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Manx Telecom Service


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over the recent months i have noticed a reduction in the level of service which has been offered to me as a manx telecom customer.


increasingly text messages which i send are either marked as unsent or take several hours to arrive at their destination


i understand the issues of the telecom system being swamped around midnight on new years eve, but the text messaging system was still patchy at 3pm on new years day.......


also as a broadband internet user i have seen a gradual degradation of this service over the recent months, my router needing to be constantly rebooted as the ping rate goes through the ceiling (response time), this is making some online gaming applications become un-usable, as these applications are the reason i currently subscribe to broadband internet i am somewhat disgruntled.


also on top of this rapidly expiring customer service the cost of broadband internet remains extreme compared to similar services across europe and the UK.


rant over



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To a degree I would agree with all of your statements, but one that totally pisses me off is the rip off prices that Manx Telecom charge to their Pronto Go customers, most of which who are kids!!


I would love the Communications Commission (who awarded MT their latest license) to provide us, the Manx taxpayer with a call cost comparison chart on all of MT's tariffs in direct comparison with similar sized areas/jurisdictions!


Hang on, their is a pink fluffy pig flying past my window :whatever:


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After having used mobile services in England for quite a while now i agree that the service over here is not particularly good. Regularly i get linked messages where it just says "Some Text Missing" and then never updates.


The only thing MT mobile services have going for them is that they have good coverage, but then they should do it's not a large area to cover. The rates are high, but i guess that's what you pay for having such a small customer base. The fact that i can't register a debit card and have to ring up 141 and broadcast my card details in public to put money on my phone is another annoying thing about MT's mobile service.


In general MT could improve their service quite a bit...but where's the incentive for them to do so? They did all the 3g stuff because it got them recognised and international plaudits...but what do they get for providing us with a better service? Not a lot, we have to use their system anyway.

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Nice one Ean, another question I will be asking any prospective MHK's who come knocking on my door before the next general election in November 2006 will be who are MT answerable to on the Isle of Man?


I probably know the answer right now and that is 02UK is not one bit interested in the Isle of Man.


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In a small place like the IOM, monopolies are part and parcel of the deal.


However, where businesses are operating under a Government granted licence, then the terms of the licence should introduce some conditions which replicate an open, competitive economy, rather than give the licensee carte blanche to rip off the local economy.


For example, 'phone rates should be pegged to UK rates (plus a small uplift to acknowledge the different scales here) requiring a justified application to be made to Govt. for any tariff increase beyond that.


It cannot be beyond the wit of Mann to look to the licensing system that we have to put some minimum service level and price constraints on the monopolies that operate! No problem with anyone making a buck or two, but don't just give it away!

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glad to be back


I know Mr Quintin Gill MHK was looking at MT,s mobile phone call charge structure some time ago but I am not sure where he got with this subject, I have a lot of time for Mr Gill as I know that he has the best interests of the people of the Isle of Man at heart.


I personally believe that he will be re-elected at the next general election :)


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Who was it that applied the pressure re: the de-activation of Pronto Go accounts? I know the period was extended and I think the use required dropped to 1 call / txt msg per 6 months?


I'm on Pronto Go and fed up of 10p texts. Although is everyone aware of the land-line e-Bill freebies? £1 worth per quarter or something like that :)

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Was anyone else 'phoned to participate in a survey commissioned by MT on the service they provide?


Throughout I was trying to put the point across that this is a monopoly and we cannot get the value for money that the UK gets. But, needless to say, there wasn't a box to be ticked for that!


Anyway, the main upshot was that if I was prepared to be billed on-line I would get some savings (a couple of free texts, and a pound off my line rental, or something equally tempting) and I would be hearing further. ..


No news yet!

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What i would like to know is how many manx MHK's have shares in Manx Telecom ?


The isle of man is being ripped off by MT its pricing is over the top.


Also business customers are also being ripped off more and more.


There needs to be a review of there pricing by the OFT to see if it is value for money.


I know a lot of people have gone onto Pronto Go because the contract mobiles are far to pricey, i know a few people who make about £2 a month in calls and they have to pay £15 a month line rental so they have gone on to pay as you go.

They save £15 a month so why don't MT bring down there contract mobiles to £5 a month that way they will get more people on them.

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