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More Race Riots


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It seems that it's become a world-wide issue in recent times.




Simmering racial tensions exploded in Sydney again last night as police traced chilling new text messages inciting further violence.

Groups of Middle-Eastern men descended on Cronulla seeking revenge for Sunday's attacks, smashing cars with baseball bats.

There were reports of shots being fired and of police being driven at as running battles were fought.

The area had been peaceful early, but by 6pm many Australian flags were hanging in windows and on cars.

About 10.30pm, six carloads of young men of Middle Eastern appearance drove through the beachside strip.

They began kicking parked vehicles and hurling bottles and screaming for "Aussies" to stay inside.

This began a string of running skirmishes with police in which about 16 were arrested.

The confrontations then moved to Kings Way where a man was bashed and glass broken.

Police dogs and helicopters were called as furious locals began to gather, threatening to take back the streets from "wogs and Lebanese".

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Seen the pictures on the BBC site - what a shame that stuff like this happens over and over again, all around the world...


Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence.

Francis Jeffrey

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Racist remarks are the same regardless of the quote and the use of the word W*g is racist, my ban was because i mentioned a P**i flee market and Ive never heard anyone say lets go to the Pakistany Flee market


Your ban was justified. Just because people may call it that doesn't mean it aint racist. Lonan is providing a quote and by changing the language of the quote he wouldn't be portraying accurate events.


As regards to the story in hand - I'm not suprised. Australia has a very bad reputation for racism. Even the media use terms like quoted by Lonan in news reports and not soley in quotes. Australia appears to be where the UK was 20 years ago. The methods they've used to detain and treat immigrants is disgraceful and only leads to anger against the White majority. Their attitude towards native Australians has only recently started to change.

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It seems, not only the Aussies are at it:


ROME, Italy -- Lazio forward Paolo Di Canio could face disciplinary action after appearing to give a fascist salute to his fans for the second time this season.


Italian papers have shown photos showing Di Canio with his arm outstretched, palm facing down, as he was being substituted during the Sunday's 2-1 defeat by Livorno.


The arm gesture is associated in Italy with the salute used under the rule of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. CNN


What a nice man he is - great example for the kids, and all that... :angry:

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