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EU allows imports of American wines

Winemakers in the United States and Europe have managed a temporary truce in their decades-old battle over trade and production methods.


Under an agreement signed Tuesday, the two trading blocs will recognize each other's winemaking practices, setting the stage for more detailed talks on geographical designations and the status of low-alcohol wines.


The EU will allow in U.S. wines that have been made using modern methods that the more-traditional EU winemakers do not always approve of.


Do not always approve of? In the US, it's legal to seel wine that:


- had wood chips added (instead of having been stored in oak barrels), to improve flavour

- had up to 7% water or up to 35% "sugar water" (no idea what they mean by that) added

- had additional flavours (probably artificial ones) added

- was processed in a special way, to make different years taste the same


And that stuff will soon be available in a shop near you..


Bloody Americans, they probably even want their red wine with ice... :angry:

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Bloody Americans, they probably even want their red wine with ice... :angry:


But some Red Wines, like Beaujolais are actually best served chilled. Depends a lot on the grape, but 20 minutes in the fridge actually enhances the flavour. Others like Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon don't work so well and are better at a room temperature.

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haha no they turned the wine into anti freeze.


I would have to say that you get what you pay for, i would rather pay more for a quality wine than buy something full of chemicals and the like.


The french are up the creek with their wine at the moment, too many producers and not enough demand.


The rest of the world has jumped into the french business of making wine and france needs to realise that people like wines from all over the world and not just france.


This is why Tony Blair is kicking off over the massive EU hand outs to the french.

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