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Too bleeding bad. While we're at it, let's demand that any cyclist caught riding on the pavement also has a bit of physical dished out to him...


Too bleeding bad for whom? The person whacked by a bike for walking in the lane? No sympathy.


And sure, I wouldn't get out of the way of a cyclist riding on the pavement, I'd make damn sure that they had go either go around me, stop or take their chances by running into me. No sympathy for them either.


i will tell you now if the cycle lane was to be moved to the road side of the pavement people would still walk between the lines WHY!


because they can

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There's room enough for everyone on the promenade...hitting people deliberately with your bike is not a good plan. Especially after making public your intention :-)


As for the taxis....not noticed a problem, but if there is one, its their fault for sure. Sweaty, smelly little men with no clue about road user consideration.


did anyone take part in the recent govt survey in strand St about taxis? From what I gathered from the lad taking my comments, most people were complaining of not enough taxis, scruffy smelly taxis & drivers, appearance and attitude of drivers, and the sky high costs.

Let's hope we see some improvement from it!

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Well, boo hoo for you, not having your liddle cycling lane to yourself. I suggest caution on your huffy little elbow snagging tantrums if you see anyone carrying a blunt instrument...


Don't go crying to mummy when it happens then sunshine.

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There's room enough for everyone on the promenade...hitting people deliberately with your bike is not a good plan. Especially after making public your intention :-)


As for the taxis....not noticed a problem, but if there is one, its their fault for sure. Sweaty, smelly little men with no clue about road user consideration.


did anyone take part in the recent govt survey in strand St about taxis? From what I gathered from the lad taking my comments, most people were complaining of not enough taxis, scruffy smelly taxis & drivers, appearance and attitude of drivers, and the sky high costs.

Let's hope we see some improvement from it!


Having also spoken to the guy who was in charge of it - near the end of the survey - I was told that most places in the UK would be delighted to have a taxi service that matched ours. :)

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Well, boo hoo for you, not having your liddle cycling lane to yourself. I suggest caution on your huffy little elbow snagging tantrums if you see anyone carrying a blunt instrument...


Don't go crying to mummy when it happens then sunshine.


Arf. I think I've already made it plain what my response would be, bub

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Since when did the cycle lane on the prom become a no go area for pedestrians?

If a cyclist was to deliberately run into a pedestrian and a court case was to pursue I’m sure that the court would side with the pedestrian. If those idiots cannot ride around those on foot then they should not be allowed out without their parents. Have you noticed how many of these goons in their fancy dress who ride in groups all over the island have never heard of riding in single file when the road conditions warrant it. As for stopping at red lights ----!!

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Since when did the cycle lane on the prom become a no go area for pedestrians?

If a cyclist was to deliberately run into a pedestrian and a court case was to pursue I’m sure that the court would side with the pedestrian. If those idiots cannot ride around those on foot then they should not be allowed out without their parents. Have you noticed how many of these goons in their fancy dress who ride in groups all over the island have never heard of riding in single file when the road conditions warrant it. As for stopping at red lights ----!!


Paging StuartT!!!!!!!!

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Arf. I think I've already made it plain what my response would be, bub


Awesome, I can't wait for the impending carnage. I really do suspect it will end less well for you than you think. Not only is carrying round a blunt instrument to hit cyclists with a pretty bold thing to do in broad daylight, but it's going to have to be a biggun'. Enough cock waving though, it's going nowhere.


Since when did the cycle lane on the prom become a no go area for pedestrians?


Since the time they drew little pictures of bicycles on it and painted it purple. People walk in it because they're thoughtless assholes. Unfortunately, I'm just the kind of asshole that likes to make a point about it.

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If a cyclist was to deliberately run into a pedestrian and a court case was to pursue I’m sure that the court would side with the pedestrian.


My thoughts exactly.


Pedestrains who cross against the red light annoy me but I don't think that's an excuse to drive into them because they shouldn't be there.

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If a cyclist was to deliberately run into a pedestrian and a court case was to pursue I’m sure that the court would side with the pedestrian.


My thoughts exactly.


Pedestrains who cross against the red light annoy me but I don't think that's an excuse to drive into them because they shouldn't be there.


Absolutely. Priority on public places should be to those who are most vulnerable from collisions - almost invariably pedestrians (unless they're carrying, of course).

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