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The Comeovers Party


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Something tells me, I won't make many local friends with this idea, but here it goes anyway:



I've been toying with this thought for quite some time now, and although I am aware of the fact that the Island has no political party system as such, I was thinking of starting something you may call the "Comeovers Party" - a more moderate idea for the name would be along the lines of "Foreign Workers Association", or similar..


A group and place for non-manx people to voice their opinion, gain publicity, and eventually even execute political pressure and influence (ok, call it "political power" then..)


Now, until now, this is only an idea (so put that gun back into the locker!), but it is based on a very simple thought, which may well be seen as a fact:


The Island, with it's low tax, good quality of life, and many thriving business sectors, exists in this way in large parts because of the foreign workforce, which contributed towards it. Quite simply, without all the "comeovers" (a term, I don't particularly like or appreciate - I do pay tax, you know - quite a lot, actually..), the IOM wouldn't be where it is now..


Looking at the current government, and all the people in charge, very much reminds me of my hometown:


Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a small Bavarian town, about the size of Douglas, which was (and still is) tightly run by a bunch of "locals" - if you didn't happen to be born with a particular surname, or grew up with "the right people" (or simply happened to be good friends with them), then it was pretty certain that you wouldn't make it very far up the political ladder.


Now, my beloved hometown, proud (?) host of the Olympic winter games in 1936, is slowly sinking into the ground, simply because the "local bunch" is still happily at it, mainly ensuring their own wellbeing, without giving to much thought or attention to issues like future development, or simply to running the place as taxpayers could expect them to..


The similarities between this small Bavarian town and the IOM are simply striking:


Both seem to be run by "local connections", both have wasted huge amounts of money due to mis-management or simple incompetence, and both are not too sure about the things the future may bring... "We've got time enough to think about tomorrow", seems to be the slogan of the day...


That's where that "Foreign Workers Party" idea comes in - I can't do anything about my hometown at the moment, as it's about a thousand miles away, but I do think that the Isle of Man, my newly chosen "home", which I have learned to truly love and respect during my time here, deserves better.


This "better" is simply the expertise, knowledge and opinions the people that came over here represent... Without "us comeovers", there wouldn't be a growing finance or online gaming sector...


It only appears to me as being totally fair to give these contributors to the local economy their own voice and influence in local happenings.


So, the big question is:


What do you think of the idea ? Is giving "Comeovers" a public voice, and hence some degree of influence towards local proceedings, a good idea, or would it spell the end of the "Manx way of life" ?


Please post any comments or abuse below - after that "coprowl" thing, I'm well used to threats and abuse, so feel free to be honest, but please don't forget: The idea is to improve things, not to take over the Island, and continue the current state of incompetence......

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Good thought provoking post Amadeus.


To a certain extent this is already happening; just look at the number of IOM politicians who are from off these shores.


Organising a non-Manx residents' association could actually be counter-productive and divisive; the aims and interests of both non -Manx and Manx-born residents should be the same! Regardless of which camp you are in, I think all would like to see better governance, conservation of the things that make this such a special place to be and a fair, even-handed society that provides for the more vulnerable within it.


But, you are right inasmuch as the worth of comeovers is greatly underestimated and there is almost a sneering disdain by Manxies of comeovers, when really the Island would not be what it is today (good and bad) without the influence of both camps!

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Not a very good idea.


Non-Manx Workers fall into two groups -


1. People who've come to live here because they want to make a home here. Their interests are the same as the Manx born - a strong economy, employment opportunities, good schools and health care, and a well managed government. How does dividing these people for the rest benefit anyone?


2. Transient workers. Who are here for a year or two, because their job is here and will move on when their job takes them elsewhere. These people probably aren't all that bothered about the long term governance of the Island and probably won't vote.


Personally, I don't vote for people based on where they were born or who they went to school with. I wouldn't vote for someone (even a returning Manxman) who is just off the boat. But someone who has been here for years and contributed to local life is in with a chance.

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A non-Manx party would be very divisive. This is something which we surely do not want. But people who have made their home here must have equal rights to those Manx born.


Moreover the present set up which appears to allow discrimination between various interest groups is not conducive to fairness for all the people.


Please do not vote for people on the basis of their original home but because they love the Island and all its people and have the ability and integrity to improve life for all regardless of who or what they are.

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"When in rome" is the expression. I think people have got a nerve coming to the island and then trying to change it to suit themselves, specially bloody pensioners who haven't worked here and paid in but want a full manx pension, (for what its worth!) and people with a UK mentality that come and move to Douglas and assume that's the be all and end all of the island.


Bugger off the lot of you.

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"When in rome" is the expression. I think people have got a nerve coming to the island and then trying to change it to suit themselves, specially bloody pensioners who haven't worked here and paid in but want a full manx pension, (for what its worth!) and people with a UK mentality that come and move to Douglas and assume that's the be all and end all of the island.


Bugger off the lot of you.


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Not a very good idea.


Non-Manx Workers fall into two groups -


1. People who've come to live here because they want to make a home here. Their interests are the same as the Manx born - a strong economy, employment opportunities, good schools and health care, and a well managed government. How does dividing these people for the rest benefit anyone?


2. Transient workers. Who are here for a year or two, because their job is here and will move on when their job takes them elsewhere. These people probably aren't all that bothered about the long term governance of the Island and probably won't vote.


Personally, I don't vote for people based on where they were born or who they went to school with. I wouldn't vote for someone (even a returning Manxman) who is just off the boat. But someone who has been here for years and contributed to local life is in with a chance.


Totally agree with the above.

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Please do not vote for people on the basis of their original home but because they love the Island and all its people and have the ability and integrity to improve life for all regardless of who or what they are.


If that was the criteria for choosing our leaders no one would bother voting.



And there's me all these years thinking that was what it was all about. However some years I have abstained.

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Many good and valid points there! I do now realize that the idea of a political group solely made up of "foreigners" may indeed be counter productive or cause hostility.


I guess I simply chose the term to highlight the (at least to me) still apparent differences between "the locals" and "the comeovers" in every day life. With this, I mean everything, from Pubtalk, to local "connections", right down to the way many people still seem to have a mental barrier in the back of their heads - I hope you get my idea.


So, going away from the idea of calling it a "Comeovers Party", (although a large part of it would probably be made up by non-manx born people anyway, simply due to the way the Island's working population is made up at the moment), would the idea of a general workers party (as suggested further up), be appealing?


Obviously, there being no party system as such, the actual powers of such a "Workers Party" or association would be limited in political terms, but with enough support, it could well execute political pressure by means of the media, and "keep'em on their toes" so to say.


Simply a group of people from all walks of life and all nations, with permament residence on the Island, interested in preserving and improving the quality of life over here. Everyone seems to be constantly complaining about the waste of money and apparent mis-management, but there is no collective voice to shout back at "them"...


To form such a collective voice was, and is, the basic idea...

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There is quite a few business associations e.g. Chamber of Commerce, Chartered Institute of Management etc. Also there is the Manx Labour Party, various trade union associations which can all exert political pressure - some more effectively than others depending on the disposition of individual MHK's.


If people have difficulty getting their views across this should be highlighted to Government. Party members don't seem to get elected

in the Isle of Man very often so if we have to work within the confines of the present system it really is a matter of lobbying individual candidates and supporting those who are in tune with your views.

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"When in rome" is the expression. I think people have got a nerve coming to the island and then trying to change it to suit themselves, specially bloody pensioners who haven't worked here and paid in but want a full manx pension, (for what its worth!) and people with a UK mentality that come and move to Douglas and assume that's the be all and end all of the island.


Bugger off the lot of you.


I like your post best!

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