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Well I play CS 1.6 a bit, and used to traditionally play it on the good ol' numpad. I've got to move away from the numpad, and I've given wasd a quick play (was shit) but I can't get it quite right (backslash is where walk used to be on numpad, but I can't seem to bind to it :/ ) :(


Controls that I need to use:

Forward, (8)

L + R strafe (4,6)

Backwards (5)

Drop weapon (2)

Walk (.)

Jump (9)

Weapon special function (7)


What do you WASDers use? Cheers ;)

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Mouse1 = Fire

Mouse2 =Forward

G = Left

J = Right

H = Back

Space = Jump


They're the basics for every FPS I've ever played. Obviously game specific binds are different but I like having my hand in the middle of the keyboard as my long fingers can reach every key without having to relocate my hand.

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Logitech MX310


I've hardly gamed since August really because I got so jaded after 8 years of non stop league games and practices that I just quit everything.


I played with a Logitech Pilot standard ball mouse until 2004. Old three buttoned job with no wheel. I bought eight of them when they said they were ceasing production a few years ago. I finally ran out :)

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I like to use the middle part of the board on FPS games (when I get time to play any these days!)

Using the following...

Home - Forward

End - Back

Delete + Page Down - strafe l and r

This leaves the large (easy to hit in a hurry!) Enter key and numpad Ins/0 key within easy reach of your little finger/thumb for anything you want...

Also Ive always used Mouse 1 - Fire, Mouse 2 - Jump and Mouse 3 - secondary fire.


Would be interested in hearing others preferences too actually.

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