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The Truth Behind 9/11


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I'd give up China. It's like arguing with a religious freak, in fact they're very similar. Both have blind faith with no need of evidence and refuse to accept even a hint of firm evidence that opposes their 'truth'. The unexplained isn't an explanation, but they dont grasp that. I'm sure it's a kind of mental illness.

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I'd give up China. It's like arguing with a religious freak, in fact they're very similar. Both have blind faith with no need of evidence and refuse to accept even a hint of firm evidence that opposes their 'truth'. The unexplained isn't an explanation, but they dont grasp that. I'm sure it's a kind of mental illness.


i've gave you all the evidence before you lunatic.


in this example YOU are like the religous freak, only believing what you are being told by the 'pillars of society', and following the propeganda that has been used by religion for centuries.

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in this example YOU are like the religous freak, only believing what you are being told by the 'pillars of society', and following the propeganda that has been used by religion for centuries.


No, you've given hypothetical answers to questions. Some have been answered, some have no answer. That's not evidence.


I'm a very cynical guy, I'll argue with anyone, I enjoy a debate, and I don't take anything at face value. If you were on this forum for any other reason than to spread your misinformation you'd see that.


The difference between me and a tin hat nutter like you is that you'll cling onto the first alternative suggestion that fills the void of the unknown where I'd need actual proof. I know you can't see the difference, and I'm wasting my time. Dont see our apathy to respond to your crackpot links as acceptance though, most people have just given up trying to talk sense to you.

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public opinion is changing.

just recently a teacher at a manx school (no names)brought up 911 in a geography lesson.he entered a debate with a informed pupil who held his ground. end result was a subject change to geography.when the lesson was over the pupil was surrounded by 25 kids wanting to know more


i thought that worth saying because one day this might be taught as history


i have noticed since i posted the banned bbc wtc7 (prediction)footage. we who only ask qwestions are being verbaly abused by the people that have all the awnsers.


im not posting to change the minds off those that wont listen

i post for genuine truth seekers and for the guests that view this topic .yet in here remain silent because off the obvious click


i found this 1 hour 25 min vid.shows some new wtc7 footage (worth seeing).covers the pentigon crime indepth covers the structures off all buildings hit/collapsed on 911



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i have noticed since i posted the banned bbc wtc7 (prediction)footage. we who only ask qwestions are being verbaly abused by the people that have all the awnsers.

Bull shit - I've put up various replies to that footage - and it isn't banned.

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i thought that worth saying because one day this might be taught as history


It's been a while since I was at school, but back then they tended to provide historical evidence. Not hysterical speculation and misinterpreted guesswork.


You know, Roman pots buried in fields, signed documents from credible historical figures, that kind of thing. Whereas you've *still* yet to provide one solid, tangible piece of evidence to support any of these ridiculous theories after almost 800 posts in this thread. None of your 'Oh but this picture looks like this...' or 'This guy said this in the heat of the moment...' bullshit. Solid. Indisputable. Cannot be explained in any other way. Go on, I dare you.


They're not going to base history books on the lunatic ramblings of a few nutjobs on tinfoilhat.com.


when the lesson was over the pupil was surrounded by 25 kids wanting to know more


Heh, try getting somebody more important than a bunch of gullable teenagers to buy into your idiocy.

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in this example YOU are like the religous freak, only believing what you are being told by the 'pillars of society', and following the propeganda that has been used by religion for centuries.


No, you've given hypothetical answers to questions. Some have been answered, some have no answer. That's not evidence.


I'm a very cynical guy, I'll argue with anyone, I enjoy a debate, and I don't take anything at face value. If you were on this forum for any other reason than to spread your misinformation you'd see that.


The difference between me and a tin hat nutter like you is that you'll cling onto the first alternative suggestion that fills the void of the unknown where I'd need actual proof. I know you can't see the difference, and I'm wasting my time. Dont see our apathy to respond to your crackpot links as acceptance though, most people have just given up trying to talk sense to you.


look slim i've not come on this forum to have personal arguements and grievences with people. i didn't come on this forum to try and spread disinformation or try and force opinions on people. i came on here to raise simple questions that have as not yet been answered, i know other people on the site agree with that.


i understand that you are a cynical man, you enjoy a debate, and you dont take anything at face value. so how have you come to your conclusion that you believe it was osama bin laden and the 19 hijackers? baecause there is not sufficient evidence to support this.


you have at least got to admit there are serious discrepencies with the official story? major 'coincidenes' on that day. ok, so i know you will respond by saying that it does not mean thats a conspiracy, but i still won't be happy until the questions have been answered by the american govt.



