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The Truth Behind 9/11


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stevie is posting links to msm news

bbc ccn footage all reported mainstream .many prominent players having advanced knowlage


condi rice .gulinia cheany silverstine some first responders but sadly not the 300 plus that died


advanced knolage allows for pre planning and wtc 7 drops like a stone.


jeb bush had all securty contracts for wtc complex and all airports used on the day


if the bbc would give a reason how they reported 24 mins in advance i would stop posting the fact they refuse to name the sourse is suspisious and not good really from a taxpayers point of view

coalition of the willing lol i am waiting for aussie footage to hit the net

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dickhead? now, now slinky getting a bit personal now hey? it would now seem to me that you cant even sustain a simple debate with any facts at all. its obvious you don't listen to anyone's opinion and are so far up your own arse you probably wouldnt hear them anyway.

my goal that i'm trying to achieve is to prove to people that are sitting on the fence and just observing that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, no facts to back up your theories and a total disrespect for anyone that opposes your opinion. i think you've proved this yourself with your last post!

and no, i dont waste a lot of energy on this, its quite easy when you know the truth. i've sat back and watched you all debate it for ages, i've only been posting 2-3 weeks and all you come back with is dickhead! lmfao!!!

hey slim, the reason i dont belive the 'so called' experts because they come out with the "pancake theory" it just doesnt make sense. you said not all steel buildings are the same? i never said they were! i said all MODERN (WTC included) steel framed buildings are designed with the structure being dependant on the core columns, and not the outside cladding, as the WTC website supposedly reported minutes after the first building collapsed.


i) I've not been in this debate at all - I don't give a fuck about conspiracy theories. I just don't like you.

ii) No facts to back up my theories? I don't have any theories or stated any!! Remember I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!

iii) IMO I still think you are a certifiable dickhead based purely on your 2-3 weeks of posting, not because you are opposing my opinion. My 'opinion' is you are a dickhead - nothing to do with the WTC.


Carry on.

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hey slim, the reason i dont belive the 'so called' experts because they come out with the "pancake theory" it just doesnt make sense. you said not all steel buildings are the same? i never said they were! i said all MODERN (WTC included) steel framed buildings are designed with the structure being dependant on the core columns, and not the outside cladding, as the WTC website supposedly reported minutes after the first building collapsed.


What the fuck do you expect. Two airlines had just hit the world trade centre, and you think the reports that were beign issued at the time should have been cleared by a structural engineer?


You're insane if you believe this stuff, or stupid. I'm guessing the latter as you clearly dont understand half the shit your copy & pasting.

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woah china what are you going on about mate? when did i ever say that jewish people were told not to go to work? when did i say a random company recieved text messages warning of the attacks? hired actors to make false claims about the attacks? when did i say a press release was issued telling people what they are gonna be doing? and when did i say they MADE SURE GW bush was given cipro? so please tell me wtf you are going on about and ill be extremely happy to explain myself.


lmao @ china. no son, YOU dont read the links i post



Lets just look at my post, I've added some explanation in bold to help you understand why I think you are incorrect in saying I don't read your links and to explain that your links were saying the things that I showed they were saying:


Stevie, can I just check - you are telling us you know the truth about 911.


You are telling us that the conspirators rigged the Twin Towers and WTC7 with explosives in this link that you posted http://whatreallyhappened.com/911_firefighters.html [ :ph34r: no one will notice].


They organized that the Federal Emergency Management Agency arrived on the scene a day early in this link that you posted http://whatreallyhappened.com/oem_wtc.html [ :ph34r: they won't tell, and can sit around all day wondering why they are here].


Told jewish people working in the buildings not to go to work [i admit you didn't link to this - but you can find it at this http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ page here: which was linked from the links you posted.][ :ph34r: that type are all on our side].


Sent text messages to a random company telling them of the plot in this link that you posted http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/odigo_9-11_warning.html [ :ph34r: well spread a little good luck].


