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Gas, Oil, Or Wool?


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Ok matey, I see you have decided to back pedal.


Errrrrr.. Jay..

Opinion? I haven't offered one.....yet


No idea....but I'm sure it wouldn't cost too much for a few balls of wool and a pair of knitting needles, and the money she would save on coal and electricity bills would more than make uo for it.


So what is that????




Manxchatterbox, have you any idea how much Loaghtyn wool costs. lol.. Superior quality of course, definitely keep you warm....


'Jay' You grew up in one of these hovels,,, bollocks did you. Anyone who lived in one of these houses and goes on to have an opinion like yours, is a brick short of a wall.!! You are correct in one thing though, these houses do give a new twist to the word 'cold'


How brave you are in your tower, up there on the hill; safe and warm behind your computer screen.??????

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I grew up in a terraced house with only a coal fire as heating, yes it was bloody freezing, especially in the morning, though like Lonan3 I can't recall anyone else in our (quite poor) neighbourhood having hypothermia.


The houses in Pully are being replaced anyway (what more do they want?), so eventually it will be better for them, but until then I agree with Jay, put extra clothes on and stop complaining that your handouts aren't enough.

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Alex for your information there is not (as far as I know) any confirmation that 'higher' Pulrose is getting knocked down.


And who said everyone is on benefits in Pulrose? My son certainly is not. He works hard to provide for his family.


Pillocks like you should shut up.

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Until 2:47pm this afternoon, I have had neither central heating nor running hot water in my home. And I have lived here for over 9 years.


I could go on to tell you about the conditions in which I grew up on the Island if you want?


One thing colder than a house with no central heating or running hot water is no house at all. I could tell you a lot about that too.




I do not understand what the cause for complaint is.

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Strangely, I can't recall anyone - young or old - dying of hypothermia!

Neither can I Lonan, but think about what I say next... you didn't see my families story in the local rag. How many other stories have gone untold.


When our daughter 'nearly' died because of the cold back in 94, nobody was interested; and I'm not exaggerating, my little girl was lifeless. It was our own stupid fault for being young, naive and poor, wasn't it Jay..?? What a bain we were to society,..! AND I WORKED and we used an electric heater upstairs.


'Nobody was interested' wasn't completely true, the police thought we had abused our child and questioned us as per procedure, and social services did give us a baby thermometer to put on the side of the cot to monitor the temperature of which we constantly measured subzero temperatures of minus 2 -3 - 4 etc.. I wouldn't mind but one time the inside was colder that the outside. :lol: crazy.


Ice on inside of windows, thats right :D we remember that!

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Upstream...does because you have lived like that make it right?

I don't think anyone is saying it makes it right but that they have lived through similar situations and lived to tell the tale. As Upstream said at least they have a roof over their heads.

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IMO, the corpy houses should have better heating in them and those that are struggling with the cost helped.


My only grudge is that it always seems to be the same group of people who don't get help. The people who are on a low income who don't qualify for any help from the government. There are people who are financially no better off by going out to work than staying at home and claiming for benefits.

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