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The Truth Behind 9/11


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If I was the president of the United States and I had gone to all the trouble to blow up the WTC and make it look like someone else, Id also think well we're getting a lot of flack about these WMD's that are not there in Iraq. I know it's a big fucking dessert lets make a mock base with some WMD's in with 45mins to London painted on the side. I mean how hard can it be? This will fool them but I'm not waiting 4 years to do it.


Nah, my ideas stupid, far to simple an idea.


Never mind carry on.

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so how come the mayor of N.Y get a warning the south tower was going to collapse? (seen as at this point no steel framed building had ever collapsed due to fire before)


why didn't the firefighters get the same warning?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In other news, nobody gives a shit anymore. Unless you nutjobs actually post something worthwhile instead of a series of blind links with no explanation or comment, this thread will just be locked.

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In other news, nobody gives a shit anymore. Unless you nutjobs actually post something worthwhile instead of a series of blind links with no explanation or comment, this thread will just be locked.



nobody givres a shit anymore? am i really reading this right? nobody gives a shit about the fact a group of "terrorists" (who 7 of them are still alive) hijacked airliner planes and crashed them into one of the biggest structures in the world, killing 3000 people?


i find that really hard to believe.


maybe it is just people can now obviously see that it was inside job,or at least they knew about it, and thats why people don't post anymore?


but ans, i dont want to get personal with you guys. why call me a nutjob? if you read my post you will see you are also calling one of bush's most senior advisors a nutjob too. but to be honest, that is why i don't comment on the links i post anymore. all the oppposition i get is just being called a prick or nutjob. it is like being back at school!


not that i'm bothered though, because i know the only reason it all gets said is because you can all hide behind a computer. i can assure you it wouldn't happen if it was face to face. it would just be a debate, which is what this should be, not name calling and completely ignoring perfectly good arguments about the events of 9/11.


the truth will slowly come out ans, i can assure you of that. look at all the publicity rosie o donnel is getting at the moment. the only thing that is going to do is get more people interested in what is going on.


this is how bad the propeganda is. i read a question from a reader on rosie o donnell's site the other day, the person in question was from manhattan. her question was this ; rosie, what did you mean there were 3 buildings fell on 9/11, i thought there were only two, the ones the planes hit?


now please explain to me, with the democratic governments of this world being oh so transparent, how did an american resident not know about the soloman building WTC7 ?

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nobody givres a shit anymore? am i really reading this right? nobody gives a shit about the fact a group of "terrorists" (who 7 of them are still alive) hijacked airliner planes and crashed them into one of the biggest structures in the world, killing 3000 people?


i find that really hard to believe.


but ans, i dont want to get personal with you guys. why call me a nutjob? if you read my post you will see you are also calling one of bush's most senior advisors a nutjob too. but to be honest, that is why i don't comment on the links i post anymore. all the oppposition i get is just being called a prick or nutjob. it is like being back at school!


Stevie, I read your links and they are so worthless that I don't bother replying any more. If you looked at them sceptically I think you'd acknowledge there is only the tiniest bit of useful information within them if any; while baseless wild conjecture and speculation dominates.


You tell us 7 of the hijackers are still alive - really? Or do you mean in the days after 911 there was misadentification of who was who? I can remember media interviews of people in Beruit who claimed to be identified as hijackers - is that what you are going on about - but Al Qaeda have identified the people who were martryed: now the confusion has settled the hijackers are known - you'll find biographies etc on the net.


I pretty certain you are relying on old, non sourced information that just sits on the net - this is the staple of the conspiracy theorists.


I call you a nut job - yep. I think you display a frightening inability to examine information sceptically. Look at your last post about Victor Gold.


He specifically says he does not think 911 was an inside job - he discusses American foreign policy towards Iraq - Since the Clinton Regime the policy was regime change - and talks about the US attempting to create a casus belli. It mentions the Bay of Tonkin - yep that might have been a reasonable way to start a war with Iraq if 911 hadn't created a hardened atmosphere in America.


That is what Victor Gold was talking about - the Pentagon deliberately positioning ships and military material to provoke a reaction from Iraq.


Now what does the "author" of the article make of this - that the Pentagon planned 911. Sorry, but that is a school boy leap of such vast proportions that it just doesn't stand. He then goes off into Kennedy assassinations and media manipulations - very helpful.


I've shown you how on 911 Rumsfeld wondered if he had enough to strike at Saddam - I totally agree with the contention the Bush regime had wanted regime change - by violent means if necessary - from day one. But that wasn't a secret it was a published policy objective. As it was the objective of the Clinton regime.


The article is so much crap - it isn't worth replying and if that's all you can do then its just sad. If you had any analytical skills you'd have realized you would be damaging you case by putting it. Your statement that you don't comment on your links cos it was Bush's top advisor just shows how nieve you are - read the Washington Post article that is linked to in your story - he's a speech writer selling a book - which doesn't mention a 911 conspiracy. Great source material for conspiracist delusions.

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nobody givres a shit anymore?


Nobody gives a shit about this thread except you and the other idiots who drag their knuckles to keyboard level to paste links without any comment.


not that i'm bothered though, because i know the only reason it all gets said is because you can all hide behind a computer. i can assure you it wouldn't happen if it was face to face.


I'd actually quite happily call you a nutjob to your face. Hope that helps.

