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My Question To Candidates In The Next Election.


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Thanks for your list. I do not fudge so I shall answer later tonight. I am going to get my tea first. We will disagree on lots of things and agree on others. I shall be honest because not to be is no use to anyone.




I wouldn't particularly want to be seen as a nice person - that really would be bland.

However I hope you wont be too disappointed.




I shall answer as best I can.


CU later

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So what are you saying then?


Please be specific, I'd hate to misinterpret what you're communicating.


That's the point really Mr. Mission - my post was directed towards Mr Flynn - let's see how he how he answers the questions before giving a clue as to personal preferences

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So would you vote for Grumble??


More Immigration into IOM by foreigners Only if needed by the IOM


Population control in IOM Yes. Just like we have now with the work permit system


Cannabis legalisation Yes. Taxed too


Europe - for or against Against


Capiital Punishment Yes


Corporal Punishment Yes


Al Island Speed Limit No


Gay Marriage No. Civil partnerships yes


Islam People can belive in the Honey Monster if it makes them happy. Long as those beliefs don't impinge on the lives of the indigenous people


Christianity See above


Is there a God? I don't think so, but you're welcome to your own view


Global Warming does it exist? Yes


War in Iraq We should withdraw asap


Nuclear Energy Yes


Mr. Blair No


Mr. Bush No


Mr. Kennedy No


Mr. Cameron Yes


Public Schools/private education Public only. Private education is divisive and perpetuates the class war that hampers our part of Europe


Private health care No. But the NHS reorganised with far fewer pen-pushers and report writers and more medics


Higher Income Tax Not necessary...but IOMG needs to take more care of public spending and stop all these expensive arse-covering and pointless inquiries


Lower Income Tax No


Council housing Yes...but at realistic rents


And if you lived in the UK which Policital party would you vote for? I'm a meritocrat, so probably Tory still, although I'm probably more of a socialist these days. And I ate my tea whilst responding...

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I've now printed out your list. Here are my answers which I think cut across the normal political and religious boundaries.


1.More immigration into IOM by foreigners.


I do not call people who come to the Island and love the place foreigners. If they have made their home here and contribute and share with other people they are very welcome. My wife comes from Gloucester originally and she is as more love for the people than anyone else I know.


However immigration should be controlled. More people puts pressure on our infrastructure, our countryside. My friend Marge Joughin wanted everyone deported so that only the Manx could live here. I can't agree with that but sensible controls are necessary so that the Manx people do not become foreigners in their own land and local people can afford to buy their own homes.


2.Population Control in IOM




3. Cannabis legalisation.


I do not want to see young people being crimalised because they have what has been termed a normal experience. However I have never smoked cannabis or taken any other drug. As a pharmacist I have seen too many lives destroyed. I have in the past been a Member of the Drug and Alcohol Advisory Council so I am very much aware of the dangers of cannabis to some people.


No I do not want it legalised but the penalties for small personal possession should be minimal and not part of the criminal law. More education needs to be given so young people can make their own minds up.


4. Europe - for or against.


For. I believe we have more to gain than to lose by being part of Europe. Our Human Rights Legislation has only come about because of Europe - likewise social legislation etc. However we have to maintain our fiscal independence.


5. Capital Punishment.


Against. I think capital punishment is a degrading and cruel practice. However punishment for people who murder in cold blood should be life and that should mean life.


6. Corporal Punishment.


No longer an option. Used to believe in the birch however and I do believe that parents should be allowed to smack children provided it is done with love - if that isn't a contradiction.


7.All Island Speed Limit.


No - enforce the existing laws without attempting to bring in a law which will be unenforceable.


8. Gay marriage.


Gay partnerships - yes -well overdue. Marriage is between a man and a women and should not br confused with legal rights for people who live together.




I support those people who practice the true faith of Islam which as I understand is about peace. Those who make it an excuse to terrorise others should be treated as the criminals they are.


10. Christianity.


I am an Anglican Reader elected to the Church of England's Cental Readers Council I have been a church warden, member of Diocsan Synod, Diocesan Board of Finance etc.


Yes I believe in God - the God of love.


11.Is there a God?


Yes but He is a mystery which I am still trying to get to grips with. The perfect man is Jesus I believe

- no one else comes near.


12.Global Warming.


I am Chairman of Island Agenda 21, Society for the Preservation of the Manx Countryside & Environment and a member of Friends of the Earth and a number of other environmentla bodies. Global warming is a fact and is the greatest risk to our future. We must all do something about it.


13 War in Iraq.


A great mistake. More time should have been given to negotiation to stop Saddam suppressing his people and threatening the peace of the world.


14.Nuclear Energy.


No. If we wnet with this the supply of uranium will run out in 50 or so years and leave potentially hazardous nuclear waste for thousands of years to come. Therefore more research monies must be put into

renewables to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.


14. Mr Blair


Once he was an asset now he has been greatly weakened and should leave the stage. Never liked his smile! However he a great political operator.


