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Average Minister


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Easy: its a skuewed population.


How about a strange example: if Bill Gates arrives on the Island the average net worth of someone on the Island is well over $1000,000. But 99% of us have below the average net worth.


In examples like this the median is a more meaningful measure: you get the median by lining up everyone on the island with the poorest person on the far left and the richest on the far right and everyone else lined up in order between and you ask the person in the middle how much he or she is worth. Obviously the statisticians and cenus people have an easier way of doing it, but you get my drift! Bill Gates arriving will hardly change the answer for the median, but will massively change the average.


It makes lots of sense that there are more people under the average wage on the Island as we are skewed due to a small number of very high earning individuals.


Lies, damn lies and statistics!

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Sounds daft but appears to be a correct statement :-


60 people earn £10 per week Total £600

40 people earn £16-50 per week Total £660


100 people Total earnings per week £1260

100 people Average pay per week £630


60% of people earn less then the average wage


Pay statistics would probably make more sense if broken down in groups.

ie. Less than £10K,£10-15K,etc

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Exactly my point. You're always going to have the majority of the population under the average wage. So hopping up and down about how unfair it is just makes him look foolish. Even if everyone earned more, the majority would still be under the average.

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You're always going to have the majority of the population under the average wage.


No you aren't: In some countries the skew is the other way round; caused by some people being very very poor, but not many people being rich.


It all depends upon the populations you are considering. I think Ans is right; someone needs to go and do some revision.

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Minister on manx radio this morning, I think it was Rimmington, with the shock announcement that "60% of people earn less than the average wage!".


I was surprise to hear that he was surprised by it. I'd have guessed around 60% - 70% myself.


Mind you, a while back a minister wanted the minimum wage raised so single mothers could earn enough to pay for full time child care so they could return to work. Of course if the child care workers also earned minimum wage then all or the working mother on minimum wage's money would go to pay for child care, leaving nothing for food, etc.


Someone else, not a minister, seemed to think it would be a good idea for all of those below the average wage to be paid the average wage. Obviously they didn't think it through very well :D

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Slim, do you understand how averages work?


Er, yes. He's saying the majority of the population are on below average wage. If the population gets a pay rise, the majority will still be below average wage, right? Just can't work out what he's complaining about. Saying 60% of the population earn below a minimum wage is news, saying the majority fall below the average is perfectly normal in most societies surely, in particular one that's offers favourable offshore taxation for the exceedingly rich few?

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