Issued a press release early telling people what they were going to be doing in this link that you posted http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march...iascripting.htm [ :ph34r: damn you fool why didn't you wait half an hour].


Hired actors to go out onto the street to make false claims about the collapses in this link that you posted http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march...iascripting.htm [ :ph34r: they'll keep quiet about the coaching sessions and we can assassinate them if they don't].


Made sure George W was given anti-Anthrax drugs prior to the Anthrax mailings in this link that you posted http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/frameup.html[ :ph34r: that won't look odd - and if anyone finds out we'll say its a double bluff - Dubya knew he'd be safe - he knew about it all - but decided to take the drugs early just because he's stupid]


Genuinely - I need you to join up the dots here - please you do it - don't post a million links and cut and paste paragraphs that have been written by other people [as you did in the Great Global Warming Swindle thread - :ph34r: caught you - google is my friend when people suddenly become far too eloquent for their own good - triune brain - WTF]. Just tell me how you think these things are linked together and by who - and tell me how they thought they were going to gain in doing these things. Do it step by step - just explain it to me - do you think you can?


Now Stevie, don't get angry - I'm not asking anything other than for you to explain what you think the links you have posted are telling you about the conspiritors and what they were doing on 911. Really I am genuinely interested - it should make quite a read. But please - no cutting, no pasting, no links - just tell me what you think they were doing. Please.

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has the brit goverment or amerikan goverment told any truth since 911 if you say yes (you are a blatent liar ) and need your head removed from your ass and your brains tested



That's a very bold statement. 'Any' truth? Do you mean anything, like what a politician had for supper for instance?


If you actually think about what you write and put forward an educated argument, you might get a reasonable response. Instead I'm putting you in the same box as stevie - you are also a certifiable dickhead.

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How does any of this: Link: fit in with any of the rest of this thread?


The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks has admitted his role in them, and 30 other plots in a hearing at Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon says.

"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z," said Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a partial transcript from a closed-door hearing.


He also said he had planned attacks on Big Ben and Heathrow airport in London.


"I was the operational director for Sheikh Osama Bin Laden for the organising, planning, follow-up and execution of the 9/11 operation," Mr Mohammed told the hearing, in a statement read by a representative.


It appeared, from a judge's question, that Mr Mohammed had made allegations of torture in US custody.


However, when asked whether his statement was produced under duress, he said it was not.


And from a Financial Times story which will only be susbcription free for a day or so:


Mr. Mohammed indicated in the transcript that some of his earlier statements to C.I.A. interrogators were the result of torture. But he said that his statements at the tribunal on Saturday were not made under duress or pressure.


His actions, he said, were like those of other revolutionaries. Had the British arrested George Washington during the Revolutionary War, Mr. Mohammed said, “for sure they would consider him enemy combatant.”

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If you have no interest in 9/11 truth then occupy your mind with something else that does interest you.


Which might very well leave you talking to yourself.


Anyway, I don't believe you are Crozza.

I mean, is there any hard eveidence to prove that you really are?

I think you've been planted as a decoy to distract us from the real conspiracies concerning blue Smarties.

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They've lied about everything since they came into power just like Blair has but when it comes to 9/11 people take everything they've said as 100% truth.


I refer you to post 744. Lied about 'everything'? What sort of statement is that?


Can we please keep the personal attacks and insults down to zero. I'm starting to get sick of this school yard young sibling bickering. If you have no interest in 9/11 truth then occupy your mind with something else that does interest you.


But I am interested in the way you guys bang on about conspiracy theories. I'll stay thanks.

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I reckon that Stevie and Tamelf are actually part of the conspiracy. If you get enough idiots inanely rambling on and blindly posting ridiculous theories then you actually end up detracting from the genuinely dodgy aspects of 9/11, of which there are many.


It's the likes of you pair who anyone who was actually behind a conspiracy would love, as you tar all conspiracy theorists with the mental brush.

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