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The Comeovers Party


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"When in rome" is the expression. I think people have got a nerve coming to the island and then trying to change it to suit themselves, specially bloody pensioners who haven't worked here and paid in but want a full manx pension, (for what its worth!) and people with a UK mentality that come and move to Douglas and assume that's the be all and end all of the island.


Bugger off the lot of you.


I like your post best!

No offense, captain jiggyflaps / Snaipyr, but I think you will find that the mentioned pensioners can be a financially very powerful part of the general population, and usually have quite a bit of cash to spare.. The mortgage is paid off, the kids are gone, and now it's about enjoying life and spending some money - and VAT makes up the biggest part of the manx budget, the money that can be spent by the gov every year...


Only in recent years have many different industries caught on to this, and realized that grandma and granddad usually have quite a bit of cash to spare, hence the many "for over 50's/60's/etc" products currently filling the shelfs at Tesco, and TV ads for beauty products for the "elderly" (ok, they may give it a nicer name on telly, but that's what it is...)


I think it's all about finding a balance - a balance between local interests, and the interests of "comeovers", regardless of the fact if the same come here to work or to retire - one wouldn't do so well without the other, so live and let live...

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Don't see how your post gives any weight to the comeover pensioners getting Manx pensioners money argument myself.


As for the comeover party - best proposal I've ever heard to seriously widen the divide between locals and comeovers.

I'm with captain jiggyflaps on this, bugger off the lot of you!

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