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Gas, Oil, Or Wool?


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There was a story in one of the local rags very recently about a young woman and her small child living in a corpy house in pully and how she found it almost impossible to heat the place up.

There is no central heating in the house and it seems she has to use expensive electric heaters and a coal fire in order to make it bearable. I don't have the newspaper anymore (in fact I used it to light my own fire) but I think she was hinting that perhaps the corpy should install a new heating system in the house.

I got to wondering just how much help should be given to people in this situation, I mean, should the tax payers be expected to stump up to put a nice new central heating system in the house.... or should she buy herself some wool and knit an extra sweater or two for her and her kid?

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what's the rent on a corpy house ?

No idea....but I'm sure it wouldn't cost too much for a few balls of wool and a pair of knitting needles, and the money she would save on coal and electricity bills would more than make uo for it.

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Shut up you clueless gimp. Jeeeeeees. What sort of an opinion is that you half witted Nazi.

Do you work for the DHSS or something????

should the tax payers be expected to stump up to put a nice new central heating system in the house.... or should she buy herself some wool and knit an extra sweater or two for her and her kid?

Did you voice an opinion last year when the MHK's decided to plough 1/4 million pound in to some crappy wooden Victorian relic from a bygone era. Now we could go on but I think I’ve made my point here; the govt wastes taxpayers money all the time.


So this child has to suffer because its mother isn’t smart enough to do well in the current social climate. Who basically isn’t as well off as yourself, hmmm, that’s not very Manks of you now is it.


I know nothing of the woman you are referring to, but I do speak from first hand experience when I say those house’s are cold; seriously cold. I lived on Laburnum Rd for a while back in the early 90’s - cold… cold… you don’t know the meaning of the word until you’ve lived in one of those asbestos clad homes/hovels. How long did it take to get rid of them. :lol:


How would you fancy getting a bath when the room’s ambient temperature is subzero? Is this really the society we are working for? Or are we all like ‘Jay’ and out for ourselves. (Right now as I write this it is currently -1`Celcius in Peel, and the cold weather hasn’t even started to get going. )

Those older pulrose homes will be reflecting the outside temperatures, and most people have learned methods of keeping warm; but a young family might not have learned them yet.

From your post, I see you think it fine that young children should be put at risk from hypothermia.


I think you miss the point about what society is about.


Jay, you seriously need to back pedal mate, 'or' you can continue to demonstrate to us all your fantastic aptitude for social economics’ and the like…!!!


Maybe you could enlighten us to why the mother and child should live in such conditions when so much money is squandered.


Other than that, good point Jay…. :P

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the kid shouldnt suffer,but it does make me annoyed sometimes when I am struggling to pay me bills but get no help from anyone. same with all the council houses having double glazing,I cannot afford to glaze my house.

3 bags of coal per week she says she gets thru, I say shes a LIAR


if she cannot afford to look after her kid she should have it taken away

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My son lives in one of those houses with his two year old daughter, and pregnant girlfriend and they are nothing more than ice boxes. Three bags of coal would not be unusual a week.



Not everone can afford to buy houses at the prices they are these days so have no choice but to move into council property.


People like Kite make me so angry, how dare he suggest she has her child taken away!

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I know nothing of the woman you are referring to, but I do speak from first hand experience when I say those house’s are cold; seriously cold. I lived on Laburnum Rd for a while back in the early 90’s - cold… cold… you don’t know the meaning of the word until you’ve lived in one of those asbestos clad homes/hovels. How long did it take to get rid of them. :lol:


I grew up in old Pulrose in the 50s and 60s (by the 90s, they had been given a 'renovation' which, for example, moved the toilet from outside to inside). They were cold and extremely draughty, hot water was only available when the fire was lit (it was much later that the 'luxury' of immersion heaters was introduced).

Our sources of heating were a coal fire in the living-room and a single gas tap that we plugged a gas fire into when we weren't using the supply for cooking.

Strangely, I can't recall anyone - young or old - dying of hypothermia!

Now I'm not suggesting that those kinds of conditions are acceptable today - and it's only right that new, or renovated local authority buildings should have central heating, double glazing etc. - but I do sometimes despair of the people who seem to want everything laid on a plate for them.

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I don't know about benefits but I thought winter fuel allowances was just something pensioners got?

Maybe I am wrong, but I was under the impression that anyone on a low income can apply for it. Anyway, a single mother in a council house? Perhaps a steriotype but she's hardly rolling in it is she?

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.........Blah.........blah..........rant..........What sort of opinion is that.............blah.......rant.........

Opinion? I haven't offered one.....yet. Unless of course you are talking about the suggestion that it's cheaper to buy a few balls of wool than it is to install a central heating system. you don't agree?


You talk as if living in one of those houses gives the word "cold" a whole new meaning...I spent my childhood years living in one of them, which is how I know you are talking through your arse. The houses are no worse than a lot of other houses without central heating...not everyone whines about it though and nor do they expect a handout just because they fancy some home improvements.

most people have learned methods of keeping warm; but a young family might not have learned them yet.

Ffs....What is there to learn? ....you want to be warmer?...you put an extra sweater on. Hardly rocket science is it.


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