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Hot Doggin'

Dr Fish

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hi folks...


well... golly... not wanting to downgrade the hype too much, but just need to add a few things...


AlienXTalk has arisen from a chance happening back at ChasFest.


the personel are currently as follows:


Tommo - guitars and guitarry noises.

JQ - drums and anything hittable with sticks.

'ingie (that'll be me then) controlling the computer bits, synths and hopefully in all the chaos playing bass.


we are hoping for a female singer at some point [any volunteers???]


the music is basically stuff too scary for my 'ingie album "noughtp0.1ntone" ... [ which FYI is now in the final throws of an inpending release on ballagroove.com... all the music and artwork is done, just needs me to write a few lines of thanks and that sorta stuff ]


to that end, the music for AlienXTalk will be "psy-techno-rock"



however, don't expect tooooo much from us at this debut test gig.... cos as yet we haven't actually rehearsed as a band... Tommo's been working out bits of guitar, I've been working on Basslines, JQ's got himself a rather snazzy electronic drum kit... and then the software died and i've yet to get it working again.

[ xmas brings many things... on this occasion - greater procrastination and long lie-ins ]


but... nessecity being the m'f' of invention and all that.... i suppose reading this post has at least shoved ten tonnes of dynamiteee up my ar5e... so....


i'm now looking forward to somehow coordinating my life around this gig i suppose....


[ damn, and i thought i was going to have a relaxing january ]



well... heads down and hope for the best...


see yas all..



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Im afraid it's the Traf for me on that night suckers!!


Bad one, we'll have to go on without you then......


get yo'selves to




the 'Electrofish flashback mix session' is online....listen out for the 'chok-a-block' sample at the end.

Brian Cant will never be seen in the same light again.... :D


***New Trax from myself @ http://mp3artistsonline.com/artists/bands/431/

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what kind of vocals you lookin for INgie? x



um... well, straaaangely enough... i thought last night you'd be the one to reply :) ... not sure why.


but what style... quite sultry & hardcore - if that makes sense... if you know the track [as everyone SHOULD] ... "sugar is sweeter" by C.J.Bolland with Jade-4U singing.... but a bit less distorted... or maybe whats-her-face from Senser crossed with Liz Frazer from Cocteux Twins....


basically a vocal sound that will turn-people-on, yet still maintain the animal-inside-a-human sensation...


like a honey-coated-succubus...


.... whhoooo.... that mere phrase makes me shiver... :) ... i think i'll use that as a track title



does that help m'dearie ???

are you offering your lungs? [not in a sacrificial way]


or have i put you off?


either way, thanx for the interest x

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thats nuts Ingie how you thought i would reply! yeah i know the song - used to change the words when we were at school! haha. my laptop is fkd so wont get on the net again till the mora... but let me have a little sing aling tonight and see. (im very shy you see... ask Roxanne...) ha. x speak soon! sounds good though what youre doing! ;)

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Louise? ahh my dear old friend (whom I have never even heard of) is leaving, leaving work? the Island? her mind behind?


Pleeeeease dont do anything nasty to the green monkey dr fish, it's all my fault, dont take it out on the monkey man.


Oh and Miss Trin, whoooooo hoooooo - I printed my Newark ticket off yesterday and have it by the pee ceee ready to fly. Small issue with the IOM - Manchester flight.......I cannot remember who I booked with and cant find the confirmation....noooo worries la. Its nearly time mummy. My new image will fair well in New York man.......really it will. x. love you long time.

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... you're like busses, the lot of ya :)



it's looking like there may have to be an X-Factor stylee sing off... as i've had another offer of vocal outside this thread... but larns, yeah... well i can get you a cd of the planned tracks as soon as i can be ar5ed.... else if you get your machine fixed i can point you at somewhere on my network for you to listen direct with winamp or somethin'


send us an email to

ing@manx.net with your preference...



oh, and Monsieur Le Fish .... how much physical space will we have for my geeky techno equipment .... am [for my purpoises [and beleive me, this is a minimalist setup] ...

looking at 1 pc, 1 laptop, 2 monitors [ hopefully both flat panels ... 1 is at least ] ... um.... a virus synth, [+maybe a master keyboard] and a 12 track and a 24 track behringer desk [ for live mixing, not just back line out-of-the-way] ... then we got jq's electronic drum kit frame plus a coupla cymbals and snare... two amps for bass and guitar.... and then room for us all to stand around that lot... :ph34r:


i know space is tight down there.... so i wanted to be sure you know what we're bringing.... since there'll be all your kit and kaboodle too....

also, need about 1 hours setup time to wire and sound check it all works....



cheeery byee...



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