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Mhk's - Your Views For Next November...

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Politicians using a safety message to promote themselves.


You never hear from him on the big issues, he might as well not be there, but as soon as there is a chance to muscle in on the work done by the staff of his department and a chance to appear caring and concern for children he muscles his way to the front.


There was no reason why a headteacher, a fire officer, or a civil servant from the Office of Fair Trading couldn't have given that message.

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Politicians using a safety message to promote themselves.


You never hear from him on the big issues, he might as well not be there, but as soon as there is a chance to muscle in on the work done by the staff of his department and a chance to appear caring and concern for children he muscles his way to the front.


There was no reason why a headteacher, a fire officer, or a civil servant from the Office of Fair Trading couldn't have given that message.

So are you saying Declan that the Minister of Home Affairs, Mrs Shimmin should not promote that motorists should not drink and drive?


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I'm saying Quinton Gill shouldn't opportunistically use the work his department have done, to get his name in the papers.


The problem with being a politician is one of being damned if you do and damned if you dont.


I, too, am not an admirer of Mr Gill. However, in the interest of fairness, it is worth mentioning he is


currently responsible for the conduct of what promises to be a very controversial investigation into energy


prices on the Island. He has also, recently, moved a high profile amendment in respect of unfair dismissal


legislation. During the past year he has been reasonably active in a range of issues including the distinctly


unpopular and ongoing childcare inquiry.


I dont really think his latest venture, which amounts to little more than lending his name to a safety


campaign, is something he should be criticised for. However, I do understand your point about attracting


personal kudos.

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Quentin Gill - No feelings either way, he hasn't appeared on my radar.

David Cretney - Nice bloke, but when will we wake up to the fact that there is no longer a tourist industry here? I know it's the Dept of Tourism Leisure and something else (possibly), but, really, securing a couple of fringe-interest conferences each year does not a summer in the old style make!

Alan Bell - Mount Murray aside (and I have deleted a few words on that) I think he projects the Island well and he does seem to understand what he is saying. He's business-like and one of the few politicians here who comes across as authoritative on their subject.

Hazel Hannan - a very nice lady, I would imagine, but not a trailblazer.

Pam Crowe - Ah, the Ministertrix (I know she's not up for election, but I do love the appellation!)


I could go on, but we have two problems: firstly, voter apathy; and secondly, the seeming lack of understanding by IOM politicians that they set the policy and should be responsible for it. That is what politicians do, the clue is in the name!

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I agree with you on Alan Bell.... he's made some bad decisions and seems to attract a lot of flak (I fear it's because of his sexuality which in this day and age does no one here any credit) but ultimately he's one of the few people in there who sounds like he knows what he's doing and isn't some dumb idiot out of their depth because they got in on the strength of knowing a few locals

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I agree with you on Alan Bell.... he's made some bad decisions and seems to attract a lot of flak (I fear it's because of his sexuality which in this day and age does no one here any credit) but ultimately he's one of the few people in there who sounds like he knows what he's doing and isn't some dumb idiot out of their depth because they got in on the strength of knowing a few locals



I agree. A few years ago I had to present a case to Mr Bell and 2 others MHK's. I thought before hand what was the most difficult question I could be asked. It wasn't an obvious one but I thought I may be done for if I can't answer it.


First question after my presentation came from Alan Bell. It was the one I had racked my brains on!

Fortunately I had the answer and I got the decision I wanted.

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Rhumsaa i have 2 words for you mate "Mount Murray"


I thought Alan Bell was ok but since the Mount Murray episode i have gone right off him.


I am sure that people over here still judge people because of there sexuality which is sad really, its all to do with how well you can do your job in my book.


Personally i will be voting for the underdog next time around, i want to see a few new faces in the keys, new brush sweeps clean after all.

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I know I know.... The Mount Murray is a massive cloud which will hang over Alan Bell but all things considered he'll still get my vote as I think that overall he is the best choice for Ramsey and the Island.


Last full election I gave Rooney a vote - now that's a man who was never going to win but stood up for what he believed in. Gotta respect that.


The trouble with under dogs in the past elections is they have been complete and utter schmucks..... bully boys or people without the wit about them to move from parish pump politics to a bigger stage - I mean can you honestly in good faith let any of our commissioners in knowing full well that they currently spend their time squabbling like kids with each other basically because of the marina.... sad

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Rhumsaa mentioned the massive cloud that will hang over Mr B regarding the Mount Murray fiasco, who's head will the MEA fiasco hang over or is nobody to blame?


The Mount Murry affair is peanuts compared to the MEA fiasco...



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I know I know.... The Mount Murray is a massive cloud which will hang over Alan Bell but all things considered he'll still get my vote as I think that overall he is the best choice for Ramsey and the Island.


Last full election I gave Rooney a vote - now that's a man who was never going to win but stood up for what he believed in. Gotta respect that.


The trouble with under dogs in the past elections is they have been complete and utter schmucks..... bully boys or people without the wit about them to move from parish pump politics to a bigger stage - I mean can you honestly in good faith let any of our commissioners in knowing full well that they currently spend their time squabbling like kids with each other basically because of the marina.... sad


Probably the longest ever post from the lad Rhumsaa!


On Manx.net, he had over 5,000 posts, the majority consisted of a single word: "Cock" inserted into a thread at seemingly random places.


So I shall be listening to the words of this erudite and obviously highly intelligent young northerner when it comes to inserting my own X on the ballot paper in November.









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