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New Sign To Avoid Parking Ticket

manx driver

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I spotted a cracker in Ramsey, disabled park outside Arriba in St Pauls, ambulance parks on disabled and the boys ambled across for pasties and pies from the Crusty Cob, the hoot was that there were plenty of spare regular parks! Its a manx thang!

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Often see Police vans parked on the pavement and on yellow lines. Must try to get a photo next time



Apparently the blue lights make the yellow lines invisible.


Not just blue lights! Hazard lights on your everyday household car do it too, it's true.

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Loving all the people whinging on Energy FM today about getting tickets for parking on the cycle lane on the prom. Did the big sign near the entrance saying do not park on the cycle lane not clear enough for them or were they just too lazy/tight to park elsewhere?


Obviously parking tickets no longer have the desired effect. There still doesn't appear to be any towing in use on the island - surely this would be a better deterant than tickets. I'd love to see people who park their cars dangerously or selfishly have their vehicles towed.


* edited as I meant 'towing' not clamping, doh!*

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I parked up in Ridgeway St the other day at 8:30 am -its 90min parking zone - came back after about half an hour went up to Onchan then came back down into town - no space in Ridgeway St so turned down Victoria Street and found a space somewhere opposite Harry's put the disk on and went into office ..came back 2 hours later and found a tickect on ...the zone is only 30 minutes!!!! what to do? jump in the car and go park somehwere else...or leave it and go back into office for rest of the day? No contest...wnet back to office to get full value for my £40! ...but if my car had been parked say too close to a junction and the ticket said in a dangerous position..the tickect doesn't remove the obstruction whilst I might choose to leave the car still parked there does it...neither would clamping.. but towing would indeed make me think twice ....Doh have I stumbled upon a business opportunity here as a means of enforcing road safety??

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I parked up in Ridgeway St the other day at 8:30 am -its 90min parking zone - came back after about half an hour went up to Onchan then came back down into town - no space in Ridgeway St so turned down Victoria Street and found a space somewhere opposite Harry's put the disk on and went into office ..came back 2 hours later and found a tickect on ...the zone is only 30 minutes!!!! what to do? jump in the car and go park somehwere else...or leave it and go back into office for rest of the day? No contest...wnet back to office to get full value for my £40! ...but if my car had been parked say too close to a junction and the ticket said in a dangerous position..the tickect doesn't remove the obstruction whilst I might choose to leave the car still parked there does it...neither would clamping.. but towing would indeed make me think twice ....Doh have I stumbled upon a business opportunity here as a means of enforcing road safety??


Having lived in Manchester for many years I can see that towing is a good idea but only if it's done as a public service - not as a bloody privatised con. The council in Mancland sold the service ton a company who now make a mint through many dubious means. The company behind the scheme has been revealed to be making huge profits - if that's the case why did the council sell the service in the first place?


Towing will discourage selfish and dangerous parkers and hopefully discourage some people from using their cars. Now all we need is a good bus and tram service.

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wnet back to office to get full value for my £40!


They're fully entitled to give you a fresh ticket every two hours. You might not get full value if they slap another two on your while you leave your car where it is.


They very rarely do it though, which is a shame.

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