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Tower Of Refuge


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Shouldn't it be taken on by Manx National Heritage and be made a listed building. Then an amount of government funds could be used or perhaps ask for donations, and if you donate £1K and above you get your name on a plague which would be situated in the Tower. Perhaps they could do both, government money plus donations, but I think Manx National Heritage should look after it, they could include a visit to the Tower as part of their "visit various sites for £15" thing that they do in the summer, perhaps have a boat at the steps near the Jubilee Clock and you pay to go out there. But not the Corporation, because it looks like they haven't been looking after it.

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I love the TOR, I've watched it being repaired for Xmas lights (WTF, why not do a proper job) on a daily basis and always watched the tide come and go. It is iconic!


It was always a symbol of home, when the boat would hove into Douglas the first thing I would look for (apart from the beautiful sweep of Douglas Bay) was the TOR. Sometimes you couldn't see it, depending on the tide, the light etc., but once it was in view you knew you were home.


The Laxey Wheel has been beautifully restored, and a wonderful example of the Victorian "can do" approach. But, dispassionately, it is really a symbol of terrible exploitation to make the mines better to work to extract the minerals, not to make the mines better working places for the poor buggers that went down there!


But the Tower of Refuge is probably a better example of altruitism and philanthropy, it is worth saving on that basis alone!

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lots of goood ideas...and plenty of enthusiasm...lwho did the Corpy ask if they could put lights on?? an if they didn't ask anyone why not.. in any case think MNH ought to step forward ...and ask pfor public subsriptions to help with the restoration costs and for £x you are guaranteed your / firms name on a plaque or something on the wall next to the nearest steps...all it takes is a bit of willingness and imagination... but at the moment we seem to just have the Corpy thinking they don't have to pay and RNLIB or the Govt not wanting to so nothing will happen...

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I would hate to see any funds being taken from the RNLI for such a project - they need, and deserve, every penny they get for the service they provide.

The tower should be restored by a combination of government funding and public subscription and, once that is completed, presented to MNH for continued preservation and, has been suggested, to ensure controlled public access to it.

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Rhumsaa Wrote

why the hell should the rest of us pay for something like that when you won't find others digging into their pockets for restoration elsewhere


Well said that man.


They'll probably get some consultants in from across that'll charge more than the cost of fixing it.


If the tower is left like the Iron Pier has been left, my money is on the Iron Pier lasting well beyond the tower of refuge.The pier is a far superior structure.

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Rhumsaa Wrote
why the hell should the rest of us pay for something like that when you won't find others digging into their pockets for restoration elsewhere


Well said that man.


They'll probably get some consultants in from across that'll charge more than the cost of fixing it.


If the tower is left like the Iron Pier has been left, my money is on the Iron Pier lasting well beyond the tower of refuge.The pier is a far superior structure.


However, the Tower is older, served a more noble purpose, is one of the key landmarks of the whole Island and is of more historical significance.


Never really understood Ramsey's attachment to the pier, to me at least it isn't one of the landmarks I think of when I think of Ramsey. But that may be my aversion to Victoriana.


But even if you feel that the pier should be saved, and I think it should, it is a bit spiteful to expect the Tower of Refuge to crumble into the sea to maintain a parochial sense of fair play. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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Save the fucking tower. Let's all pay for it. That said though - how much do you think we'd get on EBay? Maybe we can throw in an MHK as well?


The rock is important for Douglas, the island and the RNLI (I hate things with 'Royal' in their name though). The pier in Ramsay is ugly but I guess it's worth paying for. When people think of Ramsey they don't think of the pier, they think of the great park, fresh bread and inbreeding.

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