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My Question To Candidates In The Next Election.


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We don't need a Brit to do this! We need a system where ALL politicians are responsible to their voters and where the LegCo is fully elected by the people not by the Keys members. The problems on Mannin can be sorted by the Manx without the aid of foreign governments.

Am I allowed to second that !

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I think we are all in favour that the current system is a mess and we need it dealt with.


Cheese is 100% right in what he is saying, there is too much of this jobs for the boy's and girl's in the present government.


The problem is the worst case was Hyacinth when she got in to legco they all knew she would loose the election so they put her in legco.


She is a political retard and we cannot get her out.


This is why i think a lot of voters stayed away last time.


This up and coming election is going to be fantastic i hope.

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Legco already have full independence. They are accountable to none, not even the electorate whose money they are so free and easy with. IMHO that's the whole problem in a nutshell. There are NO checks and balances on your pharmacists and tractor salesmen. I would like to see a Lt Governor of real integrity armed with the authority to take blunderheads to task over their actions. Preferably by making them personally liable for crap decisions and unnecessary jollies.


Ive always thought PK was a crunt but I'll change my thoughhjts now

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I want all MLC's to be democratically elected but I think the Bishop's position needs to be handled sensitively as I believe a majority of the Manx people want to see it maintained. It is an ancient office, part of our heritage and in my view Bishops have used the privilege of having a vote and being able to speak appropriately and with great benefit to the ordinary people.


This seems to be a real problem for you Charles.

You believe all MLC s should be elected except one, the Bishop ?

This doesnt really square with a democratic system of Government and it makes a nonsense

of your earlier claim that you wouldnt be influenced by the Church of England in matters political!

If you are intending to stand as MHK I think we should be told if you are a democrat or if you are in favour of granting special privileges to the Church of England. Sorry but you cant have it both ways.


Thank you. A fair and reasonable question.


I have no real problem. This would only be the case if I kept my opinion to myself which I am not prepared to do. As far as I know there is no official Church of England view on this matter. It has not been debated at Synod to my knowledge and I have never been approached by anyone on this matter. I am telling you my personal view which may or may not coincide with any possible agreed Church view as a result of a future debate. I am unaware of any discussion being planned.


It would be very easy to go along with the view to take the Bishop out of Tynwald but I do not believe this is right for the Manx community. I have said so at this stage before an election not afterwards in the interests of democracy.

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Well at least there is one person in there with some sort of morals

I agree.

Just a pity he hasnt been required to test those morals against the electorate.

I dont have any problem at all with the Bishop being a member of our parliament, for that matter I dont have a problem with the chairman of the Braaid Young Mens Society being a member of Tynwald.

Provided they are elected

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It would be very easy to go along with the view to take the Bishop out of Tynwald but I do not believe this is right for the Manx community. I have said so at this stage before an election not afterwards in the interests of democracy.


Probably I am being really thick here.

How can it possibly be in the interests of democracy to say you support a member of a particular organisation being given a seat in Tynwald without him or her being elected ?

Isnt it more accurate to say you think democracy should be hedged by allowing certain people who occupy prominent positions in society to rule over the rest of us ???

Please put it in your manifesto.

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It would be very easy to go along with the view to take the Bishop out of Tynwald but I do not believe this is right for the Manx community. I have said so at this stage before an election not afterwards in the interests of democracy.


Probably I am being really thick here.

How can it possibly be in the interests of democracy to say you support a member of a particular organisation being given a seat in Tynwald without him or her being elected ?

Isnt it more accurate to say you think democracy should be hedged by allowing certain people who occupy prominent positions in society to rule over the rest of us ???

Please put it in your manifesto.


No you are not being thick. I could not possibly agree that you were! You are asking pertinent questions which should be answered in any manifesto.


I do not want prominent people or others who have got into Tynwald because of some hidden friendship or whatever to rule over us. We have inherited a system which is not perfect as we all seem to agree.


I have given my view. The Bishop presently has a seat in Tynwald. It is up to the people to decide if this to remain the case and to elect those who are in tune with their views on this and very many more matters.

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No you are not being thick. I could not possibly agree that you were! You are asking pertinent questions which should be answered in any manifesto.


I do not want prominent people or others who have got into Tynwald because of some hidden friendship or whatever to rule over us. We have inherited a system which is not perfect as we all seem to agree.


I have given my view. The Bishop presently has a seat in Tynwald. It is up to the people to decide if this to remain the case and to elect those who are in tune with their views on this and very many more matters.


Thanks for the debate.

I think at least you are refreshingly honest about this particular issue.

I dont agree with you, but that is neither here nor there is it ?

I still think this is something which needs to be in everyone's manifesto.

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No you are not being thick. I could not possibly agree that you were! You are asking pertinent questions which should be answered in any manifesto.