15. Mr Bush.


How he became President I shall never know but then I'm not American. I think he is a danger to world peace and certainly to our environment.


16. Mr Kennedy.


I met him once at the Common when I was organising a UK campaign to stop the closure of small chemists shop. David Owen was the Leader then. I wasn't impressed by Mr Kennedy but he was at the learning stage. I'm told he is a nice man but he will never be our PM.


17.Mr Cameron.


I am impressed by his ability to appeal to all sorts of people. It is early days yet but I wish him well. A strong opposition is esssential.


18 Public Schools/private education.


I was educated at the Douglas High School and London University.. My family were working class ordibnary people who had no money. I believe everyone should have equal opportunities and if private education transfers able teachers from the public sector I am against it. However I also believe in excellence and there is no doubt private education can be a wonderful thing for those who can afford it.

So I would leave matters as they are and give people the choice but with all available resources being put into the public sector.


19. Private Health Care.


I have just had to pay £540 for a crown because my dentist no longer has NHS patients and I do not want to transfer to anyone else. Plough the money into the NHS to reduce waiting lists so everyone is equal. I believe the ability to pay should not be a criteria for getting health care.


20 Higher Income Tax.


The levels of salary for some are obscene. Some should be taken back to pay for essential services but there must remain an incentive for achievers. Top rate 60%?


21 Lower Income Tax.


In favour.


22 Council House.


As a child I used to live in a council house at Willaston. I support the principle that those who need it to provide for their circumstances and their family should have good public housing available for them. Those who can afford it and have the opportunity and have no unusual circumstances should make the effort vacate their council house.


23 UK Political Party.


I do not live in the UK and have never voted there. I do not pay their taxes so perhaps I am not the right person to answer.


I would vote either conservative or labour as these are the only viable parties who are likely to form a government. Currently I would vote labour but if Mr Cameron come good and Gordon Brown doesn't,

I would vote tory.

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Grumble and Charles, excellent. Lawnmower's questions and your answers have given me more insight into your beliefs and how they do/don't correspond with my own than I have ever got from the people I have voted for.

Now would I vote for either of you...well you both have a better chance now I've got a better idea of you! Much much better than those pathetic platitudes that will come through my letterbox in October/November.

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Would agree with most, but not all of Grumbles replies.


Firstly, I agree with council or social housing but, and this will be unpopular, the rent should be means-tested. Not everyone's favourite as we have moved away from delivering benefits to those that need it to those that want it, on PC grounds I'm sure. But what is wrong with targeting public funds to those that are in genuine need?


Secondly, I can't take a laid back attitude over religion; it has been the veil for countless atrocities over the centuries. Its basis cannot be clearly proven so is a great tool of manipulation; you can never be wrong. At the end of the argument all that need be said is "but I believe and I am right"! No scope for negotiation or persuasion there. It is just hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo that foments intolerance.


But what do you replace it with?

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I've now printed out your list. Here are my answers which I think cut across the normal political and religious boundaries.


I would vote either conservative or labour as these are the only viable parties who are likely to form a government. Currently I would vote labour but if Mr Cameron come good and Gordon Brown doesn't,

I would vote tory.


I like your ideas Charles. You'd get my vote. The only points I disagreed with were concerning marriage. Where does it state that marriage is only between a man and a woman? This may be widely believed but so too was the inforiority of certain races. Times change. Voting should also not just be about who you want in charge but also who you want in opposition. I'd vote Lib Dem as hopefully more people would be inclined to if their support grew and we need an effective opposition which the Tories (maybe it's changing now) haven't been able to offer.

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More Immigration into IOM by foreigners yes - to do the jobs we can't do or don't want


Population control in IOM yes - the work permit system


Cannabis legalisation yes


Europe - for or against for


Capiital Punishment no


Corporal Punishment no


Al Island Speed Limit yes


Gay Marriage yes


Islam How do you give a yes or no answer to this? No I don't believe it is the one true faith. Yes I believe people have the right to practice it


Christianity see Islam


Is there a God? No, I'm afraid not


Global Warming does it exist? Yes


War in Iraq no


Nuclear Energy No (at the moment) although I've always been against it, my opposition is waivering as the debate progresses and it is entirely possible that I am wrong on this issue.


Mr. Blair yes, once upon a time


Mr. Bush no


Mr. Kennedy no - bring on Menzies Campbell


Mr. Cameron no - at the moment


Public Schools/private education no - but people can waste their money how they like


Private health care yes - but not to the detriment of the NHS


Higher Income Tax no (but see next answer)


Lower Income Tax yes - I'd raise the level of income needed before people started paying tax, if that means increasing the higher rate slightly so be it.


Council housing yes


Now I can answer all those questions with a simple yes or no, no problem at all.


Can you do it without fudging? no



And if you lived in the UK which Policital party would you vote for? Traditionally Labour. But in the current climate any of the three major parties could emerge with the policies need to secure my vote.


Oh and Beckett, there's no way I would stand for the Keys - I don't have the neccessary drive, experience, intelligence or personal qualities to do the job properly.

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