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A Torso Cannot Possibly Fly On Its Own


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You aim posts at inviduals?


Just how sad is that?


Please don't bother to involve me in your incredibly witty and cutting posts. Thanks.


Aim, direct, address. Whatever you want to call it. Yes I do that. I'm not sure how sad it is. I don't feel sad at the moment.


And, I wasn't attempting to involve you at all. You involved yourself.


Thanks for saying that my posts are incredibly witty though. It's nice to know that I'm appreciated on the internet. The internet is a serious business, afterall. Unless you were being sarcastic? That would be incredibly cruel of you, but that can't be it because I'm sure you'd leave sarcasm to tossers who have no point to make.

I'm sorry to inform you that I suspect your wit and repartee is only admired by those with a very short attention span. As to your posts being respected on the internet only the millions with access can confirm that. But from my own perspective with your incredible breadth and depth of knowledge that you demonstrate here time and time again I can but hope that all those who read your words can only be struck by the profound truth that you bestow upon us mere mortals.


Of course, a certain element think you are a complete and utter t~sser. But what do they know eh?

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I thought you were talking to me for a minute, PK! I shouldn't have gotten in the way :rolleyes:


Edited to add: And now I look like a paranoid tosser cos you just edited your post to show who you were referring to! :lol:

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Of course, a certain element think you are a complete and utter t~sser. But what do they know eh?


Heh, the omnipotent 'they' who dare not show themselves or voice their feelings in public, only communicating through you and your underground network of agentswho are in constant contact with you to act as their mouthpiece.


The shadowy 'they' who are only ever wheeled out when someone wishes to add weight to their point by adding the unnamed, uncounted and undeclared throngs of supporters they have lurking in the background.


Or... you're talking bollocks.


I know where the smart money is.

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Can one person be


a certain element think you are a complete and utter t~sser. But what do they know eh?



I too have disagreed with ans in the past, but resorting to this kind of name calling is hardly a mature approach to dialogue.

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So quoting the dictionary definition of a torso to him is a little futile.


Hardly, as, initially, he didn't seem to have a problem with the term. Admittedly, he late 'toned down' his view.



Sorry, Bill you have misunderstood my post. I was not referring to your use of the definition of "cripple" but of Purrrrrrrrry's use of the definition of "torso".


I agreed with your point on "cripple" and was pleased to note that Rog acknowledged that the term was viewed by most as offensive and would refrain from using it.


On the other hand I thought Purrrrrrry castigating him for using the term torso, when he was actually refering to the words of the airline official, was unfair. Especially, when the use of the term "torso" to discribe the woman is fundimental to the the news item.

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