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The Truth Behind 9/11


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I need help here.

There are lots of people on this thread trying to tell me that the American Government organised the deaths of thousands of its own people, many of whom made a helluva lot of money for America, for what exactly?



Why didn't they just organise a pipeline arrangement like French and Russian companies had?


Religious reasons?

Nope, I think that was the excuse of people citing Islamic Jihad.


World domination?

Why did it need to slaughter thousands of innocent workers in America to do that? Couldn't it just have invaded a few countries anyway?


Please tell me in a nutshell and don't direct me to videos. I mentioned on another topic that as a dialup girl I don't watch them.

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The Topic, just won't die!


But I am still fascinated by this.


Crozza, and who ever else things they know about this, I've a question for you ...


How many people do you think were directly involved in the initial conspiracy on 911? ie how many people knew inadvance that the buildings were going to fall on September the 11th?


IE the people who wired the explosives into WTC 1, 2, and 7.


The people who actually took control of the planes, either directly or remotely ... I'm not sure what you believe about the people identified as the highjackers ... were they involved or were other people?


The people who re-insured the buildings, the people who took short positions out on the stock exchange?


I'm not sure what you think about Flight 93, and Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. So if you are adding in, or excluding, the unit who fired the missile at the Pentagon can you tell me.


I presume you think the chain of command started right at the top, ie Bush, Cheney and Rumsfelt and moved down from them ... I also presume you believe Bush pre-planned to sit there like a chump for 20 odd minutes to improve his ratings by making himself look like a dynamic war time leader?


After you've done the estimate, could you tell me what percentage of them have been murdered or brainwashed to ensure they won't spill the beans ... AH ... I get it ... this is what they've done to Bush ... Yes they fried his brain to ensure he couldn't snitch.


So lets say we start with X people directly in the know .... Y have been dealt with so we end up with Z people fully aware of the Truth that the US government deliberately fabricated the terrorist attack, wired the buildings with explosives etc.


How many people knew? I'd love to know what you think?


PS please don't give me 400 pages of quotes from right wing politicians, or 400 web sites telling me what other people think ... I am asking for an answer from you, not the internet.

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chinahand, think you're being a bit mischievous there- to be fair no-one's presented their theory as THE answer but I reckon with your knowledge of china you would know how totalitarian regimes work..therefore you'd also know about compartmentalised security and so on- very few people would ever know the whole plan; national security, bluffs, double bluff, wargames, simulations etc could all be used to coerce people who participated. Do you think that witnesses in the Kennedy assassination were ordered shot or killed because 'they knew what happened in Dallas'? No, they were portrayed as enemies of the state, a threat to national security. My figure- perhaps 100 people had a major role in it. Personally...I actually think GW Bush might have been a target but that's a personal pet theory.

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An honest and serious question for Crozza.


Do you honestly seriously and with a 'straight face' believe the ‘information’ that you have been presenting with regard to what took place on 9/11?

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How can u say what the truth is if we have never been told the true facts, that is all anyone one wants.


Nobody wants to think these things all we want is the reasons why this happened and how it happened.


In a country so organised as the USA how was it some cave dwellers were able to do what they did from a cave in the arsehole of the universe.


Answers to questions thats all these so called conspiracy nutters want, how can you call someone who has different ideas to yourself a nutter.


Are we not all individuals in this life ?

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Cui bono



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Cui bono ("Good for whom?", or "Who benefits?") is a Latin adage which means that the person or people guilty of committing a crime may be found amongst those who have something to gain, perhaps financially. Although the principle is useful in criminal investigations, the party with the most to gain may not always be obvious, or the guilty party may distract attention by diverting attention on to a scapegoat. The expression is said to have been coined by Latin consul and censor Lucius Cassius Longinus Ravilla.

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I have my own thoughts and beliefs about what took place and why. I also have my own thoughts about those people who believe the dam fool conspiracy theories circulated by the mad, sad, and bad.


In today’s world to use Occams Razor may result in a cut finger from time to time but certainly not in the case of 9/11.

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