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The Truth Behind 9/11


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Can you tell me why you only post on this topic Dr_Dave? Does nothing else on the forums interest you?


Well I quite liked the look of that New TV thread in General Chat. Why? Can I get the same level of agile discourse in other threads do you reckon?



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Still not answering my questions Albert?

I am not going to debate my thoughts on this further. It just keeps going around in circles. Time will tell.


But Albert we haven't debated your thoughts ... all we've had is you going "don't believe it", "don't believe it", "don't believe it".


No explanations of why you don't trust the researchers.


No explanations of what you thought actually happened.


Just I don't believe it.


I and others have provided you lots of information and all you've said is ... not convinced, but no attempt to explain why this is so ... if this is the only thoughts you've got on the issue ... well its a rather odd position. Are their any other issues where you just reject things without explanation?

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Well maybe i haven't read enough pages but from what i can see everyone is just saying that albert's wrong, Because some "experts" have looked at it, Probably been paid off.


There are lots of things that don't add up, But i really don't know what to believe, Things like 8 hijackers names where people found to be alive and well in other countries!, Why an insurance policy was taken out a month or few before or why some people where told not to go to the WTC on 9/11.


Also some tapes being took from the FBI and no report in to what actually happened.


It'll be like the Diana case, More and more will come out as the years go by.

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It'll be like the Diana case, More and more will come out as the years go by.


I very much doubt that.

Theres no conspiracy here, just plain facts. Terrorists flew planes into buildings, building collapses. See my post on page, er umm.............. I'm sure you'll find it when you all re-read the topic.

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It'll be like the Diana case, More and more will come out as the years go by.


I very much doubt that.

Theres no conspiracy here, just plain facts. Terrorists flew planes into buildings, building collapses. See my post on page, er umm.............. I'm sure you'll find it when you all re-read the topic.


Diana case - Driver crashes into a pillar/post in a French tunnel, Diana dies, Simply, no conspiracy there.


There are many missing bits of info about the 9/11 attacks.

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It'll be like the Diana case, More and more will come out as the years go by.


I very much doubt that.

Theres no conspiracy here, just plain facts. Terrorists flew planes into buildings, building collapses. See my post on page, er umm.............. I'm sure you'll find it when you all re-read the topic.


Diana case - Driver crashes into a pillar/post in a French tunnel, Diana dies, Simply, no conspiracy there.


There are many missing bits of info about the 9/11 attacks.


Eh? You brought it up in the first place...? Am I missing something there...? It's all a conspiracy against me!!!

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Eh? You brought it up in the first place...? Am I missing something there...? It's all a conspiracy against me!!!


No not you, it's me. The conspiracy theorists think it's a conspiracy that you think it's you, now I'm saying it's me. So now they think that we're cooking up a conspiracy, together.


Anyone who thinks that the WTC was a conspiracy really needs their heads examined. Oh and before any of you conspiracy theorists come back with copy and pasted pages of tosh, don't bother because I don't read it.


There are many missing bits of info about the 9/11 attacks.


There are many missing bits of information about a lot of things in this world but that doesn't make them conspiracies. They can be explained, for example: like the case of my missing cheese and tomato sandwich at lunch time today, it just disappeared into thin air.

I know the martians came down and took it to analyse in their space ship, but I didn't see them because they're invisible, just like there space ship. After they did lots of experiments on said cheese sarnie they eat it.

Yep and there was me thinking it was some weird conspiracy but it wasn't. It was just hungry people from outa space.

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Ask yourselves this:


Who has done well out of the war on terror ?


Is it Bin Lid the boogeyman


Is it the people making arms


Is it the iraqi people


Is it the afghans


Is it the oil giants pushing up record prices



Does anyone feel safer since 9/11 i know i don't.


use your heads for f*cksake 9/11 was a catalyst to make money.


Oil thats all it is about.

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The terrorist organisations have got exactly what they have been trying to achieve for the past 15 years.


So i would say they have got the most out of 9/11, if this was all about oil then these terrorists dont exist?


I really dont want to get into the whole aliens raped my hampster stuff, there are unexplained thisngs that happened on 9/11 and frankly i dont give a shit about them i would rather think about the next time that these people get lucky and catch the western world off guard because its only a matter of time before another terrorist attack of epic proportions happens and what are the theorists going to blame that on?

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It'll be like the Diana case, More and more will come out as the years go by.


I very much doubt that.

Theres no conspiracy here, just plain facts. Terrorists flew planes into buildings, building collapses. See my post on page, er umm.............. I'm sure you'll find it when you all re-read the topic.


Diana case - Driver crashes into a pillar/post in a French tunnel, Diana dies, Simply, no conspiracy there.


There are many missing bits of info about the 9/11 attacks.


Eh? You brought it up in the first place...? Am I missing something there...? It's all a conspiracy against me!!!


Where ever there is bits of missing info, There is a possible conspiracy!


Some of the conspiracies are a possibility, Some are stupid, Like the building being rigged with bombs while there was a power cut and no one was there accept engineers, I think at least 1 out of 1000 people would notice at least one bomb, There would of had to been a lot of bombs to bring the building down!

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