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It - Value For Money?


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I hear that during Tynwald/Keys Questions today Treasury Minister divulged that £11 million had been spent on IT consultancy by Govt during the last year and that it was better to spend that amount of money on "consultants" as and when needed, rather than employ full time the necessary qualified staff...At least if they did employ the staff wouldn't the money would be used on the Island rather than going off Island?

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I thought the company contracted to do all of the government IT work was local, using local people who pay their taxes locally.


Has this changed in the last month or so?


That has never really been the case.

The primary external consultants to the IOMG are a comany called improcom.

The local company of which you speak are really only the turners of screws, not consultants see (oldish)press release.

I'm sure that the local company didn't see even 1/2 of the £11 mil.

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Surely there must be enough locally based expertise to handle the workload.


I assume not, there is a big difference between being a good techie and being a true consultant, it seems that this is often overlooked on the IOM.


There are many very good IT skills on the IOM, but the number of consultants is very low.

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£1900.00 for a desktop! did I hear that right?? This year prices have dropped by 46% bringing the price down to £1000.00 per desktop! this must include a screen right?? & these guys are buying in bulk!! what are they Power Mac G5's or something???



How many of those £1900.00 desktops were flogged to members (ex-members) of staff for £50.00 when XP was rolled out??

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I assume not, there is a big difference between being a good techie and being a true consultant, it seems that this is often overlooked on the IOM.


There are many very good IT skills on the IOM, but the number of consultants is very low.


Maybe you would like to tell us the meaning of 'True Consultant'? Does this differ from the dictionary definition?


Def: One who gives expert or professional advice


Im pretty sure that the government class 'some' of the staff provided by the 'local' company as consultants even if you dont.

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You're being ripped off. We would send out good people at about 1000 US$ a day plus x's. A good one, salary plus bennies, about £200K per year to hire.


Sure there is a difference between a techie and a consultant. But about 95% of the time the consultant merely reinforces the opinion and game-plan of the in-house techies and middle management and "sells" it to the board. After all, with the amount they're paying it must be pukka.


It's a racket that fortunately is dying out over here, the contractors are a dying breed.

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£11 million pa equates to 40-50 fulltime consultants!


What's kept them busy for a full year? Do they outnumber the IT staff employed by the government?


Perhaps more important - what have the Goverment staff been doing if they need so many consultants?

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£1900.00 for a desktop! did I hear that right?? This year prices have dropped by 46% bringing the price down to £1000.00 per desktop! this must include a screen right?? & these guys are buying in bulk!! what are they Power Mac G5's or something???



How many of those £1900.00 desktops were flogged to members (ex-members) of staff for £50.00 when XP was rolled out??


Government computers running XP!

I think they still downgrade new ones to Win95 for (compatability) :unsure:

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well there's no leap of faith I'm goin' to make that'll convince me that £11million is reasonable..

considering what some or all of the money could otherwise be used for (like the Port Erin Marine Laboratory- see other thread)

....an it seems wrong that Treasury just sign the cheques for bills as and when they arrive and its not like there is a budget figure for IT expenditure per annum put forward for Tynwald approval is there (?) ..so all the costs are retrospective and hidden within the Treasury's own budget (?)

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