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The Truth Behind 9/11


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Yawn, more conspiracy theorists.


There isn't any convincing evidence out there that shouts out that it was a setup to rational thinking people.


rational thinking people? please don't tell me you include ans in this bracket.


i'm sure if you looked into it more yourself, keeping away from the obvious government propeganda, you would find numerous flaws in the offical theory. if that isn't enough to get you thinking they are covering something up, you can hardly call yourself a 'rational thinking person'.

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i'm sure if you looked into it more yourself, keeping away from the obvious government propeganda, you would find numerous flaws in the offical theory. if that isn't enough to get you thinking they are covering something up, you can hardly call yourself a 'rational thinking person'.


I don't think anyones suggested that parts have been suppressed as is right and normal with matters of national security. There's also clearly been some mistakes made. What's bollocks is the deduction that these ommisions and mistakes mean the whole thing was planned by the government. That assumption is lunacy.

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Agreed. I believe there was a monumental cock up in America's security system and the subsequent responses since. Heads should have rolled over these and there should have been a national and international public outcry.


Does this get looked at no? Instead we get completely implausable conspiracy theorists. The top brass must be pissing themselves with laughter as whilst so much time and energy is being spent on increaible conspiracy theories which do not stack up and for which there is no shred of evidence those responsible for the failings are gettin off scott free. If I had a conspiracy theory it is that most conspiracy theories are set running and fueled by the top brass who have a vested interest that we the great unwashed are distracted away from the real issue which is or was their incompetance in preventing it happening. To me that is the real issue that needs investigating.


i'm sure if you looked into it more yourself, keeping away from the obvious government propeganda, you would find numerous flaws in the offical theory. if that isn't enough to get you thinking they are covering something up, you can hardly call yourself a 'rational thinking person'.


I don't think anyones suggested that parts have been suppressed as is right and normal with matters of national security. There's also clearly been some mistakes made. What's bollocks is the deduction that these ommisions and mistakes mean the whole thing was planned by the government. That assumption is lunacy.

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Agreed. I believe there was a monumental cock up in America's security system and the subsequent responses since. Heads should have rolled over these and there should have been a national and international public outcry.


Does this get looked at no? Instead we get completely implausable conspiracy theorists. The top brass must be pissing themselves with laughter as whilst so much time and energy is being spent on increaible conspiracy theories which do not stack up and for which there is no shred of evidence those responsible for the failings are gettin off scott free. If I had a conspiracy theory it is that most conspiracy theories are set running and fueled by the top brass who have a vested interest that we the great unwashed are distracted away from the real issue which is or was their incompetance in preventing it happening. To me that is the real issue that needs investigating.


surprisingly, i agree 100% login. you are right that most conspiracy theories are set up and running by top brass. just look at that film about 911 'loose change', it is obviously being backed by the top brass. i mean come on, as if there wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon. all this 'no plane at pentagon' theory is a load of bollocks, started up by the government for one day to turn round and release the pictures of a plane cleary hitting the pentagon.


yes, there needs to be a big investigation into the incompetance of preventing it happen. But the main thing i would like to see is a public enquiry into 9/11 as to hear everybodys account of the day, including all the firefighters whose evidence wasnt allowed to be heard in the commission.


but i still think building 7 is the smoking gun and needs to be looked into a lot more closey.

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i'm sure if you looked into it more yourself, keeping away from the obvious government propeganda, you would find numerous flaws in the offical theory. if that isn't enough to get you thinking they are covering something up, you can hardly call yourself a 'rational thinking person'.


I don't think anyones suggested that parts have been suppressed as is right and normal with matters of national security. There's also clearly been some mistakes made. What's bollocks is the deduction that these ommisions and mistakes mean the whole thing was planned by the government. That assumption is lunacy.


planned by the government? or allowed to happen by the government?

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planned by the government? or allowed to happen by the government?


:) here we go again.


That statement sort of means the same thing. If they had planned it, they wouldn't of bothered to plan it, if they wern't going to use it. BUT I'm sure they didn't do either.

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That statement sort of means the same thing.


There's a world of difference between allowing it to happen through misjudgement and allowing it to happen fully armed with the knowledge of what was about to happen. Stevie of course doesn't make the destinction.

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May I suggest that all of you doubting Janes go to www.question911.com and click on any video link, suggest to start with 911 Mystries or Loose Change. Like Climate Change there is no more maybe or if, it is there right on your screen. If you wish to completely destroy that fantasy bubble you live in, there are links to the 77 conspiracy. No longer theories people, wake up to the real world.

