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The Truth Behind 9/11


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...the pentagon one ... - there was no wing debris at all..


There was no debris at that hotel in France where the Concord crashed.

(Photos look like a field.)

Large heavy objects crashing at high speed release enormous amounts of energy.

Enough to make a solid-looking plane or building behave like a fluid.

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How many fake bin Ladens are there?:




Clearly a fake picture of bin Laden Look at the ring


another one




and another one




and he never uses his right hand ... no of course not






Shit the CIA is out there doctoring photos all over the web.

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It says in your interests "I'll try anything once...", why dont you try opening your ignorant little mind? All you seem to be able to offer to this debate is childish little 'your're all conspiracy freaks' jibes.


I agree with Sarahc and anyone else who thinks "you're all conspiracy freaks".


You're all conspiracy freaks



Don't take my name in vain! I never said that!


(doesn't mean I don't agree...)

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P.S. that stuff Newman went on about is absolute bullshit


Apology accepted.



I been away from the forum for a short while, so which bit of what I wrote was bullshit?


the email sent to me about the number 11 yes I agree is totally fictitious, and yes bow to Ans' points raised


The stuff I wrote about the media coverage is fact,


I have/had colleagues in Spokane Washington State and Coeur D Alene Idaho, working for a company called Centre Partners, part of Comcast.


The news coverage there was not as explicit as the news shown by Skyor ITN at the time.

My colleagues were able to view news reports by logging into the Sky News websites up until the reports were taken off the site


I merely wanted to point out that us british have different news reports broadcast compared with the ones my colleagues were seeing in the Northwest of America.

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'surprised this is still going.


I completely agree with certain posts, the PNAC guys (who are a bunch of nasty, scheming scumbags, most of whom have checkered pasts) are the guys who pull the strings.


Their object is global domination, if you don't believe me visit the website. The War on Terror gave them the perfect excuse for what they're doing now. If you can't be bothered to consider this don't reply with snide comments


I learned about PNAC 3 yrs ago, though thanks to free speech on the web it was only 1 yr ago I thought 9/11 was a very convenient disaster.


Cheney & Rumsfeld especially are very shady characters, even British diplomats have stated this, and both financially, especially Cheney, had a lot to gain from a lot of wars, he still officially has $8M of Hailburton stock options, the share price of which has doubled in the last year so his options will have increased many times in value, I'm guessing maybe $40M??


Incidentally, it was Cheney who got the US to lift trade embargoes with Iran beacuse it was bad for business when he was CEO of Haliburton and Rummy was Saddam's old mate from the cold war.. funny how they both do an about turn when they want


Why haven't they caught Bin Laden? because he scares the hell out of America and props up the PNAC guys.. if he's caught.. what then??

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I'd echo crozza re: chinahand- I appreciate his opinions and knowledge on the topic, even if I don't necessarily agree, they're interesting; however- I would say in general, I don't think the US defense budget can really be distilled into a couple of posts however detailed; depending how you analyse it, it can seem fairly reasonable; weight the budget against GDP; factor in inflation, the shape of the US yield curve (their government's borrowing rate) and take into account the size of their deficits. It's not so much about the absolute levels but who the capital flows to and what it is used for; there's also quite a bit of discretion and playing with words.


Ans- while I'd normally agree that expert opinion is generally valued re: theTool's comment about structural engineers, think that's a very dumb statement you made there; sure you're capable of googling a bit but conflict between lay and 'expert' opinion happens in every field and it doesn't always turn out that the expert was 'right', see equitable life (actuaries vs pensioners) and so on. If the world revolved around your axis of thinking then einstein wouldn't have challenged maxwell's thinking on relativity and so on; you've just kneecapped your brain.


wilddog- yeah, says it all- cue sycophantic fartknocker to post a big picture with comedy caption with words to the effect of 'you don't have to be crazy to work here'........

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I merely wanted to point out that us british have different news reports broadcast compared with the ones my colleagues were seeing in the Northwest of America.


You aint wrong there... IMHO The news is Dumbed down here, (im based in the states) not only that you rarley here about events on a global level - Unless you switch NBC for the BBC world service...


Crozza - I checked out that sight, interesting quote from Shrub, he 'alledgedly' told his biographer in 1999 that 'he thought it was his political destiny to invade Iraq.' Full story www.gnn.tv/articles/article.php?id=761 I mean how the feck in 1999 could he have been convinced of that already? MMM maybe because he's a shady fcuk wit, who before the elections knew he was going to gain the presidency, no matter what the vote count... no doubt was being groomed since his days in the Skull and Bones society to play along and do his part... cuz lets face it, the man is a joke, personally I doubt he can tie his own shoe laces....


Edited to add this quote: the state is absolute and individuals are granted their freedoms based on their obedience to the state -- a New World Order.

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