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Fs2002 Server Help Required


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Look, I'm very new to this games thing and I've only just got a PC with enough power to run games. My last PC ran on diesel from the lighthouse generator and three elastic bands. The lighthouse ran out of diesel and one of my elastic bands broke with the pressure!


Today I went and bought a PC game called MS Flight Simulator 2002 and it runs well. So far, I've flown from the Isle of Man to Liverpool, Isle of Man to somewhere in the Irish Sea (no there wasn't a landing strip!) and I took a 747 from Ronaldsway to New York. (Yes, it was a struggle to take off from Ronaldsway!) All good fun for a Saturday afternoon. Now I've found that you can play these things online and I think that's great. My only problem is, how do I find the server thing that has other idiots like me playing boring games with planes and no guns?


If anyone has any ides or sites that I can try, I would be very grateful. I've googled, of course! All I found were add ons for FS2002 and discussion boards where the fellow geeks talk about FS2002 but I can't find anything to do with servers. I found something about a sqwarkbox or something but I have very limited intelligence so please be kind.



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I found one, not sure what the rules are though. I Didn't see anyone shooting anyone down or anything. They don't chat very much and there were not many people on. A total of about 25 players and they didn't launch with less than six players in each room thing!


Might have another look tomorrow, early days yet.


Thanks for your help Unisol.



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