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The Truth Behind 9/11


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Nice to hear Mr Jennings telling us that explosions where taking place even before the towers collapsed!!

So that means that something besides the towers brought it down! I wonder!


Wow - this a popular topic and I certainly haven't yet managed to read all the posts so forgive me if I am repeating anything but try sites like www.911scholars.org or ae911truth.org.(architects and engineers) The people on these sites are no dummies. The arguments they present make perfect sense - in contrast to stories of three steel framed buildings collapsing on the footprints in less than 10 seconds, described as "pancake collapse". First time in history - and three all at once. One not even hit? Those with certain agendas just love people who dismiss all this. That is just what they want. Sheeple. And we shouldn't think this is all too far away to affect us. Wrong! Where have all the OTT security measures emanated from? We dealt with terrorism in the 70s and 80s - IRA etc. Somehow we didn't have to resort to all this stuff that's going on now.

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Wow - this a popular topic and I certainly haven't yet managed to read all the posts so forgive me if I am repeating anything but try sites like www.911scholars.org or ae911truth.org.(architects and engineers) The people on these sites are no dummies. The arguments they present make perfect sense - in contrast to stories of three steel framed buildings collapsing on the footprints in less than 10 seconds, described as "pancake collapse". First time in history - and three all at once. One not even hit? Those with certain agendas just love people who dismiss all this. That is just what they want. Sheeple. And we shouldn't think this is all too far away to affect us. Wrong! Where have all the OTT security measures emanated from? We dealt with terrorism in the 70s and 80s - IRA etc. Somehow we didn't have to resort to all this stuff that's going on now.


Wow! Thanks for telling us all THE TRUTH :rolleyes:

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"Man scared shitless in slightly inconsistant retelling of events years later shocker"

Please continue. I gather you reject the comments. Despite numerous architects, engineers, demolition experts stating that the buildings did not collapse, but were the subject of controlled demolition, (and providing excellent evidence of this) you feel that this cannot be true because it rocks your boat? Do you have expertise in these fields? Please contribute if you do. Try approaching it with an open mind. I stumbled on all this quite by chance. Once you wake up it all fits together. BTW - I didn't mean that all buildings collapsed at the precisely the same time but on the same day. Never before have steel framed buildings collapsed in this manner despite much prolonged fires in some cases. Wow - that's a real coincidence! Building 7 was not attacked - not hit, yet it collapsed. Please can you provide objective evidence for your disputing these things?

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Dude, read the thread. You're trawling over very, very old ground. I know it's 66 pages, but approximately 87% of that is people having to repeat things over and over again to people who can't be arsed reading the thread.

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Dude, read the thread. You're trawling over very, very old ground. I know it's 66 pages, but approximately 87% of that is people having to repeat things over and over again to people who can't be arsed reading the thread.

It's 77% - I read the thread.

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"Man scared shitless in slightly inconsistant retelling of events years later shocker"

Please continue. I gather you reject the comments. Despite numerous architects, engineers, demolition experts stating that the buildings did not collapse, but were the subject of controlled demolition, (and providing excellent evidence of this) you feel that this cannot be true because it rocks your boat? Do you have expertise in these fields? Please contribute if you do. Try approaching it with an open mind. I stumbled on all this quite by chance. Once you wake up it all fits together. BTW - I didn't mean that all buildings collapsed at the precisely the same time but on the same day. Never before have steel framed buildings collapsed in this manner despite much prolonged fires in some cases. Wow - that's a real coincidence! Building 7 was not attacked - not hit, yet it collapsed. Please can you provide objective evidence for your disputing these things?

As ans says - read the thread this has been debated ad nuseum.


But if you can't be bothered doing that - well please just explain how "it all fits together"?


Please outline your version of the conspiracy - why was WTC7 blown up, how does this connect with the collapses of 1&2, who was responsible and why.

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How about starting a list of great conspiracies? My contribution:

  • Princess Diana - killed by British Secret Service,
  • Coventry - Churchill did not alter the Luftwaffe X-Gerat direction beams to protect ULTRA,
  • Lusitania - was deliberately not protected from known presence of U-boat off Ireland to bring America into WWI,
  • Anything to do with UFOs and Roswell AFB,
  • JFK - assassinated either by the Cubans or by the US Right,
  • The Hollocaust - never happened,
  • Neil Armstrong - filmed walking on the Moon in a studio,
  • Pearl Harbour - the US Government allowed it to happen to overcome opposition to entering WWII,
  • Oklahoma bombing - Timothy McVeigh was helped by the Iraqi Intelligence Service
  • Pam Crowe has a 'black book' that has allowed her to stay on as a postie
  • The internet - created by a US government ‘Black Ops’ programme primarily for the dissemination of conspiracy theories!


I think you'll find that was Sting and the other members of The Police and very little if any was filmed in a studio.


Hope this helps. :)

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How about you read it first, then ask questions later. There are lots of good points raised in this thread. Nobody really has any interest in answering your questions when they've already done so multiple times throughout.

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