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New Sign To Avoid Parking Ticket

manx driver

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yeah,dreadful shame that they dont charge people more than 40 quid for parking wrongly isnt it ans, what a dark and sad world you must live in if thats how you get your jollies and your wish list to santa includes parking tickets being dished out more often

life, get one

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yeah,dreadful shame that they dont charge people more than 40 quid for parking wrongly isnt it ans, what a dark and sad world you must live in if thats how you get your jollies and your wish list to santa includes parking tickets being dished out more often

life, get one


I've managed 10 years driving here without one. Possible? Yes.


Don't think its wishing, more like considerate parking or reading signs.

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Six years without getting one here. Reason? I don't park illegally. It's not hard to manage. It's not like Douglas is hundreds of miles wide. Too many people are too lazy to walk a short distance to where they're going. How many people in Douglas live outside of a 20 minute walk?

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There are many other places where tickets ought to be issued to prevent obstruction. It is often damn near impossible to get up Palace Road on some nights due to the crazy parking in front of the Ascot Hotel etc. If there was ever a need for emergency vehicles to get to one of the flats further up it could create a very nasty situation.

Also, parking so close to a junction that it makes it an absolute lottery for vehicles trying to emerge from a halt sign ought to be sorted out. Inconsiderate parking is a blight that needs to be dealt with.

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whats the bet you either have your own parking space or work outside of disk zones ansssss and devilllll.

the wardens are so busy trying to catch the normal working man fiddling his disk that they have no time for the real illegal parkers blocking junctions or on double yellows. once 5pm comes to,you can park where you like with no worries,the juntion at the bottom of summer hill is a classic example,you can never see out of there with all the cars and vans that spring up once home time for wardens comes.


bloody dastardly to ticket all them who parked on the cycle lane to, wheres there xmas spirit. i saw them it was nose to tail. why is it the man in the street who has to pay for the govement not providing enough parking,we pay enough for the privalige of driving already :angry:


why is it to much to ask that you can drive to work and park there to!

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Agree with Lonan3 about crazy parking.

Example, large hotel fire in Castle mona ave 15 yrs ago, fire engine crashed thru cars parked on pavement to rescue occupants.


Fire engine driver - Hero.

Pavement Parkers - Inconsiderate T*ats.

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Yes, I remember the Castle Mona Ave incident - did the fire engine driver not get reprimanded for that?

Typical - maybe he should have stopped and carried the water to the burning building!

I dared to remind a selfish tw@t in Allan Street the other day about parking on the pavement, but all I got was a load of abuse, as if I was in the wrong!?

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As well as booking people for parking in the cycle lane on the prom they should also have a copper with a speed gun. I bet they'd make a few quid.


One stupid woman last week nearly knocked me off my bike when I was riding in the cycle lane.

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As well as booking people for parking in the cycle lane on the prom they should also have a copper with a speed gun. I bet they'd make a few quid.


One stupid woman last week nearly knocked me off my bike when I was riding in the cycle lane.


Unfortunately cycle lanes are few and far between on Mann (are there any more?). In order to encourage more people to use the cylce lane the authorities must be tough on any idiots who choose to park on the lane.


What other cycle paths are there?

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There are three designated cycle paths on the island.


The longest is on the prom.


The next longest is from the TT access road to Union Mills


The last one is about 200 metres long from the NSC running track to the road by the power station.

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There are three designated cycle paths on the island.

The longest is on the prom.

The next longest is from the TT access road to Union Mills

The last one is about 200 metres long from the NSC running track to the road by the power station.


More should be built to encourage further use of cycles and get us fat bastards out of our cars. The little town I live in (only 15,000) has cycle paths covering all main roads and throughout the pedestrianized town centre and this is in a country with 20% unemployment and low wages.

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Too pet dislikes about dodgy parking.


First people who park on pavements make it really difficult to get about safely with a push chair.


It must be difficult for anyone in a wheelchair as well.


Secondly, I just dont know how to get across the road safely when there are no gaps at all with cars parked


nose to tail. Do I walk backwards pulling the pushchair or do I push it out into the traffic before I can see if


anything is coming ? Either way always seems a bit dodgy to me !

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I just dont know how to get across the road safely when there are no gaps at all with cars parked


nose to tail. Do I walk backwards pulling the pushchair or do I push it out into the traffic before I can see if


anything is coming ? Either way always seems a bit dodgy to me !


It's nice to know that someone actually thinks about it! Most mothers seem to work on the theory that, if they push the pram onto the road ahead of them and the baby survives, then it's safe to cross!

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