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Mhk's/mlc's, Are They Beards?


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No political system is perfect and I am certain, no matter where we looked, we would find some evidence of

malpractice. The Island, undoubtedly, has one or two skeletons in its cupboard but, on the whole, has a reasonably good system which has served its citizens well.


You've raised a comparison with China and there the media is forced to celebrate the positives;


The comparison with China was made tongue in cheek. However, the intention was to establish some perspective.

This small Island has done remarkably well and the key services provided, by Government, for its citizens, bear comparison with anywhere else in the world.

I could have made an equally valid comparison against the poverty of services in the USA, India, Africa, and many other locations, including large areas of Europe.

The Island does very well in comparison with most area in the world.


I think there is a large overlap between us in what you say here; you are saying it positively I am saying it negatively, but I think it is clear to all sides that the current system blurs lines of responsiblility and creates what you are calling "patronage".


Parliamentary systems tend to struggle if the separation of powers between executive and Parliament is indistinct. This will always be a danger in the Island given the absence of party politics. For the avoidance of doubt, it is the reliance on patronage which may erode the boundary and not, as you suggest, the opposite !We should note the answer to this particular problem lies in the hands of citizens and not in the hands of Parliamentarians !

I am not convinced the boundary has been critically eroded. However, there is some reason to be concerned that one or two MHks do not seem to understand the distinction between executive and Parliament.


Im not quite certain how the MEA appeared in this thread but :-


I cannot think of a clearer example of parliamentary and government incompetence than stopping the MEA utilizing this multimillion pound asset.


It would now appear the former MEA Board had incurred ongoing liabilities in the order of 450 to 490 Million pounds. At least 350 million of this would appear to be debt. Set against such a remarkable background, given the Island's tiny demand for power supply, it might, with the benefit of hindsight, have been remarkably astute to "stop" the MEA getting itself further entangled in any more business relationships.

I dont know enough about this to make any analysis but look forward, in the fullness of time, to all being revealed !!


Butterfly I cannot think of a more rediculous comparison.


I totally agree. But one might not have considered it so ridiculous given your original post :-


Our political system is a perfect set up for nepotism, corruption, influence peddling the lot. But how to reform it? Thats a problem ... When it comes to revolutions you don't just need destruction; you also need construction and rebuilding anew isn't easy.


Its ridiculous because the Island would come out rather well in any comparison you might care to make against the majority of locations in the world.

I would agree it makes no sense to ignore the Island's faults. However, these faults are petty in comparison with those in other places and would argue we might do better to celebrate the Island's postive attributes rather than dwell upon its faults.

Its a great place :-)

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It would now appear the former MEA Board had incurred ongoing liabilities in the order of 450 to 490 Million pounds. At least 350 million of this would appear to be debt. Set against such a remarkable background, given the Island's tiny demand for power supply, it might, with the benefit of hindsight, have been remarkably astute to "stop" the MEA getting itself further entangled in any more business relationships.

I dont know enough about this to make any analysis but look forward, in the fullness of time, to all being revealed !!


That much? The GNP of the whole island is only around 2 billion GBP. I didn't know things were so bad at the MEA but yes probably best left for another thread.

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Without going into great depths, what we have on the IOM is parishional politics with huge amounts of money. On the whole, the chaps seem to have been able to deliver over the years. But I do not believe that that has arisen from any particular talent or nous; more to do with right place and right time.


With a GE coming up, perhaps a few more people will be persuaded to stand, and vote, to really kick-start the Island.

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