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In today's colourful toiletpaper:


Views of Taxi drivers are sought


Taxi drivers views are being sought in a bid to assess the level of demand.


Drivers' associations claim there are too many cabs on the road, except at peak periods and have opposed further licenses being granted in the Douglas area........


.....It ("Transport Planing international" - some company the DoT have commissioned to investigate demand) welcomes submissions on the availability of taxis and minibusses, the number of phone and contractual bookings, rank hirings and flag downs (I guess you could call them "Suicide jumps" at the weekend..), the location and number of excisting and proposed ranks, fairs, driver recruitment and effects of proposed changes in the licensing system (i.e. all-Island licenses, instead of districts)


Fair enough that they're asking the drivers, as they obviously have all the stats at their fingertips, but what about Joe Average?


What's the public opinion towards cabs? Are there enough? Are they too pricy? Should there be more taxi ranks? Why is there never one when you need it? (Just to cancel that question out..)...


Personally, most of my experiences with cabs over here were really good, although I had a few let-downs in the past, as probably everyone else had. Having driven Limos in the past, I well know that it can sometimes be a chaotic and stressful business, and you can only get there as fast as every one else on the road lets you, so not too angry about delays or no-shows...


I do think that it's a bit too pricy, though - especially after midnight. Any opinions?


/off to hide from Lonan3...

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I have never had an issue getting a taxi in or around Douglas (price after midnight is the main problem) but trying to get a reasonable price to ramsey is a different matter.... getting a taxi around Ramsey/Laxey area is a complete non starter unless you pre book

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I have never had an issue getting a taxi in or around Douglas (price after midnight is the main problem) but trying to get a reasonable price to ramsey is a different matter.... getting a taxi around Ramsey/Laxey area is a complete non starter unless you pre book


It probably doesn't help that Ramsey does not actually have a taxi rank (Reasons unknown) so flagging a taxi down during the day is down to luck more than judgement. Taxi drivers would love to see an official rank in Ramsey (Can't speak for all of them, obviously), it would make life a lot easier for both taxi drivers and potential passengers. One of the issues being assessed by the current survey.

As for fares after midnight, try driving a taxi round the island for a couple of weeks especially at weekends and see the crap we have to put up with, then try telling me that the fares are too high. Your views will change very quickly.

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Their standard of driving and road manners/courtesy often leaves a lot to be desired. They are after all professional drivers.


There is no reason why they should all have advanced driving certificates. Many, but not all of course, seem to be people who can't get or simply don't want a job anywhere else.


I have to admit though, when I'm in a taxi I like it when they just barge past everyone else as if I was the only person that counts on the road.

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In today's colourful toiletpaper:


Views of Taxi drivers are sought


Taxi drivers views are being sought in a bid to assess the level of demand.


Drivers' associations claim there are too many cabs on the road, except at peak periods and have opposed further licenses being granted in the Douglas area........


.....It ("Transport Planing international" - some company the DoT have commissioned to investigate demand) welcomes submissions on the availability of taxis and minibusses, the number of phone and contractual bookings, rank hirings and flag downs (I guess you could call them "Suicide jumps" at the weekend..), the location and number of excisting and proposed ranks, fairs, driver recruitment and effects of proposed changes in the licensing system (i.e. all-Island licenses, instead of districts)


Fair enough that they're asking the drivers, as they obviously have all the stats at their fingertips, but what about Joe Average?


What's the public opinion towards cabs? Are there enough? Are they too pricy? Should there be more taxi ranks? Why is there never one when you need it? (Just to cancel that question out..)...


Personally, most of my experiences with cabs over here were really good, although I had a few let-downs in the past, as probably everyone else had. Having driven Limos in the past, I well know that it can sometimes be a chaotic and stressful business, and you can only get there as fast as every one else on the road lets you, so not too angry about delays or no-shows...


I do think that it's a bit too pricy, though - especially after midnight. Any opinions?


/off to hide from Lonan3...


I don't want to get too involved in this debate - I think I probably have too much to say when it comes to taxis!

However, I should point out that is only one part of the complete survey being undertaken by this company. They have already questioned at least 1,000 people on the island about the service. They also did a survey of the ranks (incredibly for such a small community, they managed to do so without any taxi drivers being aware of it!). They also examined the taxi bases to see how many calls were received and what the response times were. The survey also invites comments from various organisations - such as those dealing with the disabled, as well as the police etc - about the level of service provided.

The company compiling the survey have extensive experience of the taxi trade, having completed surveys with many local authorities throughout the UK.

With reference to the north of the island - a large part of the problem comes from the fact that one company owns a considerable number of the licence plates in the area; doesn't have enough work to justify keeping them on the road full-time and cannot attract part-time drivers because the rewards are insufficient. Smaller and better-managed outfits (such as Paul H) are left with the task of trying to 'take up the slack' in the area with limited resources.

As for standards - they are dropping, and I am disgusted. There was a time when it was necessary to at least know your way around in order to get a driver's badge - now they're actually allowed to consult a road map when taking the test! It has reached the stage where virtually anyone can get a badge and I firmly believe that this is not going to help provide a decent service to the public!

Finally, if the number of taxis increases beyond a reasonable level, the competition will increase and, in an effort to improve earnings, driving standards will deteriorate as the mad dash to find customers becomes ever more pronounced.

