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The Truth Behind 9/11


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I stil doubt it's the big conspiracy, but some things lack an explanation...


Edited to add: That Loose Change film is currently number 2 on the Google top 100 videos, so more and more people seem to take an interest in this, whatever that may mean...


You have to say that the speed the towers fell was mayb a little "dodgy"


"9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions" (DVD)

by Steven E. Jones




TBH - that was the last thing on my mind - a building going down is a building going down - as far as I'm concerned, they all look the same... But some of the other stuff in it makes you wonder, like the one having hit the Pentagon.


Who knows, maybe the tinfoil army is right, and this will turn out to be the biggest thing in recent history - that Loose Change thing certainly is well done for a 'conspiracy nutcase' movie...

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What I don't understand is why wait 5 years to release this video? Why wasn't this video released on day +1? head off the 'conspiracy theorists' at the pass....



Do I believe the official line on 9/11? Nah... If that makes me a conspiracy theorist... well then, I guess that makes you a coincidence theorist.

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Please if you would take the time to watch, http://www.checktheevidence.com/video/911/...%201%202006.wmv


Prof Steven E. Jones explains alot of information,thats if you take the time to see the entire film!!!

Check it with an open mind, or would you sooner watch the likes of "Eastenders"?


This seems to be half the problem, we are all kept in the dark, and fed-on shite!


"Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius"

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These type of sites sprung up soon after 9/11 and I can't help thinking they're all a load of bollocks


Totally agree.

the fact is governments around the globe are more that happy for you to beleive that it is all bollocks,because while you are taking no notice they are getting away with murder,dont forget it is all part of the NEW WORLD ORDER,people are being told to put there total trust in the government,for security reasons,but beware,if you give up your liberty for security,you deserve neither liberty or security........

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These type of sites sprung up soon after 9/11 and I can't help thinking they're all a load of bollocks


Totally agree.

the governments around the globe are quite happy for you to beleive its all bollocks,because while you are taking no notice,they are getting away with MURDER,its all part of the NEW WORLD ORDER,people are being told to put their total trust in the government,for security reasons,but beware,if you give up your liberty for security,you deserve neither liberty or security,and to go with that the government slogan,YOU ARE FREE TO DO AS WE TELL YOU..............

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You've just made me realise what a shame it is that the late great Bill Hicks is not around any more. I wonder what he would have made of it all?


I think I know exactly what bill would have said !!!



"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration - that we are all One Consciousness, experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather....'"


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Please if you would take the time to watch, http://www.checktheevidence.com/video/911/...%201%202006.wmv


Prof Steven E. Jones explains alot of information,thats if you take the time to see the entire film!!!

Check it with an open mind, or would you sooner watch the likes of "Eastenders"?


This seems to be half the problem, we are all kept in the dark, and fed-on shite!



So, does anyone else have any serious concerns about the official version of events??



QUOTE(The Old Git @ Dec 24 2005, 12:39 PM)


These type of sites sprung up soon after 9/11 and I can't help thinking they're all a load of bollocks




Totally agree.




"Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius"













"Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius"

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I loved watching Fox News when it was announced that more clips of the Pentagon were going to be released. They flapped their gums for a good hour + saying that this will put all the conspiracy theories to bed. When they finally saw the shoddy clips they soon shut up.


I personally think that a plane did hit the Pentagon. Although with the avaliable evidence it's hard to prove it either way. It could easily be smear campaign on the 9/11 truth movement to get everyone debating the Pentagon while leaving all the other evidence alone.


My reason for thinking that is because the media always seems to focus upon the Pentagon issue and not more obvious aspects of the fairytale like building 7, the speed of the collapse of the towers, the molten metal found under all 3 buildings, Mohammed Atta being a cocaine snorting, hooker loving, pork chop muching, Beastie Boy fan of a Islamic fundamentalist etc etc etc. Why would they go to all the trouble of not flying a plane into the Pentagon when they would have to get rid of the plane and all its contents anyway?? It makes no sense to me at all.


These little images could just be there to stir up a debate and get everyone focused on the Pentagon and then in 6 months to a years time they could easily release a video (they have admitted they have 84 tapes from around the Pentagon) showing a boeing smashing into the Penatgon and therefore discredit all the hard work by the 9/11 truthers.


Forget about it! Let's focus on the REAL issues at hand, rather than something you cannot prove either way. Plane or no plane hitting the Pentagon, it was an inside job anyway! Could Al Qaeda run drills that day to confuse the FAA and NORAD that made them not to follow standard operating procedure? Could Al Qaeda disable the anti-aircraft missile system in the Pentagon that should have shot down any aircraft in the Pentagons airspace? Did Al Qaeda write how they needed a catalizing and catatrophic Pearl Harbour like event to push the Neo-cons agenda forward for all out war in the Middle East? Did Al Qaeda place the orders to invade Afghanistan on Bush's desk 2 days before 9/11? Can Al Qaeda suspend the laws of physics? Do Al Qaeda even exist outside the western intelligence agencies and western media? I dont mean dirty little Islams that want to kill Westerners I mean a real group called Al Qaeda.


Who has the most to gain from all this?? The arabs or the select globalist corporations like Halliburton, KBR, the oil beasts and the weapons people?


The people running the US and (Great? Ha) Britain are evil lying pieces of shit who you wouldnt trust to tell you the time. If at first they dont suceed, lie, lie again. Its an orgy of corruption and they would have to reincarnate several hundred times to serve the prison sentences they deserve.


The Pentagon needs to be debated but dont make it out to be the only area of 9/11 that is iffy to say the least.


I have baby puke on my bed, I will continue this another time.





Great post.


What did everyone make of Colbert's speech at the Whitehouse Correspondent's Dinner?



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