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Manx Telecom Service


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It must be easy to find out Member's interests as these would have to be declared. It might be worth contacting the Clerk of Tynwald's Office, as the 10 year old, useless Tynwald website wont have it on.

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Manx Telecom is a rip off, it's about time we got some better deals. I know it's a monopoly but surely they would still make a profit.


I got a call from mt a while back about a survey and they asked how the service could be improved. I told them I wanted a package deal with unlimited use on the phone,sky and the internet at a set price every quarter. They didn't say much after that.

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Anyone else get charged for unsent texts when network was jammed <_< ?


Yes. Fleecing bastards.


On Manx Radio news on Sunday it reported that MT would refund multiple texts.


so how exactly are they going to do that?

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Virgin UK PAYG = 15p per minute for the first five minutes of calls then 5p per minute after that.


Virgin UK - Text messaging to Virgin mobiles = 3p, all other mobiles are the same as MT @ 10p per text.


Source - Virgin Mobile UK


We really are truly and totally ripped off on the Isle of Man with MT's call charges.


Last Ten

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One of the advantages of having competition in any industry is that it keeps everyone "on their toes" - service suppliers and service receivers. MT arguably has little incentive to provide other than what the "body corporate" i.e. its Board of Directors think (or are convinced by other senior staff) is appropriate for us mere mortals to have. As a subsidiary of a plc, the Board will have profit levels to hit year on year. Thus, as long as share holders are "satisfied" i.e. making money, first and foremost, the users (us) become a secondary thought, even though it is through service receivers such as us, profits are earned. Many of the MT staff I know are honest, hard working people who would like to do lots of the things that happen in the UK and elswehere in the world (including more competitive pricing structures) but are required to do what they are told "from above", even if it would mean a better and / or more cost effective service (Note :I accept this desire for staff to want to do better things for customers but are impeded by management is all too common in many organisations)

The issue is often not the company per se, or the staff in general, but those that have the final say and which the employees have to follow or get out (again no different to other organisations). Now that MT is heavily tied into IOM Govt in providing a range of services, the likelihood of them responding to users is probably very slim, unless of course it would raise income streams. As MT (like most telecos') make more profit from data than voice traffic, then it looks as though we users will have limited choice other than to grin and bear it, and thank those wonderful MT directors for the morsels they cast from their corporate table in our direction. The fact that through the increasingly greater bills and poor service, we pay their wages, seems irrelevant! And the fact they are supposed to be providing a service to Island residents, beyond their comprehension.

Rant over!

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