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The Truth Behind 9/11


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That ones pretty weird :o


What's weird about typing in a completely unrelated fictional flight number and getting a result featuring the Star of David.


Unless, of course, you're another one who believes everything on the Internets.

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That ones pretty weird :o


What's weird about typing in a completely unrelated fictional flight number and getting a result featuring the Star of David.


Unless, of course, you're another one who believes everything on the Internets.


I didnt check the flight number so I didnt know it was fictional or unrelated.


I therefore bow to your all seeing eyes <_<

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I didnt check the flight number so I didnt know it was fictional or unrelated.


Maybe you should have read the post I made on the last page linking to the article debunking the whole thing as fantasy then. Would have been less effort.


Also, Star of David? Come on, you don't need to read anything to know this wasn't a Jewish attack. No doubt there's a conspiracy theory that it is though.

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Debunk the molten metal found in the basements levels during the clean up. Debunk the hot spots found by the NASA thermal imaging device, with hot spots beyond the melting point of aluminium. Debunk the demolition of building 7. Debunk the promotions given after 911 for a job well done. Debunk that fact the alleged hijackers werent Muslim fundamentalists who enjoyed alcohol, cocaine, strip bars and couldnt fly cessnas. Debunk the document 199I-WF uncovered by Greg Palast of Newsnight which prevented the FBI from investigating Abdullah bin Laden the treasurer of WAMY (World Assembly of Muslin Youth), a "suspected terrorist organisation" according to the state depratment. Debunk the laws of physics that seemed to be suspended just on 911. How the fuck can a collapse (downward motion) cause concrete to be pulverised, steel beams to be smashed into small pieces and projected up and outwards???

I can debunk all that stuff with no problem. What happened was that some terrorists flew some jets full of fuel into the Twin Towers. It was something that had never happened before or been envisaged or even modelled so everything that was observed was a new discovery.


There you go...

I could go on and on and on and on....

What do you mean you could go on and on?



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I've been watching this thread for weeks with interest. Unfortunately I have no evidence to contribute but that doesn't mean I necessarily accept what the Americans tell us. There are too many unanswered questions to simply agree with everything Dubya states. It's thanks to the likes of Crozza that we don't just accept everything we're told. Keep it up!

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that's all I;d ask for too- just a little willingness to think about a couple of the big flaws and see if they do or don't add up. If you 'believe' in democracy then you'll do this. I'm not saying that everything is different from the official line, just that there are elements that don't add up. You never see the sceptics saying that although they don't believe the theories there aren't also bits that they can't explain.

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That page you posted dosent debunk shit!


I hate to break it to you, but it debunks the exact thing I posted it in relation to; the email that newman posted. I appreciate that context and common sense aren't exactly trains that stop in your station, but you might want to look a bit harder before you launch off into your tirade.


Still, you seem to read what you want to see everywhere else, why should here be different?

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Full of fuel?? So the aircrafts didnt use any fuel from when they took off at their airports to when they were hijacked and flown into the towers? Look at this image, as you can see the majority of the jet fuel that was left in the plane exploded outside the towers and quickly burned up.
So the majority of the jet fuel exploded outside the towers? You can base that on a photograph taken of an event never seen or recorded before? By all means explain how this was measured. By the way "it's obvious" is not a measurement. That should keep you occupied and beneath the event horizon for weeks. Alternatively just ignore it, like most of your basis in "fact".
The Boeing 767-200ER is capable of carrying up to 24,000 gallons of fuel. FEMA calculated that the jets had 10,000 gallons of jet fuel remaining. Most of which burnt up quickly on the initial impacts. They estimate that around 3,500 gallons of jet fuel was left to burn away inside the towers.
Only 3,500 gallons of jet fuel left. Are you sure? I mean, that's more than enough to soften up steel beams with their fire-retardent material blown off as subsequent events proved.
The towers were designed to have a fully loaded aircraft crash into them as the construction manager of the towers stated in a video on Jan 25th 2001.

"The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting."

In the same video he also stated that they didn't factor in how the impact and explosion would strip the steel beams of their heat/fire protection which meant they were vulnerable to the heat of the fire, how they would buckle and fail and that was the reason the structures collapsed in the way they did.


It's all in the video which I have seen. Errrr... isn't it time for your lie down....

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