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The Truth Behind 9/11


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As a matter of fact, did anyone see William Rodriguez on Northwest news?

He was quoted saying bombs were going off in the towers before planes even hit!


He was quoted as saying something different in the immediate aftermath of the event and only later changed his story to maximise his income when he realised he could turn into a media star. He'd be more credible if he'd been saying these things from the start. As it is, he's changed his story and offers no evidence other than his 'eye witness' account.

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vinny i dont think it really matters about tameelf's spelling i think your clever enough to understand what he means!


Oh, this isn't simply about his spelling - I made fun of his powers of reasoning, the evidence he provides, and his knowledge too.


Having said that, I'll admit that it's hard to take seriously someone who claims to bring illumination to the shadowy realities of world events when they appear to have only learned to write from watching and imitating irate 10 year olds complaining during a game of Counterstrike. It's even harder when what is actually written turns out to be, and let's be frank, a load of wank culled from the kind of lunatic fringe websites that are written in lime green on a black background.

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You want a comment on the video - confusion, suspect packages being misidentified, the media having a field day, people without proper information reacting to rumour passed on as fact.


On September 12th Channel 4 interupted its morning programming to announce that a further 7 planes had been shot down by the USAF. How do I know this - I watched the news reports myself as they happened: as an aside - if anyone else saw them or has the internet copy it generated I'd quite like the link: it's a good example of news confusion immediately after a major event!


Why isn't this now the staple of conspiracy theorists - cause it is obviously false. Hundreds of people would have been on these flights - they would have had flight numbers which could be checked up - in the confusion of multiple flight codes for single flights the authorities weren't clear how many planes were missing. A rumour, a fear was passed on to a journalist, who in the fibrile atmosphere didn't check it up sufficiently and so it went out to the nation.


In the case of Oklahoma you cannot disprove that there wasn't additional bombs - and hence those who wish to perpetuate the myth.


Now if you think there were additional bombs - and the CIA was trying to frame the Militia Movement, or who ever else you think was been framed - then don't you think they'd have used them: even more evidence to distort and fake, even more people to be framed. VinnieK's Ghost Law again - the CIA or the government wanted to set off a series of bombs to frame people to create fear - on the day they change their mind and only use the one bomb that exploded to frame the poor dupe who admits to the bombing, who told his defence that his alibi was that it was a legitimate act of violence against what happened at Waco.


Poor old Timothy McVeigh - I wonder why he didn't bother to take the appeals against his execution all the way - why he was happy to go to the death chamber - you'll say he's was brain washed - I think the evidence and his testimony points to him being guilty as sin.

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Yes, it's a video taken from one of the early newscasts that turned out to contain massive inaccuracies resulting from the chaos of the situation. These were later cleared up by people on the ground.


reporters are fed info from respected sources not the man down the pub


comment on this vid please vin


bbc reporting the future



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nice video tameelf! so the BBC have fucked up again hey? ha ha. its a pity no MSM will pick up on this, as they have spread the lies in the first place and don't want to now contradict themselves. wonder what Vinny's wife Ans will say about it also?

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Just out of interest, how come summerland never collapsed? I was in there that fateful day in 1973... and the fire was a dam site more ferocious than WTC7 !!!


Well I'm sold. This is the most convincing argument for a conspiracy I've ever seen. Outstanding.

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ust out of interest, how come summerland never collapsed? I was in there that fateful day in 1973... and the fire was a dam site more ferocious

than WTC7 !!!


And you'd know that because you were in the WTC7?

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well vin comment on the vid or would you like a spellink mistake?


I am looking for confirmation of the broadcast times, and whether that really is WTC-7 behind the BBC announcer woman reporting that the building has already collapsed (at 15:00 into the clip).

UPDATE: Shortly after I posted this link, Google removed the video referenced by this page from their servers. wrh

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