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Can You Park A 65ft Yacht In The Langness Harbour?


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A few more pertinent questions, perhaps.


1. How far from the shore would a 65ft yacht have to anchor?

2. What kind of artillery can you mount on a 65ft yacht?

3. Will the advanced GPS system of the new Galileo Satellite enable such artillery to cleanly take out a dog having a crap on Langness?

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Good questions Lonan, but I don't think even the Galileo system is accurate enough to take out a dog in mid-crap!

Depends on the ammunition used, doesn't it? This should be sufficient to take out Fido in mid-business:



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Since 65ft is about 20 metres, I imagine you could carry the fair share of bazookas and Guided Missile Launchers, What Fun :D


As Amadeus said, just shell the hell out of the area near the woofer, or better yet, feed it Chocolate ;)

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Grudingly, Nipper, I think you are right, it is not a straight forward black or white matter. The Government is not the final arbiter in cases like this, it is the courts, (unless of course Parliament decides to legislate upon the matter).


You need only look as the Waterfront matter in Jersey to see how wrong a Government can be regarding rights over land! In summary, millions of pounds have been spent by the Government reclaiming land on the waterfront in St Helier over a number of years. But the land was subject to certain rights which the Government poo-pooed, then did a massive u- turn resulting in substantial compensation being paid to the holder of those rights.


Having said that the Langness matter has been distorted because of the high profile personality involved. For what its worth, I think JC has acted reasonably and fairly, bearing in mind that he does not believe that there are any public rights of way over his land. Whereas, the PROWL people have over reacted, bearing in mind that they cannot be certain that there are public rights of way!


I hope he does put a 65ft yacht down in Langness, but isn't it the draught of a boat rather than the length which has to be considered when mooring?

glad to be back, I think this is what Mr Clarkson is talking about! - www.manxscenes.com


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I think what keeps getting missed out of these comments is the word 'cottages'.


As far as I can see, the Northern Lighthouse Board will own the 'sticky-up' bit with the lamp on top, it was the redundant keepers' cottages which were surplus to requirements when they went automated.

Maybe it just sounds better on the CV !.


There is a good deep anchorage just around the corner in Derby Haven if he wants a 65ft-er, (I saw a navy vessel anchored there in rough weather many years ago).

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Far as I recall Derby Haven is a great anchorage until the wind blows from a certain direction and then all the boats end up on the rocks.


Many years ago, I had the sad experience of watching someone who had just brought a boat back from Salford docks guard it against salvage men after it had been washed up on Derby Haven rocks! Funny how often you can get a mantra of "the bastards will never.." in an eight hour vigil!

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