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In other news, nobody gives a shit anymore. Unless you nutjobs actually post something worthwhile instead of a series of blind links with no explanation or comment, this thread will just be locked.



nobody givres a shit anymore? am i really reading this right? nobody gives a shit about the fact a group of "terrorists" (who 7 of them are still alive) hijacked airliner planes and crashed them into one of the biggest structures in the world, killing 3000 people?


i find that really hard to believe.


maybe it is just people can now obviously see that it was inside job,or at least they knew about it, and thats why people don't post anymore?


but ans, i dont want to get personal with you guys. why call me a nutjob? if you read my post you will see you are also calling one of bush's most senior advisors a nutjob too. but to be honest, that is why i don't comment on the links i post anymore. all the oppposition i get is just being called a prick or nutjob. it is like being back at school!


not that i'm bothered though, because i know the only reason it all gets said is because you can all hide behind a computer. i can assure you it wouldn't happen if it was face to face. it would just be a debate, which is what this should be, not name calling and completely ignoring perfectly good arguments about the events of 9/11.


the truth will slowly come out ans, i can assure you of that. look at all the publicity rosie o donnel is getting at the moment. the only thing that is going to do is get more people interested in what is going on.


this is how bad the propeganda is. i read a question from a reader on rosie o donnell's site the other day, the person in question was from manhattan. her question was this ; rosie, what did you mean there were 3 buildings fell on 9/11, i thought there were only two, the ones the planes hit?


now please explain to me, with the democratic governments of this world being oh so transparent, how did an american resident not know about the soloman building WTC7 ?

Keep it up Stevie. They'll be laughing on the other side of their faces when the official enquiries eventually begin after Bush has gone.

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Gosh yes - if Bush had only realized he'd only be in office 8 years he'd have made sure the conspiracy was water tight - This is getting like that email spoof about evil dictators who leave "how to destroy the death star" plans lying around.


Does anyone doubt that spin and gimmickry was used by the Bush administration to move public opinion its way - doh when didn't this happen - but having Cheney go on about Al Qaeda in Iraq on CNN is quite a different thing from deliberately attacking your own country or rigging buildings with explosives.


I've posted a scale of conspiracy before - Stevie's at the absolute extremes - go on Albert - just what do you think they will they uncover. A US Hutton report, and dodgy dossiers. Or false flags, and black helicopters.

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Gosh yes - if Bush had only realized he'd only be in office 8 years he'd have made sure the conspiracy was water tight - This is getting like that email spoof about evil dictators who leave "how to destroy the death star" plans lying around.


Does anyone doubt that spin and gimmickry was used by the Bush administration to move public opinion its way - doh when didn't this happen - but having Cheney go on about Al Qaeda in Iraq on CNN is quite a different thing from deliberately attacking your own country or rigging buildings with explosives.


I've posted a scale of conspiracy before - Stevie's at the absolute extremes - go on Albert - just what do you think they will they uncover. A US Hutton report, and dodgy dossiers. Or false flags, and black helicopters.

This is post 763 on this thread. I've made my points before.

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In other news, nobody gives a shit anymore. Unless you nutjobs actually post something worthwhile instead of a series of blind links with no explanation or comment, this thread will just be locked.



nobody givres a shit anymore? am i really reading this right? nobody gives a shit about the fact a group of "terrorists" (who 7 of them are still alive) hijacked airliner planes and crashed them into one of the biggest structures in the world, killing 3000 people?


i find that really hard to believe.


maybe it is just people can now obviously see that it was inside job,or at least they knew about it, and thats why people don't post anymore?


but ans, i dont want to get personal with you guys. why call me a nutjob? if you read my post you will see you are also calling one of bush's most senior advisors a nutjob too. but to be honest, that is why i don't comment on the links i post anymore. all the oppposition i get is just being called a prick or nutjob. it is like being back at school!


not that i'm bothered though, because i know the only reason it all gets said is because you can all hide behind a computer. i can assure you it wouldn't happen if it was face to face. it would just be a debate, which is what this should be, not name calling and completely ignoring perfectly good arguments about the events of 9/11.


the truth will slowly come out ans, i can assure you of that. look at all the publicity rosie o donnel is getting at the moment. the only thing that is going to do is get more people interested in what is going on.


this is how bad the propeganda is. i read a question from a reader on rosie o donnell's site the other day, the person in question was from manhattan. her question was this ; rosie, what did you mean there were 3 buildings fell on 9/11, i thought there were only two, the ones the planes hit?


now please explain to me, with the democratic governments of this world being oh so transparent, how did an american resident not know about the soloman building WTC7 ?

Keep it up Stevie. They'll be laughing on the other side of their faces when the official enquiries eventually begin after Bush has gone.


yes Albert, we know that one day it will come out, as soon they get a change from the norm in there. someone who wants to put america first, second and third. someone who is going to clean up the country, not waste thier money on fighting a war based on lies. someone who wants to put that money into giving the 600,000 homeless americans a roof over thier heads.


incidently, 200,00 of the homeless in america are ex soldiers. i find that sick. how does bush live with himself? he sends these kids off to war, then when they are no longer any use to america, drops them as quick as they packed them off in the first place.


Albert we need more people like you. keep it up. keep asking questions. the day will come. maybe sooner than you think. at this moment in time, the familys of the victims of 9/11 are in the process are making a video about the events of 9/11. and the TRUTH about what happened, not the hollywood propeganda we are all so used to seeing and hearing now.

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You tell us 7 of the hijackers are still alive - really? Or do you mean in the days after 911 there was misadentification of who was who? I can remember media interviews of people in Beruit who claimed to be identified as hijackers - is that what you are going on about - but Al Qaeda have identified the people who were martryed: now the confusion has settled the hijackers are known - you'll find biographies etc on the net.


ok china you give me the names of all the 19 hijackers. is it still 19? i get lost with the government changing thier mind all the time.



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