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The Truth Behind 9/11


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Hijack 'suspects' alive and well - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1559151.stm


Furthermore another article explains that the pilot who lives in Casablanca was named Walid al-Shri (not Waleed M. al-Shehri) and that much of the BBC information regarding "alive" hijackers was incorrect according to the same sources used by BBC. These include various sources from Saudi Arabia.




For everything you post, there's something that contradicts it. But no doubt you'll dimiss it and palm it off as nonsense yet you still fail to understand or accept why people do the same to you.

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What books are you reading anyway??


Nothing to do with 9/11


The Dam Book (It's about digital asset management)

Adobe Photoshop for Photographers CS2

The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers

Route 66 Lost and Found (hoping to drive it this year)

and several fiction books

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It makes a huge difference to the 911 story that building was pulled. How would they go about putting the explosives in place to do such a thing? When did they do it? Why did they do it?


Actually, I think you'll find that it was well reported at the time that they were destroying the buildings immediately around the World Trade Centre because their structure and foundations had been damaged by the shockwave of the twin towers falling. It's standard practice to demolish such buildings when they pose an immediate threat. As for how they would do it, building seven was significantly smaller than the twin towers, and if it had already sustained structural damage and had been evacuated, it would be a relatively easy task to get an emergency team of engineers in there to do the job.


But a far, far more pertinant question is why on earth do you see this as suspicious, as indicative that the twin towers attack was contrived by the US government? It simply makes no sense.


The 9-11 Commission didnt even mention building 7 in its final report.


Why should it? The 9-11 Commission focused on the attacks themselves, that surrounding buildings had to be removed for saftey reasons comes as no surprise. The terrorists didn't attack that building, although the attack did affect it. In short, the Commission was set up to find answers on how such an attack could happen - in the circumstances the damage sustained and the destruction of building seven was no mystery, and of no direct relevance to the question.


You do realise that you have no evidence at all, don't you? That, in a perverse way, you're attempting to use that lack of evidence to support your own claims.


I have a similar claim I wish to make. Dinosaurs didn't die, they evolved into super intelligent space dinosaurs who to this day communicate with our governments to keep their existence a secret. Now, we know that the dinosaurs disappeared, YET THERE IS NO MENTION OF THIS EXPLANATION IN REPORTS ON THE PREHISTORIC ERA!!!! Suspicious, no? How could they all disappear? And why? And how did mammals suddenly take their place as the dominant species without help from space dinosaurs?


Here I took an unsubstantiated assumption (That dinosaurs left the planet and communicate with our government) and backed it up with a lack of evidence, and an ignorance of other relevant facts (collision of meteorites, the fossil record, evolution and biology), eventually confusing my initial assumption with an empirical conclusion. That's exactly what you're doing - working backwards from a conclusion, a path upon which it's all too easy to neglect or ignore contradictory evidence or information that might be useful in drawing a valid conclusion.


We need to be more vigilant and alert than that if we're going to combat the dread menace of the space dinosaurs.

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Crozza pretty much summed it up. You blatently won't answer any of the questions he puts forward. Please show us all these websites that disprove our 'theories'.


Oddly enough, the same applies to you crackheads.


Oh, and I wanted to know your name just out of curiosity. No need to shit your pants.


Oh believe you me, there's no pantshitting going on here. I was actually looking forward to your miserable routine. Sorely disappointed now :(


21:00 hours, Strand 58, don't be late.


Anyways, this thread, as previously stated, is going nowhere.


Basically I have a lot of time for independant journalism. Two name but a few, John Pilger and Alex Jones are the most honest journalists I've ever encountered. The former being more so. These brave fuckers are the real journalists. Their views are based on decades of research into all kinds of lies created by governments and their media. Whether it be 9/11 or whatever fucking else you want to label a conspiracy theory, all they want to know is the truth. They share their information freely and carry out their journalism independantly. Neither are high earners, yet they pour everything into making their information available to everyone.


They've taught me alot about how evil people can be and how much megalomania there is in the world. They've also shown me my own ignorance and how wrong I was about alot of things... Ans. But once that's out of the way, you'll do fine.


Oh and for fuck sake, give crozza a break. He's asked alot of questions that people still won't answer. You can't just keep hiding behind the, oh not another 9/11 conspiracy shite. Alot more has been mentioned since the beginning of this thread.