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I've been reading the whole of this thread over the last few days and I know this is my first post, but all I can say to the conspiracy theorists is

you poor gullible fools and you and your fellow conspiracy nutters are so stupid you make us laugh.

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May I suggest that all of you doubting Janes go to www.question911.com and click on any video link, suggest to start with 911 Mystries or Loose Change. Like Climate Change there is no more maybe or if, it is there right on your screen. If you wish to completely destroy that fantasy bubble you live in, there are links to the 77 conspiracy. No longer theories people, wake up to the real world.


I did go to that site, follow the links. All I saw is the same badly formed bollocks, questions and badly connected consequences. I didn't see any proof, answers, or even speculation as to what the questions are suggesting. Suggest you go back up this thread and read what we think of these, it's all been raised already. Then I suggest you answer Dr_daves post about what you think the answer to these questsions is, whats's your actual belief of whats happened?

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I've been reading the whole of this thread over the last few days and I know this is my first post, but all I can say to the conspiracy theorists is

you poor gullible fools and you and your fellow conspiracy nutters are so stupid you make us laugh.

OK - prove it!


You obviously didn't read the thread properly if you are grouping all people with questions (including relatives of those killed) as 'conspiracy nutters'. Mobbing 'by association' is a poor debating tactic.

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OK - prove it!


You obviously didn't read the thread properly if you are grouping all people with questions (including relatives of those killed) as 'conspiracy nutters'. Mobbing 'by association' is a poor debating tactic.


All I said was i read the entire thread and came to an opinion, my opinion. If you don't like that opinion it's tough.

As for a debating tactic i never wrote anywhere that i wanted to debate it. Do you honestly think that i'd want to debate the ridiculous assumptions that the conspiracy nutters come up with.

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I've been reading the whole of this thread over the last few days and I know this is my first post, but all I can say to the conspiracy theorists is

you poor gullible fools and you and your fellow conspiracy nutters are so stupid you make us laugh.



You obviously didn't read the thread properly if you are grouping all people with questions (including relatives of those killed) as 'conspiracy nutters'. Mobbing 'by association' is a poor debating tactic.


Albert, isn't the point that those of us on the skeptic side have been asking for what seems like ions on this joke of a thread for a coherent set of issues to focus on - I am sure you are correct that relatives etc have unanswered questions etc, but I haven't a clue what they are, and getting anything coherent out of the conspiracists is almost impossible - the likes of Tameelf, Stevie etc just link us to the most badly formed incoherent bunk imaginable - sites which ignore follow up reports, corrections, independent science etc etc etc.


I have read almost every single one of their links - I feel very much in agreement with Dalton's throw away line - its dismissive, but basically accurate.


What are the issues? Really what are they? - whatreallyhappened.com, rense.com loosechange etc etc just use a scattergun approach where you can pull the arguments to pieces.


It amazes me that in an issue where there should be legitimate, serious issues to raise these have been swamped by bull about explosives, collapsing buildings, and black helicpoters.


I've given up asking the likes of Stevie to give some sort of explanation - can you help, Albert?


Stevie now seems to think that the conspiracists are being manipulated by the conspiracy - "the top brass" as he puts it - but he still puts up his conspiracist toss - amazing - Stevie must be in on the conspiracy too - and the makers of Loose change. Erm - I wonder if Stevie keeps on like this whether he'll disappear up his own arse before too long - hope so.


Oh and just to keep the ball rolling - I'm stunned by the silence from the conspiracists about the recent settlement of Silverstein's insurance claim - Elliot Splitzer, the current Governor of New York and formerly its Chief Prosecuter - the guy who took on the World's biggest Financial corporations and won - he's brokered the insurance settlement. The world's largest Insurance Companies, responsible for investing and reinsuring the savings of most of the western world have rolled over and paid out billions to Silverstein. Surely this is proof of how powerful and wide ranging the conpiracy is - even these huge and powerful organizations and people have been taken in, or maybe bought off, or even worse maybe they are part of it too.


Or simply they are victims of a terrorist attack which caused mass carnage and have cost the world much much grief as people have tried and failed to sort out the mess that it created.

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Well i stumbled across this vid clip and sort of watched how they do controlled explosion i.e dropping a building on its foot print and i have to say the twin towers and this clip are sort of similar including the puffs of dust coming out of the windows as it drops.


Have a look




I have my own views on how the whole thing happened and i think thats the great thing about being free so to speak but since the event you have far less freedom.


The things our for fathers fought for are slowly eroding in the name of security.

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