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The Truth Behind 9/11


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Where ever there is bits of missing info, There is a possible conspiracy!


So if you do an assignment/project for school/college/work, whatever, and you miss some information out of it, in your book that's a conspiracy is it?

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Where ever there is bits of missing info, There is a possible conspiracy!


So if you do an assignment/project for school/college/work, whatever, and you miss some information out of it, in your book that's a conspiracy is it?


:lol: I think you know exactly what I mean, In a case like Diana's or 9/11 etc, Where ever info is missing or hidden from the public eye, There is conspiracys to be made!

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Where ever there is bits of missing info, There is a possible conspiracy!


So if you do an assignment/project for school/college/work, whatever, and you miss some information out of it, in your book that's a conspiracy is it?


:lol: I think you know exactly what I mean, In a case like Diana's or 9/11 etc, Where ever info is missing or hidden from the public eye, There is conspiracys to be made!


See now that's where you lost me before. You think 9/11 is a conspiracy and said that more 'stuff' came out over the years re. Di yet you don't think that was a conspiracy? So what are you saying? That in a few years time when more stuff comes out about 9/11, you'll forget all the CTs and admit it was all a load of crap afer all? Do you think that everything is a conspiracy until proven otherwise?

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See now that's where you lost me before. You think 9/11 is a conspiracy and said that more 'stuff' came out over the years re. Di yet you don't think that was a conspiracy? So what are you saying? That in a few years time when more stuff comes out about 9/11, you'll forget all the CTs and admit it was all a load of crap afer all? Do you think that everything is a conspiracy until proven otherwise?


I think you've just lost me!


I'm not sure what to think about 9/11, There is lots of missing information that should be released, As for the Di case, Experts in that case said nothing else happened (like 9/11), Yet the public believe something went on and it wasn't as simple as a crash. I do to.


CT nuts will normaly try to make everything a conspiracy untill it is proven otherwise, I don't think like that but I'm saying that everything could be a possible conspiracy, Although some more obvious than others.


The only reason i said that was because people where mentioning about they believe this and that, Where told they are idiots/stupid, If you look at some of the CT's, Some are quite possible and then you have the evidence of the building, The damage and everything else, People are going to make up there on minds as to what they think did or didn't happen.

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I would just line to see one picture of the Plane that hit the Pentagon. There does not seem to be one anywhere. It can't of been completely buried. Plus its a bit shaky on what happened to any wreckage, even the black box was not recovered.


That seems odd to anyone just looking at the situation. Very, very odd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a bit surprised no one has posted about the Sunday Times story last weekend. The videos are interesting, though without sound, and show Atta in his fundamentalist guise rather than the modernist he portrayed in America and Europe.


I'd be interested in any comments from people who don't think Atta fits into the role of fundamentalist Al Qaeda member. The video looks to weaken their case considerably.


The laughing 9/11 bombers

FILM of the ringleader of the September 11 hijackers reading his “martyrdom” will inside Afghanistan at Osama Bin Laden’s headquarters has emerged five years after the Al-Qaeda outrage.


It is the first time that a videotape has appeared of Mohammed Atta — who flew an American Airlines plane into the north tower of the World Trade Center — at a training camp in Afghanistan. It fills in a significant gap in the timing of the build-up to the attacks on the United States.


American and German investigators have struggled to find evidence of Atta’s whereabouts in January 2000 after he disappeared from Hamburg. The hour-long tape places him in Afghanistan at a decisive moment in the development of the conspiracy when he was given operational command. Months later both he and Jarrah enrolled at flying schools in America.


Investigators have also puzzled over the fact that unlike the rest of the hijackers — most of whom were young Saudi fundamentalists — Atta and Jarrah were well educated and appeared to fit into western society while studying in Germany. The video indicates how easily they slipped from a western identity to a fundamentalist one. It also shows up the subterfuge they maintained in Germany and America that they did not know each other, all part of evading detection.

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I'd be interested in any comments from people who don't think Atta fits into the role of fundamentalist Al Qaeda member. The video looks to weaken their case considerably.

Though if he filmed it yesterday and changed the date on the camera and had put on a false beard - that might weaken a number of other cases. Perhaps it's an Atta lookalike from the Muslim equivalent of 'Stars in their eyes' - you can't disprove that either.


Personally, I don't happen to believe that the date was changed - but I know it can be done - and who can prove otherwise? Once again, I remain undecided ;)


Ever noticed how these videos mysteriously appear only when there is an election looming or their is some bad news to counter? Some of us might be stupid - but were not f***ing stupid.

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I'd be interested in any comments from people who don't think Atta fits into the role of fundamentalist Al Qaeda member. The video looks to weaken their case considerably.

Though if he filmed it yesterday and changed the date on the camera and had put on a false beard - that might weaken a number of other cases. Perhaps it's an Atta lookalike from the Muslim equivalent of 'Stars in their eyes' - you can't disprove that either.


Personally, I don't happen to believe that the date was changed - but I know it can be done - and who can prove otherwise? Once again, I remain undecided ;)


Ever noticed how these videos mysteriously appear only when there is an election looming or their is some bad news to counter? Some of us might be stupid - but were not f***ing stupid.

that Atta was a member of al-qaeda isn't really central to conspiracy theories. Government participation is.


Are we due another big attack?...Albert is correct imo about the timing of these videos..

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Are we due another big attack?...Albert is correct imo about the timing of these videos..


Is that true? Do you have any evidence of this, or is it just selection bias?


The Cole attack (in Yemen) has been linked with a Bin Laden message where he wore a Yemani dagger, and Bin Laden made an address to the US public during the last presidential campaign.


Other than that these messages come out about every 6 months. With election cycles in the US, UK, Spain, Australia etc the linking of the messages with elections could be entirely a fluke. If you have a timeline or similar I'd be interested to see the correlations.


I thought the BBC report below about a letter to al-Zarqawi in Iraq from Al Qaeda's leadership was interesting. It looks just like what the Neo-Cons would need to manipulate the masses and force through its evil plots ... a letter from Al Qaeda admitting they have difficulty communicating, are weak and too occupied fighting a viscious enemy to help their allies in Iraq.


BBC Link


The missive was uncovered from Iraqi safe houses at the time of Zarqawi's death in a US air strike, according to the Washington Post.


A 15-page English translation of the Arabic document was released last week by a US military counter-terrorism centre, the paper reported.


The author said he was writing from al-Qaeda headquarters in the restive border region, where Taleban and al-Qaeda fugitives have been active.


The letter described the difficulty of direct communications between Waziristan and Iraq, and suggested it was easier for Zarqawi to send a representative to Pakistan than the other way around, the Washington Post reported.


It also warned Zarqawi that he risked removal as the leader in Iraq if he continued to alienate Sunni leaders and rival insurgent groups, the paper said.


The "brothers wish that they had a way to talk to you and advise you, and to guide and instruct you; however, they too are occupied with vicious enemies here," Atiyah reportedly wrote.


"They are also weak. And we ask God that He strengthen them and mend their fractures."


Counter-terrorism officials reportedly deemed the document authentic.

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