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Average Minister


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Like the other people at the top, I assumed you were just bitching because you thought it should have been 50% under and 50% over.


Na, affluence is pretty much always a pyramid innit, large numbers of poor, fewer average and a pinnacle of filthy rich.


Just amused me when he said he wanted to get people above the average wage. If you got people above the current average, the average wage would go up and they'd be below it again :)

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Iirc from my school days, there are 3 types of average: Mean, median, and mode. All calculated differently.


They're different statistical measurements.


Mode is the most popular


Median is the middle value


Mean is the average


Thus if you've got five people with different earnings


One earns £10

One earns £4

Two earn £3

One earns £2


Mode is £3

Median is £3

Average is £3.666


By a process of deduction and what I've been told down the pub, the bloke earning £10 is a bad egg.

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Iirc from my school days, there are 3 types of average: Mean, median, and mode. All calculated differently.


They're different statistical measurements.


Mode is the most popular


Median is the middle value


Mean is the average


Thus if you've got five people with different earnings


One earns £10

One earns £4

Two earn £3

One earns £2


Mode is £3

Median is £3

Average is £3.666


By a process of deduction and what I've been told down the pub, the bloke earning £10 is a bad egg.



The £10 man lives in a house which is valued at 4x the flat which the £3 and £2 men share. The £4 man's house is valued at 5x his income and is worth the mean price of the 3 properties.


How much is the £10 man's house currently worth and how long will it take for him to reach his destination?

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Maybe he feels guilty about the £9000 to £10.000 pay rise he is about to get ?


When you think about it their pay rise is probably the average wage for quite a few people.





That's a mighty figure. I wonder where that comes from? Isn't their pay now linked directly to the civil service rates, and the expected increase is somewhere round 3.5%?

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The £10 man lives in a house which is valued at 4x the flat which the £3 and £2 men share. The £4 man's house is valued at 5x his income and is worth the mean price of the 3 properties.


How much is the £10 man's house currently worth and how long will it take for him to reach his destination?


£32, and not very long, as he probably has a helicopter or something.


I thought the worst bit about the ministers mathematics is he said he was worried about "relative poverty" with 60% of earning less than the average. Not only does he not understand maths, he doesn't understand economics full stop by the sound of it.

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Leaving the finer points of statistical manipulation aside, we have a town councillor - oops, I mean Government minister - who comes up with an impractical concept which he clearly hasn't thought through before opening mouth. And we are governed by people like this? I despair. Vote the b......s out at the election for them never to return. :angry:

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Vote out the Leeches


They Want 22% pay rise, is that not taking the P*ss, they must think the people of the isle of man are fools.


I better not answer that one after all you all voted them in.


Next election time comes i am going to vote for the under dog who ever he or she is.


Money corrupts anyone with out values.

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Minister on manx radio this morning, I think it was Rimmington, with the shock announcement that "60% of people earn less than the average wage!".


Um, someone care to explain how averages work to the man?


It was Bill Henderson MHK who was interviewed on Manx Radio. He is not a minister.


Note that many people on the Isle of Man earn less per week than yer average advocate charges per hour.


The interview is here if anyone is actually interested:




So maybe the matter could be discussed further than to pontificate on whether the average is mode, median or mean, and how that figure was arrived at etc.


Although averages are a very interesting subject in itself, it doesn't really come under Local News.



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minister/MHK, still an elected representative. Although I wholeheartedly agree that any employer paying less than the minimum wage should be had, what he said was that as 63% earn less than the average, it raises the spectre of "relative poverty". I dont see that follows. The average wage works out at £12 an hour for 40 hours, more than double the minimum, and the statistics mean nothing. 80% of those 63% could be earning a couple of percent below, which isn't poverty. It sounds more like trotting out meaningless stats along with a scare story to gain airtime/column inches, but then, I'm very cynical.

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The figures show that 40.000 people are in employment


24.000 workers are under the average

16.000 workers are over the average


Its quite funny how Mr Bell and his minions say that the isle of man is growing 5% to 6% a year, but the majority of the isle of man that is nearly 2/3rds are struggling to pay thier bills.


So is the isle of man doing that well ?

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