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You know, Roman pots buried in fields, signed documents from credible historical figures, that kind of thing. Whereas you've *still* yet to provide one solid, tangible piece of evidence to support any of these ridiculous theories after almost 800 posts in this thread. None of your 'Oh but this picture looks like this...' or 'This guy said this in the heat of the moment...' bullshit. Solid. Indisputable. Cannot be explained in any other way. Go on, I dare you.



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Bull shit - I've put up various replies to that footage - ok me old china pray tell me how the pent house built on top off wct7 sinks into the building before wtc7 main structure falls?? wtc rubble found in new jersy.wtc7 built as a emergency disaster command bunker abandoned the moment its in demand


debunk the penthouse sinking or please with your talents enlighten me this building collapsed from the bottom



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You know, Roman pots buried in fields, signed documents from credible historical figures, that kind of thing. Whereas you've *still* yet to provide one solid, tangible piece of evidence to support any of these ridiculous theories after almost 800 posts in this thread. None of your 'Oh but this picture looks like this...' or 'This guy said this in the heat of the moment...' bullshit. Solid. Indisputable. Cannot be explained in any other way. Go on, I dare you.




LOL. Your sole offering is a poorly written article that offers an opinion on how the building collapsed. An opinion that has been widely discounted by hundreds of experts? I asked for something solid and tangible, you give me opinion


Not a single shred of real evidence, just as I've been saying all along.

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look slim i've not come on this forum to have personal arguements and grievences with people. i didn't come on this forum to try and spread disinformation or try and force opinions on people. i came on here to raise simple questions that have as not yet been answered, i know other people on the site agree with that.


I suggest you fuck off to your tin hat wearing sites where you can all feel very clever to have unearthed the truth based on your evidence carefully sifted off youtube and leave our forum alone.


i understand that you are a cynical man, you enjoy a debate, and you dont take anything at face value. so how have you come to your conclusion that you believe it was osama bin laden and the 19 hijackers? baecause there is not sufficient evidence to support this.


Not sufficient evidence? Despite multi national intelligence of planning going back years? Not just American intelligence mind you, France, Germany, Pakistan and more. Are all of these goverments bent too? What about the evidence fingering Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's involvement, again not just from the US but from other countries intelligence?


you have at least got to admit there are serious discrepencies with the official story? major 'coincidenes' on that day. ok, so i know you will respond by saying that it does not mean thats a conspiracy, but i still won't be happy until the questions have been answered by the american govt.


Of course there are some discrepencies and mistakes. This was an unprecidented attack and there's invetiably both political leverage and chaos induced mistakes surrounding this horrific event. There's also inevitable gaps in the investigations where there simply isn't any evidence either way, this doesn't mean crack pot theories can be invented to fill those gaps.

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Not a single shred of real evidence, just as I've been saying all along.


I particularly like this 'evidence': "If WTC 7 spontaneously collapsed then how did so many people catch its demise?"


It's in the middle of the busiest areas in one of the largest cities in the world. You've got an uprecidented attack on a civilian target, you've got mobile phones, cameras and news teams fucking everywhere and five vids of this building collapsing is evidence that it was planned. Are these people thick or what?

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Bull shit - I've put up various replies to that footage - ok me old china pray tell me how the pent house built on top off wct7 sinks into the building before wtc7 main structure falls?? wtc rubble found in new jersy.wtc7 built as a emergency disaster command bunker abandoned the moment its in demand


debunk the penthouse sinking or please with your talents enlighten me this building collapsed from the bottom




I doubt you've the technical competence to understand this report - but just look at the picture please and try to understand that this is a first class interim report trying to understand a situation in uncertainty.


Your utube and google movies are selectively edited and don't show the entire collapse - I watched the painful deceptions video (my review - total utter toss) to confirm this is still the case - search my posts for a full video which fits with the NIST data.


The report I've linked to is interim - the final report is due out iminently - annoyingly its been delayed. I'm sure you'll post lots of mindless and uninformed speculation telling us this is due to an evil conspiracy.


And - Sorry are you really asking me why a command FLOOR was never occuppied/abandoned when it and the rest of the building had just been engulfed in debris from the twin towers creating massive damage and starting fires on multiple floors of the building - when the damage was so extensive that the fire department from its very first assessments said the building was structurally unsound and the area around it needed to be cleared. You really are a moron - do you have any ability to think for yourself?

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Are these people thick or what?





are all these people thick too?


this is a CNN Poll asking whether there is a cover up by the us government on 9/11.




89% answered YES.




so that means ans and slinky are with the 11% of the people polled. 11%!!


and they say I'M a nutter?


the truth is in the numbers

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