I do not want prominent people or others who have got into Tynwald because of some hidden friendship or whatever to rule over us. We have inherited a system which is not perfect as we all seem to agree.


I have given my view. The Bishop presently has a seat in Tynwald. It is up to the people to decide if this to remain the case and to elect those who are in tune with their views on this and very many more matters.


Thanks for the debate.

I think at least you are refreshingly honest about this particular issue.

I dont agree with you, but that is neither here nor there is it ?

I still think this is something which needs to be in everyone's manifesto.



Lone Wolf:


Good luck. You are quite a debater!


Thanks for the argument teasing out the points.



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I think its important to remember that the Keys have already debated the issue of electing members of the LegCo and that, although Steve Rodan's original proposal was altered, adjusted and watered down, they agreed that all members of Tynwald should be elected by universal suffrage.

This proposal was then sent on to the LegCo for 'revision' and 'consideration' - and has remained there like a beached whale at low tide!

It could quite easily, if the will existed, have been in place for the next election. Aren't we all surprised that LegCo can't seem to make their minds up about it?

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  • 1 month later...

Amazing what you do when you're bored. I thought I might try resurrecting this thread with a few questions that I'd like to put to our political candidates:


Do you believe that the voting public should elect all members of Tynwald, or do you think that MLCs should continue to be ‘chosen’ by the House of Keys?


Who would you support for the office of Chief Minister?


Are you, have you ever been or, if invited, would you become, a member of the Freemasons or any other ‘organisation with secrets’?


Do you believe that extending the vote to 16-year olds will make a useful contribution to the political life of the island and, if so, in what way?


Would you support the introduction of an all-island speed limit?


If you were to become a minister, would you accept that the principle of collective responsibility is more important than individual conscience?


Do you support the view that the promotion of a homosexual lifestyle as a reasonable alternative to a heterosexual one is acceptable?


Do you approve of a total ban on smoking in public places or should there be exceptions to the rule?


Does the amount spent on tourism represent value for money?


Should more attention be paid to providing leisure facilities for the local populace that can also be used by visitors?


What suggestions do you have for using the Summerland site?


Would you support funding for the restoration of the Ramsey Pier and the repair of the Tower of Refuge?


What proposals do you have for improving the image of the island on the international stage?

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Amazing what you do when you're bored. I thought I might try resurrecting this thread with a few questions that I'd like to put to our political candidates:


Do you believe that the voting public should elect all members of Tynwald, or do you think that MLCs should continue to be ‘chosen’ by the House of Keys?


Who would you support for the office of Chief Minister?


Are you, have you ever been or, if invited, would you become, a member of the Freemasons or any other ‘organisation with secrets’?


Do you believe that extending the vote to 16-year olds will make a useful contribution to the political life of the island and, if so, in what way?


Would you support the introduction of an all-island speed limit?


If you were to become a minister, would you accept that the principle of collective responsibility is more important than individual conscience?


Do you support the view that the promotion of a homosexual lifestyle as a reasonable alternative to a heterosexual one is acceptable?


Do you approve of a total ban on smoking in public places or should there be exceptions to the rule?


Does the amount spent on tourism represent value for money?


Should more attention be paid to providing leisure facilities for the local populace that can also be used by visitors?


What suggestions do you have for using the Summerland site?


Would you support funding for the restoration of the Ramsey Pier and the repair of the Tower of Refuge?


What proposals do you have for improving the image of the island on the international stage?


Lonan3 - you should have been at the meeting on Monday (perhaps you were) the business of electing the CM was one of the topics, as was not enough young people being involved. Go to the next one it on 27 March at the Empress @ 7.30 it's an Any Questions so you can put all these questions to Phil Gawne, Eddie Teare, Emma Christian (?) and two others who haven't been announced yet. I only hope that this meeting doesn't get hijacked by the MEA question. You've got to get your question in before Levensthorpe and his Missus get going though!! My God what a couple of "When I was in India's".............. ;)

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Lonan3 - you should have been at the meeting on Monday (perhaps you were) the business of electing the CM was one of the topics, as was not enough young people being involved. Go to the next one it on 27 March at the Empress @ 7.30 it's an Any Questions so you can put all these questions to Phil Gawne, Eddie Teare, Emma Christian (?) and two others who haven't been announced yet.


It sounds very much like the proposal I made some time back for a Manx Radio programme to replace the Mannin Line. It looks as though they've missed the bus again!

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Go to the next one it on 27 March at the Empress @ 7.30 it's an Any Questions so you can put all these questions to Phil Gawne, Eddie Teare, Emma Christian (?) and two others who haven't been announced yet.


oh, and while you are at it, ask each of the organisers driving this group what their feelings are about internet forums on the Isle of Man (manx.net, manxonline.com).


Perhaps most may wonder wtf I'm on about.

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