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A Torso Cannot Possibly Fly On Its Own


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so because of a remote possibility of a deaf passenger possibly, in a million to one chance, not getting some crucial information such as 'brace' deaf passengers should have a hearing person with them. cant you see how stupid you sound?

Kelly, I think that I need to make one point clear. Common sense says that a passenger who is deaf is perfectly able to travel by air in complete safety and alos not to be a hazard to anyone around them --- BUT.


And the ‘but’ is the liability of being sued that an airline and by definition its insurers face if there is ANY loophole or weakness in their practices that either results in an injury or that someone with an eye toa quick buck can exploit.


In the case of a single deaf person then the probability is that the cabin crew coulod and would check the flight manifest to see where ‘Jo Blo’ was seated and for that matter in the event of an incident could and would perfectly adequately manage to cater for one or two deaf passengers HOWEVER if it is a case of a party of deaf passengers then to expect the cabin crew to manage a number of people – and in the case in question I believe it was in excess of 20m - then this is a different matter altogether.


Remember, what must be considered is the general public. People who need to be told not to use an iron to iron clothes when they are wearing them. People who need to have a warning ‘this product contains nuts’ written on a pack of peanuts. People who will sue a company that serves them with a cup of tea that is too hot. And who must be told in the user manual of an electric kettle that the water will become very hot in use and will remain hot for some considerable time being turned off.


We live in a litigious society today and as a result providers of services and products have to be very careful that they do not leave any opportunities to be 'taken to the cleaners'.


Like “I couldn’t hear the ‘brace’ instruction and so I suffered whiplash”.

or 'do not eat' written on packets of silica gel often forund in electronic equipment.

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So here i am 12.30 having read some very disturbing views. It is a shame that this thread has been interupted by people making petty jibes at each other, though being new to this I suspect it goes on a lot.


My main point is "cripples" are people they should not be shoved in a "cripple zone". (Hitler had a similar idea for not only"cripples" but anyone not fitting into his Arian Race.)


People are people and as a society we should not dictate the level of services/amenities available even if it costs some of us slightly extra. I would hate to live in a world where people are marginalised due to the cost of having them fully join in. To use cost or litigation is a feeble reason to turn a group of deaf people from a plane (and their comments were - we didn't feel human). In an imagined plane crash I do not rate my chances of survival, amonst all the panic I doubt I will complain about anyone less able bodied than me slowing my exit to safety - I after all might be panicing causing harm to them, who knows.


Thankfully most of the posts here show we as a society care, and I'm sure those trying humour at the expense of the lady in question will think of what they have said and be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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Maybe if you had signatures on you wouldn't look so stupid!




I'll leave it to someone else to point out the irony of your statement.


Actually, no - I'll have so much more fun doing it myself.


I was referring to your post actually. To your link - even.


My subtle point was that the 'victory' won by the passengers might be a good opportunity for me to'use' your signature to make a kind of play on words that someone with an IQ above a room temperature might get, and, if that person were the author of the signature - they might play along - take a bit of the glory even.






I thought not.


Still, unlike you, I will not resort to name calling.


Not this time.

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Maybe if you had signatures on you wouldn't look so stupid!




I'll leave it to someone else to point out the irony of your statement.


Actually, no - I'll have so much more fun doing it myself.


I was referring to your post actually. To your link - even.


My subtle point was that the 'victory' won by the passengers might be a good opportunity for me to'use' your signature to make a kind of play on words that someone with an IQ above a room temperature might get, and, if that person were the author of the signature - they might play along - take a bit of the glory even.






I thought not.


Still, unlike you, I will not resort to name calling.


Not this time.

Come on Rox, surely you can do better than this? What, there is some subtle play on words around napalm and being unfortunately deaf? Then if so spell it it out for us war-mongers!


Come on woman. I actually thought that you remembered the signature from the previous forum because otherwise you would have picked up that with signatures off you would not have seen the napalm quote. But as you were referring to my quote (actually) then it seems to have passed you by....


Best shot please.... Not that it will make a difference....


How I miss thehater...

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