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The Truth Behind 9/11


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What strange and convulated reasoning.


But then, I guess there will always be those who look for another 'truth' when they can't understand reality.


Ho hum. Ever thus.

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The Pentagon have released more security video footage of the Pentagon crash.


Its meant to be on the Judicial Watch site, but I can't get on to it, probably too much traffic!


The BBC also has coverage: here.


I doubt if the images will show anything conclusive. They are security cameras which take 2 60th of a second shots every second: ie they miss 96.66667% of what happens. Its highly likely the actual impact occurred between shots, so all we'll see is Nothing then post explosion fire ball.


But at least by releasing it they'll stop some of the conspiracy theorists ... what am I saying ... evidence ... no of course its all doctored.

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not sure if its been posted on here, (cba going though all the pages) but that video has been on a flash video which explained lots about the Pentagon on 9/11. Pretty intresting to watch, i'll try and dig it out if anyone is intrested (or if it hasn't already been posted).



If anyone is intrested Link

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not sure if its been posted on here, (cba going though all the pages) but that video has been on a flash video which explained lots about the Pentagon on 9/11. Pretty intresting to watch, i'll try and dig it out if anyone is intrested (or if it hasn't already been posted).



If anyone is intrested Link


This site needs a look at, good luck if you can find her ;)


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Before any more sensational attempts are made to ignore the thousands of witness statements, the evidence from air traffic control logs etc etc etc. Please read the witness statements and look at these photos of debris from the Pentagon found here:


Photos Of Flt 77 Wreckage Inside The Pentagon


If you believe that a plane didn't hit the Pentagon you either also believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and a flat earth, or are ignorant. Although the internet has many false alleys it does contain useful information, please use it wisely.

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I don't really believe it, but there does seem to be a lot of evidence to suggest that something fishy went on. ;)


Something fishy indeed, I like this guys take on the matter!





Tuesday, 16 May 2006

Oh Please!


'Video' released of 'Flight 77' hitting the Pentagon


Security cameras all around the Pentagon looking in all directions and this is all they can produce?? So what did happen to Flight 77 on September 11th 2001?



What's the word I'm searching for here? Oh yeah ... pathetic.




Breaking story ....


Pentagon release pictures of fairies at the bottom of the garden ...




What do you mean? Surely you can see them ...




"Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius"

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But at least by releasing it they'll stop some of the conspiracy theorists ... what am I saying ... evidence ... no of course its all doctored.


You do realise that the government's view of the chain of events is purely based upon a conspiracy too?

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Hm..some threads really never die...


I, like many people, usually laugh at the tinfoil hat brigade and their conspiracy ideas, but one very bored morning, I watched a thingy on Google video called Loose Change - it's over an hour long (yes, I was really bored..), but it looked quite well done and researched. I'm still not taking anything in it by face value obviously, but if some of the things in it turn out to be true, then it might be worth thinking about it more.


Although I still think not even the US of A could pull off a stunt like that, the one thing that did make me wonder (before I read any of this conspiracy stuff btw) was, how amateur pilots would be able to fly powerful jetplanes into small targets. I love planes and flying, and am currently saving up for my PPL, but even trying to fly a jet in the simulator (i.e. MS Flight Sim 2000) is a tricky task, let alone directing one of these things into a target on the ground. I somehow doubt that anyone who only had basic VFR training on a Cessna could even find the targets hit on 9/11 with a big Boeing, let alone hit them...


I stil doubt it's the big conspiracy, but some things lack an explanation...


Edited to add: That Loose Change film is currently number 2 on the Google top 100 videos, so more and more people seem to take an interest in this, whatever that may mean...

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I stil doubt it's the big conspiracy, but some things lack an explanation...


Edited to add: That Loose Change film is currently number 2 on the Google top 100 videos, so more and more people seem to take an interest in this, whatever that may mean...


You have to say that the speed the towers fell was mayb a little "dodgy"


"9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions" (DVD)

by Steven E. Jones




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