone lives via an IP address is simply not true. Anyone who says they can is either deliberately lying to frighten or threaten someone, or they're simply clueless. I leave it to you to guess which group I put you in there.

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I'm sorry for going off what is an interesting thread, but I really have to raise a point from the start of this topic.


Your spelling has really gone down hill of late. Are you feeling okay?


Mission, I’ve had a look at my spelling. You see, on account of my username, I always endeavour to make my spelling and to a certain extent, my gammar, correct. Even when I first started posting as one of the many steven clones around at the time, I took this approach. With the result that steven (the real one!) once declared that sometimes even he couldn’t tell my posts from his as I said the same things and wrote very much like him. (Don’t try and work that one out!).


So anyway, except for Huntch should be Hunch and Politcly Correct should be Politically Correct, it wasn’t too bad, was it?


Thank you any way. I appreciate your vigilance.


(Incidentally that Mr. Pedantic had quite a few clones didn’t he!)

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(Incidentally that Mr. Pedantic had quite a few clones didn’t he!)


Indeed, none of them were that good though.


It's quite flattering being cloned actually. Some of them were rather daft though but it was all in good fun I guess.

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