You do realise that you have no evidence at all, don't you? That, in a perverse way, you're attempting to use that lack of evidence to support your own claims.


I have a similar claim I wish to make. Dinosaurs didn't die, they evolved into super intelligent space dinosaurs who to this day communicate with our governments to keep their existence a secret. Now, we know that the dinosaurs disappeared, YET THERE IS NO MENTION OF THIS EXPLANATION IN REPORTS ON THE PREHISTORIC ERA!!!! Suspicious, no? How could they all disappear? And why? And how did mammals suddenly take their place as the dominant species without help from space dinosaurs?


Here I took an unsubstantiated assumption (That dinosaurs left the planet and communicate with our government) and backed it up with a lack of evidence, and an ignorance of other relevant facts (collision of meteorites, the fossil record, evolution and biology), eventually confusing my initial assumption with an empirical conclusion. That's exactly what you're doing - working backwards from a conclusion, a path upon which it's all too easy to neglect or ignore contradictory evidence or information that might be useful in drawing a valid conclusion.


We need to be more vigilant and alert than that if we're going to combat the dread menace of the space dinosaurs.


I find your post ironic, considering you believe that the US was infiltrated by these crazy Jihadi warriors who conduct all their business in caves. All that organisation from a cave. Hats off to Bin Laden and co. Shame that, with all the billions spent on military technology by us and the US, we still can't find him or any WMD's for that matter. At least we found the video tapes mind you.


These fuckers could teach us a thing or two.

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I find your post ironic, considering you believe that the US was infiltrated by these crazy Jihadi warriors who conduct all their business in caves. All that organisation from a cave. Hats off to Bin Laden and co. Shame that, with all the billions spent on military technology by us and the US, we still can't find him or any WMD's for that matter. At least we found the video tapes mind you.


These fuckers could teach us a thing or two.


'Infiltrated'? You seem to be labouring under some delusion that the US prior to the 7/11 attack was some kind of continental Colditz! Either that, or you're pitifully unaware of the clumsiness of your own rhetoric. It was hardly difficult to get a flight to the US, or to purchase flight lessons in that same country. A feature of all liberal democracies is their vulnerable borders. Similarly, the hijacking of planes hardly requires a criminal mastermind. To hijack a number of them requires audacity, certainly, but little more. That there are those who will sacrifice themselves and kill innocents for a cause there is no doubt, that it was a relatively simple affair to gain a tourist visa and flight to the US is also hardly beyond the realms of possibility. The difference between 7/11 and other terrorist outrages is simply a matter of scale, not difficulty or complexity.


Compare this with the fanciful delusion into which you so readily retreat, rather than face a world in which random destruction is all too possible! Your entire worldview is nothing more than a crude caricature of views, with simple arabs incapable of such a task, and a malevolent US government capable of the most intricate, cold hearted, and machiavellin of deceits!


Never mind that the motives put forth for this conspiracy don't make sense, or that on one hand it presents us with a US government capable of the most complex reasoning one moment and near ludicrous lack of foresight the next. Or the singularly glaring lack of support within the academic community for the theories behind the claimed disparities between the physical facts of 7/11 and the official version. The simple fact of the matter is that all the evidence put forth in this discussion so far on the side of the conpiracy theory has been spurious at best, and outright nonsense at the worst. Where contrary explanations to the conspiracy version have been given they have been ignored or evaded, buried under a subsequent bombardment of secondary questions. Where clarification and elaboration has been sought it has been met with the same stock responses and dizzying examples of circular thought that inspired the request in the first place.


I at least have some respect for Crozza, given that he/she will persevere at length in his or her views on here. Given, however, that your contribution to the debate thus far has been little more than claiming an expansive knowledge of these affairs that has thus far been sadly lacking in demonstration, the very occassional reference to a laughably biased source, and a vaguely supercillious demeanour, I don't think you're in any position to point out whatever happens to pass for irony in your mind in anyone's posts.

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So how do we break the circle? I'm probably leaning towards the wishy, washy middle ground here, but what, and how? Despite the contrary posts, I remain convinced that 9/11 was exactly as it seemed on TV; a dastardly attack which paid off more fold than was ever expected.

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