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Women To Be Paid For Having Babies?


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Typicall rich/poor devide innit. The devloped world is heading for a bit of a crisis with falling birth rates and an aging population. The welfare system in most countries counts on there being more young working people than retired folks, and the young pay for the old. With falling birth rates the future looks bleat.


Of course in developing countries, they're trying to control the birth rate because they can't feed everyone and kids are dying of starvation.


Mad world innit?

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Only read the article and it is not very indepth - but it does seem more to be encouring women to get pregnant the UK system is more a re-active make sure the mother/baby can eat type system, I don't know what kind of state benefits they have in Poland but you would hope they have some or the birth rate is not likely to climb very quickly.

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I can't read the BBC news story; its censored where I am at the moment, but I presume its full of worried politicians bemoaning falling birthrates and calling on patriotic country-women to procreate.


Its true that falling birthrates are a huge issue throughout the world with many many countries facing declining numbers in the workforce and increasing numbers of pensioners needing support.


Health bills, Pensions etc all projected to increase while the tax pool decreases. It has a demographic certainty to it which is VERY difficult to change and it is a serious worry.


What's the solution for you average nationalistic politician: pay people to have babies ... tax breaks, allowances, free creches etc etc.


I think its sad.


I don't understand why people don't see increased immigration as a solution to these problems. Bring in hard working, dedicated migrants who will enrich a culture and provide skills, jobs and tax revenues to boot.


This is the one area I really respect American CULTURE; an openess to accept outsiders, but with an expectation and determination that they will adopt the "American Way".


The world has more than enough people, and allowing us to move freely about to take account of the surpluses and shortages available will make it more equitable.


Are people really saying their home cultures are so weak and uninspiring that it will be destroyed by have more incomers? Sad.


The demographic changes are so firmly entrenched its highly unlikely that tax breaks etc will change them. Calling for more bonking is all very well, but it won't improve things nearly as much as opening the borders even a little.

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Polish women offered baby bonus

By Adam Easton

BBC News, Warsaw


Polish mother and child

Women's groups say the payments will not address the long-term trend

The Polish parliament has passed legislation to pay women for each new child they have, in an effort to boost the country's falling population.


Birth rates are declining in much of Europe and Poland has one of the lowest in the continent.


The new government has pledged to introduce policies to help families.


Under the scheme every woman will receive a one-off payment of 1,000 zlotys (258 euros; £177) - for each child she has.


Women from poorer families will receive double that amount. The provisions went even further than the government wanted.


It will now have to find an extra 358m zlotys (87m euros; £63m) to fund the project.


Quick fix


Poland has a population of 38 million, about the same size as that of Spain. But birth rates in this staunchly Catholic country have been falling dramatically.


The population has actually decreased by close to half a million in the last six years. But some women's groups say payments are a quick fix and will not address the long-term trend.


They say countries like Sweden and France have been able to reduce their own falling birth rates by providing better child care facilities for working parents and increasing paternity leave.


The new Polish legislation needs to be ratified by the president - a close political ally of the government - before it becomes law.

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Only read the article and it is not very indepth - but it does seem more to be encouring women to get pregnant the UK system is more a re-active make sure the mother/baby can eat type system, I don't know what kind of state benefits they have in Poland but you would hope they have some or the birth rate is not likely to climb very quickly.


Italy may also introduce similar leglislation as was recently suggested by PM Bellascrawny.


Benefits are poor in Poland and limited to a maximum of 9 months, I think, despite unemployment of upto 40% in some areas (18% national average)

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