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A Torso Cannot Possibly Fly On Its Own


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I too have disagreed with ans in the past, but resorting to this kind of name calling is hardly a mature approach to dialogue.


He's actually talking to Monkey.


Someone calling me a tosser is difficult to argue against :)

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So quoting the dictionary definition of a torso to him is a little futile.


Hardly, as, initially, he didn't seem to have a problem with the term. Admittedly, he late 'toned down' his view.



Sorry, Bill you have misunderstood my post. I was not referring to your use of the definition of "cripple" but of Purrrrrrrrry's use of the definition of "torso".


I agreed with your point on "cripple" and was pleased to note that Rog acknowledged that the term was viewed by most as offensive and would refrain from using it.


On the other hand I thought Purrrrrrry castigating him for using the term torso, when he was actually refering to the words of the airline official, was unfair. Especially, when the use of the term "torso" to discribe the woman is fundimental to the the news item.


Nicely explained Declan.


And made all the clearer by the use of quotation marks ;)


/me pushes luck:


*Tsk* Rog, how on earth did you forget them? (Maybe your memory was as bad as mine obviously was :lol: )


Ok, time to quit whilst I'm behind, nite all!

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complete load of tosh, what about foreign passengers who cant understand the language of the plane staff or something. I cant see all hell breaking loose because a deaf passenger was inconvenienced either.


If you fly on a foreign aircraft with a cabin crew who do not speak your language it can be a hell of a strain - and I write from first hand experience.


Having the safety information leaflet written in the common international languages and use of 'international' names (such as ‘exit’), combined with clear graphic signs and instructions using international graphic symbols helps but it is still stressful.


Deaf passengers failing to hear an announcement that coffee is to be served or that the flight is to divert or some similar trivial matter is not the issue and of course ‘all hell’ would NOT break out.


But consider the result of an announcement asking for ‘Jo Blow to contact the cabin crew’ in order to take an important message and the failure to get the message resulting in him loosing out in some way.


Or even worse that during the course of an emergency he missed a bit of safety critical advice or the instruction ‘Brace Brace Brace’ just before impact and was spread all over the ‘plane possibly taking others with him as a result. Or even if he ‘just’ suffered injury or caused others to be injured as a result of not obeying an instruction during the evacuation. It is as a result of something like that which would cause ‘all hell’ to break out.


Edit: Fixed your blinking quotes again Rog. Sort it out man :) (ans)

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Sorry, Bill you have misunderstood my post. I was not referring to your use of the definition of "cripple" but of Purrrrrrrrry's use of the definition of "torso".


I agreed with your point on "cripple" and was pleased to note that Rog acknowledged that the term was viewed by most as offensive and would refrain from using it.


Fair comment. ;)

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complete load of tosh, what about foreign passengers who cant understand the language of the plane staff or something. I cant see all hell breaking loose because a deaf passenger was inconvenienced either.


If you fly on a foreign aircraft with a cabin crew who do not speak your language it can be a hell of a strain - and I write from first hand experience.


Having the safety information leaflet written in the common international languages and use of 'international' names (such as ‘exit’), combined with clear graphic signs and instructions using international graphic symbols helps but it is still stressful.


Deaf passengers failing to hear an announcement that coffee is to be served or that the flight is to divert or some similar trivial matter is not the issue and of course ‘all hell’ would NOT break out.


Or even worse that during the course of an emergency he missed a bit of safety critical advice or the instruction ‘Brace Brace Brace’ just before impact and was spread all over the ‘plane possibly taking others with him as a result. Or even if he ‘just’ suffered injury or caused others to be injured as a result of not obeying an instruction during the evacuation. It is as a result of something like that which would cause ‘all hell’ to break out.


Edit: Fixed your blinking quotes again Rog. Sort it out man :) (ans)


so because of a remote possibility of a deaf passenger possibly, in a million to one chance, not getting some crucial information such as 'brace' deaf passengers should have a hearing person with them. cant you see how stupid you sound? especially as there is no safety guidelines on this at all, maybe you should offer up your servies to the airlines as you seem to know best.

just how would not bracing cause a passenger to be spread all over the plane rog? bracing is not some miracle survival technique, in fact in the case of a crash its very likely all would die. deaf or no. but I doubt in a million aircrashes, with a million deaf people on board there would even be one fatality caused by someones deafness! you make the point about safety leaflets. deaf people can read too you know. but even if they couldnt your argument is still clutching at straws Im afraid.

But consider the result of an announcement asking for ‘Jo Blow to contact the cabin crew’  in order to take an important message and the failure to get the message resulting in him loosing out in some way.
no this is funny! duh, thats the problem with being deaf rog. sometimes you miss hearing things. whather your on a plane or anywhere. there is no statutory requirement for deaf people to have hearers or blind people to have seers.

carry on digging rog

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/in a vain attempt to inject so levity


I'd rather have a deaf passenger than a blind pilot  :D


/vain attempt off - normal service resumed.



I'd rather have a deaf pilot than a legless one...



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