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Tynwald Debate Chief Constable's 2004/05 Report


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Tynwald have just adjourned for tea during the debate on the Chief Constable's 2004/05 Annual Report....


The published report, for the year ending 31 March 2005, is free and can be picked up from police stations and other usual sources..


I scanned it quickly and the following items caught my attention...


Page 22 Criminal Justice System:- quote CC -

"I remain firmly of the view that there should bea strong demarcation betweeen the two processes of investigation and prosecution and I hope there will be progress in transferring the latter function away from the Constabulary to H.M. Attorney General in the next 12 months"

..I would be interested to know what teh AG said when it was put to him the proposal his office did all the prosecution work...who with access to this forum has any confidence in the AG's office being fully able to do the job? is the AG's office sufficiently resourced to be able to make the transfer happen smoothly and efficiently? ..and perhaps if not how much is the transfer of responsibility and the implementation of the proposal going to cost?


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quote CC:-

In the Employee Satisfaction Survey 90% of respondents said that they felt their job was worthwhile"

...the report doesn't say how many were surveyed....nor how many responded...so to quote 90% and pass comment as has been is totally meaningless...


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quote CC:-

"staff shortages continue to be filled by temporary staff..." so temporary staff are do the work of full time staff..so aren't "temporary staff" therefore not full time?? or when does temporary become full time...isn't engaging "tempoaray" for extended periods more expensive that full time staff? who provides the tempoary

staff? and do they benefit financially...


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Under paragraph entitled sickness quote CC:-

"An Action Plan is currently being developed and implemented that will respond in detail to the findings of the survey"...surely some mixed tenses in there...makes you wonder what the actual situation is...


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Under paragraph entitled Succession Planning quote CC:-

"a crises in succession planning is neverthless looming"...so whats wrong with having plenty of workers and fewer higher paid chiefs...


Page 31 Key Performance Indicators tabulate

item 28. for Staff Satisfaction the target is "To increase staff satisfaction amongst all employees" the Achievement is "the level of satisfaction was generally lower than the results from the previous year"

..again a meaningless statement since there is no way to quantify by how much...


I guess its up to Joe to decide whats what.....

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