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The Truth Behind 9/11


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im sure the percentage wud be the same no matter how many people were polled


Thankfully, statistics are rarely extrapolated on the whim of an illiterate nutjob on an internet forum.


You see, a <5000 poll is absolutely worthless. It's like walking into the football stadium of a minor league team and asking the people there who they support and then assuming that 96% of the entire country supports this team based on that result.

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im sure the percentage wud be the same no matter how many people were polled


Thankfully, statistics are rarely extrapolated on the whim of an illiterate nutjob on an internet forum.


You see, a <5000 poll is absolutely worthless. It's like walking into the football stadium of a minor league team and asking the people there who they support and then assuming that 96% of the entire country supports this team based on that result.


but it was a CNN poll?? real MSM not any obscur conspirecy website

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im sure the percentage wud be the same no matter how many people were polled


Thankfully, statistics are rarely extrapolated on the whim of an illiterate nutjob on an internet forum.


You see, a <5000 poll is absolutely worthless. It's like walking into the football stadium of a minor league team and asking the people there who they support and then assuming that 96% of the entire country supports this team based on that result.


ans you do talk some shit don't you.


this wasn't a poll on some illiterate nutjob website.


this poll was done on one of THE major news stations in America. its called CNN, you ever heard of it??

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but it was a CNN poll??


Just because it has the CNN name on it, doesn't magically make the sample size acceptable. I realise you're desperate for *something* to lend credence to your crackpot theories, but this isn't it.


It's also over two years old. Hardly reflecting current opinion.


Polls have to be accurate, relevant and timely to be worthwhile. This is none of those.

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The sample size isn't really a problem. If selected correctly, to be proportional for race, sex, region, income etc, it would give a fairly accurate representation of the views of the nation. You certainly couldn't, unless you were as cavalier as Albert in selecting only the information that suits your purpose, dismiss a 78% difference.


However, this poll wasn't conducted in that way. It was a web poll, and as iomtoday prove regularly, this is a self-selecting sample, which is worthless.


Besides the question is whether there was a government cover-up of the events surrounding 9/11. That is very different from did the government plan and carry out the attacks on the WTC and the pentagon. You could answer "yes" to that question if you believed that the Government were hiding that their response to the event was insufficient, but still believe al-Quaida plotted and carried out the attacks without any US involvement.

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Average Mori etc. poll samples are around 1000. Internet polls are worthless, at least, where: 1. IP addresses and details are not recorded to avoid multiple-clicks 2. Sites are not independent i.e. the site naturally attracts people more likely to vote a particular way 3. even on a specific news site, where respondents are people who 'just happen' to see the poll and are more likely to respond because they have a vociferous opinion one way or the other (i.e. it is not a true sample, as random people were not selected and 'forced' to think about the question - only those types who go to that particular news site - who may, or may not, be of a specific political pursuasion or other demographic factor).


As for me being 'cavalier' on some polls, if 80% were religeous and believed there was a god 100 years ago, and now the figure is 20% - that to me doesn't imply there was a god and there suddenly isn't a god now. I base my own opinions on my own research, whether it is on religion, 911 or global warming and on the information that is available - not just from the media or politicised reports.


IMO on 911 there isn't enough conclusive information available: the leadership of America has proven itself morally bankrupt in many areas and there is a probability (no matter how small people that it is) that foul-play or incompetence was a factor; and many specific questions outlined in this thread, and by many of the families of victims of 911, remain unanswered.

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As for me being 'cavalier' on some polls, if 80% were religeous and believed there was a god 100 years ago, and now the figure is 20% - that to me doesn't imply there was a god and there suddenly isn't a god now. I base my own opinions on my own research, whether it is on religion, 911 or global warming and on the information that is available - not just from the media or politicised reports.


Yes, you pick and choose.


Agree with your comments on Internet polls, I also think it is likely that a poll like the one quoted is going to pick up additional votes from conspiracy theorists, as blogs, and forums that cater to their viewpoint are going to link to the poll.

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Agree with your comments on Internet polls, as also think it is likely that a poll like the one quoted is going to pick up additional votes from conspitacy theorists, as blogs, and forums that cater to their viewpoint are going to link to the poll.


Declan has it spot on.

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