The reason for the survey - which the taxi organisations have been requesting for the past five years - is to find a balance between making a living and providing an acceptable level of service to the public.


NB Amadeus, you can run but you can't hide! :ph34r:

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Taxi fares are outrageous, I have to pay £25 to get home after a night out, how can this be justified when most cars are 15p - 25p per mile in fuel charges? Most taxi drivers have to put in 70+ hours per week and still not earn a respectable wage, infact it dosn't even work out at the minimum wage.

The only people making a profit are the plate owners and they don't care how little you earn as long as they get their greedy cut, as you can tell this makes my blood boil !!!! In my opinion there are too many cars out and not enough work for the drivers apart from peak times, the whole system is wrong and needs a good shake up !!!

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I got a taxi home from Douglas on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning with the the most gorgeous female driver and she was really nice to :wub: even though we were very drunk and possibaly a little annoying. So I know who I'm using in future!

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taxi driving is an unskilled job and as such should be at the lower end of the wage scale.

we need a lot mroe taxis to encourage competition as they are to highly priced.


Over the years I've been in a number of jobs that were defined as 'skilled.'

None of them required the degree of knowledge or ability that taxi driving - done properly - does.

Proliferation of taxis means cheap, unreliable vehicles + drivers who simply don't know their way around - the kind of nightmare situation created in many towns by 'minicabs.'

If you think that's an exaggeration - one new taxi driver (one of those given a badge after being allowed to take a test with a street map alongside him - last night spent the best part of thirty minutes trying to find an estate on the outskirts of Douglas - despite being given precise and helpful directions over the radio!

Another 'newbie' recently asked for directions to Government House because it 'isn't in my book!'


I'm assuming, from his lack of intelligence, typos and spelling errors, and declarations of views from a position of ignorance, that 'kite' is employed in an unskilled job. If he ever manages to improve himself sufficiently then he might - just might - prove capable of making an insecure living as a self-employed taxi driver and enjoy the delights of maintaining a calm/pleasant demeanour in the face of abuse from ignorant p**sheads.

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Driving is a skill, you have to learn to drive and pass a test. Being a taxi driver you have to know the quickest routes to places and learn all the area. It's unsocial hours and your dealing with the public who are not always nice, especially when they've been drinking.


I must admit when I book a cab I do expect it to be a decent car such as a merc so you travel in comfort and not some old runner.

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you dont seem at all able to put forward a viewpoint without insulting others so id say your a taxi driver alright

not bothered in the least about having to give directions to a taxi driver, i know where i live and can tell them. better that than pay 15 per 5 min journey :blink:

they ll soon get to know there way anyway

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you dont seem at all able to put forward a viewpoint without insulting others so id say your a taxi driver alright


You should feel honoured.

Normally I don't insult people simply because they reveal their appalling ignorance.

In your case, however, I'm prepared to make an exception.

You're a complete dickhead.

But Merry Christmas, anyway.

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you dont seem at all able to put forward a viewpoint without insulting others so id say your a taxi driver alright

not bothered in the least about having to give directions to a taxi driver, i know where i live and can tell them. better that than pay 15 per 5 min journey :blink:

they ll soon get to know there way anyway

It really pisses me off when some ignorant members of the public express a blanket opinion on taxi drivers being unskilled and make them out to be some sort of pond life at the bottom of the food chain.


Some of us have qualifications and experience that would allow us to pursue a successful career in many of what you term ‘professional’ capacities.


I for one am sick and tired of being treated like shit by ungrateful piss heads who think we should only too pleased to put up with their drunken and abusive behaviour in exchange for drawing a modest wage.


So, come January I am going to get pissed and go to visit your place of work. Then I will call you a robbing bastard and throw up all over your shop or office. Maybe I will run off without expecting to pay or threaten to beat you up.


Merry Christmas.

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taxi driving is an unskilled job and as such should be at the lower end of the wage scale.

we need a lot mroe taxis to encourage competition as they are to highly priced.


FYI, every taxi on the island charges the same tarif, regardless of whether or not it is a brand new £25,000 Jaguar or an £800 second hand Volvo. More competition would have no effect at all on prices, it will still cost you the same to get home after a night on the beer.

As for your comments about "unskilled" and "lower end of the wage scale" I won't even get started on that. As Lonan3 has stated, doing the job properly requires a lot of skill, patience and knowledge. I have only been driving a couple of months and on occasions I need assistance from other drivers via the radio or my A-Z. This doesn't mean I am a crap taxi driver, just a relatively new one. The island may only be 30 miles long but it is impossible to know every single part of it as soon as you get into the driving seat for the first time. I know drivers who have been doing the job for 30 years and still occasionally get stumped by an address out in the sticks.

I enjoy my job, I get to meet a lot of interesting and nice people (Also a lot of dickheads). I also work the sort of unsocial and long hours that would scare most people away after doing the job for a week. I will be working tomorrow (Christmas day) until 6pm, boxing day and today until midnight. My choice, nobody is forcing me to.

If you had the slightest clue how much it costs to maintain, fuel, insure and run a taxi then you would understand why the prices are at the current levels and why we work so many hours in order to make a living wage.

BTW kite, if you were to learn some basic spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and work out how to present your argument in a well balanced and unabusive fashion you may be taken a little more seriously.


Merry Christmas from Sidneycabs.

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