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Mhk's - Your Views For Next November...

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I think one of the MHK's in North Douglas will be removed :) in the general election on the Island in November 2006, due to the fact that a very well known businessman is going to stand against Bill and Ben...


What are your thoughts about your MHK/S and do you think they will be re-elected next November?


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I think you might need to be very careful about defamatory statements here.

Please dont get yourself into expensive trouble , I should ask the advice of a moderator if I was you. :rolleyes:

Crumlin doesn't get on to well with the moderators, so I cannot see him asking them for advice!!

I will stand corrected if he does :P

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All depends on how they conduct themselves over the next 10 months or so.


Even though a lot of MHKs always vote in tynwald to try and gain popularity, rather than having the integrity to make a vote that may be seen as an unpopular with the voting public.


I would assume that a good chunk of the current MHKs will get back in based on the fact that a lot of voters 'try not to rock the boat' and stick with MHKs that were there before.


Obviously some are not standing again and new ones will pop up to try and inject 'new blood'.


IMHO even though I am not an expert like others on this forum who seem to know what every MHK eats for dinner every night - I believe people like Karran, Shimmin, Quayle, Bell, Braidwood, Cretney will most likely get back in, not so sure about Henderson, Hannan, Cannell and the others.


I suppose it all depends on who stands, last time no new people stood in Douglas North and so Henderson and Houghton got straight back in - if, like Last Ten has mentioned, someone new stands there then I will be happy as some of the temper tantrums that Houghton has thrown in the past year or so is not suitable behaviour for an MHK.


But that is my opinion and I could be completely wrong!!!!

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as some of the temper tantrums that Houghton has thrown in the past year or so is not suitable behaviour for an MHK.

But that is my opinion and I could be completely wrong!!!!

I agree totally CableGuy

You call it temper tantrums, I call it "He who shouts loudest".

I think out of the two of them this one will be back serving behind the counter in 2006.

Interesting times lie ahead.

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There seems to be a ground swell against the establishment pampered MHKs who are sitting cushy in the castle.


There may well be some new candidates opposing the North Douglas MHKs this coming election, but they have gained plenty of respect this past year.


Not from the establishment though.

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Heres who I think will go







Also Quayle might of pissed in his own boots one time to many,

Earnshaw may go to,hes dog locked to Corkill


Possible new ones

David Buttery because he serves up a good fish dinner

Steven Pitts he has plenty of spare paint left so could paint a good picture

David Quirk The new teflon Don of Onchan, because he knows all the scams.

David Christian, **************<removed>****************, and may just be the new right hand man for Dan


Edited by mod: Please don't post libellous allegations. Last warning.

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Adrian Duggan has already announced he's not standing - which probably means a virtual walk-in for Mr Cretney. The other South Douglas one is up for grabs. With David Christian a likely candidate, it depends how the voters in Pully, Anagh Coar etc view his council record.

I'd personally like to see a strong candidate opposing Hazel Hannan - I think she's pretty ineffectual.

Several of the ones from the South need to be ejected in my opinion.

I'd also like to see Singer and Bell replaced in the North.

In Onchan, David Quirk probably deserves a chance - possibly replacing Mr C.

And although I don't agree with many of his views, I hope David Cannon continues in Kirk Michael.


All of the above are purely personal views.

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Singer is an MLC now so no chance of him going unfortunately, I fear bell will go as Annie Craine seems to be popular up here but I like Bell despite his obvious drawbacks...


For once I'd like to see someone stand who isn't just saying the same old rubbish to get into their local constituency but actually spoke out from what they believed in and was a little bit forward thinking no matter what the result.... not that it will happen

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I hope Gill's antics will see him be the one to fall in Rushen.

Could you please explain Declan?

Last Ten



His general ineffectualness and the frankly stupid questions he tabled about the closure of Manx On-Line had me regretting voting for him. But the last straw was this. I expect more from my politicians.

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His general ineffectualness and the frankly stupid questions he tabled about the closure of Manx On-Line had me regretting voting for him. But the last straw was this. I expect more from my politicians.


Im probably missing something blindingly obvious about the link you have posted. Is there a problem with


Politicians promoting safety in schools ???

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