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IMO, We don't need a Governor, we have the Queen as Lord of Mann, and royal visits are plentiful enough.


I don't see the Governor as being any real use of taxpayers money.


Would be best putting the money normally spent on him to something more worthy. Anyone know what the costs were to look after him and run the house? Something like £3 million over the next 3 - 5 years, and he doesn't pay any tax on his earnings either.




Edited to add it is my own opinion.

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At the top of the Government comes a Lieutenant-Governor, appointed by the Crown. The Queen enjoys her status in the Isle of Man not by virtue of being Queen of the United Kingdom, but by virtue of being Lord of Mann. (She is always toasted in the Isle of Man as 'The Queen, Lord of Mann'). Nonetheless, she is advised by her ministers in the British Government, and it is the Home Secretary of the UK Government who is responsible to her for Manx affairs.


The Queen's representative is styled 'Lieutenant-Governor' instead of 'Governor' because, as part of the deal in 1775 whereby the then Lord of Mann, who was Duke of Athol, sold his Crown rights to the British Crown, the Duke of Athol himself, was appointed 'Governor-in-Chief', and since he had absolutely

no intention of actually DOING anything, a 'Lieutenant-Governor' was appointed to actually do the work. That situation technically still prevails.


I have been thinking about this since yesterday. I haven't had much time to post but I wanted to think about it first.


So, the Governor is actually the 'Lieutenant-Governor' and was originally appointed by the Governor to do the donkey work. Technically, now, the Governor is the Queen in her role as Lord of Mann. Then I can't see any reason why the same thing can't be adopted today. The Governor, the Queen, could appoint a Manx person as Lieutenant-Governor which is basically just the deputy.


/I still like the idea of Lieutenant-Governor Stavros!



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I have been thinking about this since yesterday. I haven't had much time to post but I wanted to think about it first.


So, the Governor is actually the 'Lieutenant-Governor' and was originally appointed by the Governor to do the donkey work. Technically, now, the Governor is the Queen in her role as Lord of Mann. Then I can't see any reason why the same thing can't be adopted today. The Governor, the Queen, could appoint a Manx person as Lieutenant-Governor which is basically just the deputy.


/I still like the idea of Lieutenant-Governor Stavros!




From the Royal website:


The Crown's personal representative today is the Lieutenant Governor, who is appointed by The Queen and who has delegated power to grant Royal Assent to legislation dealing with domestic matters. Tynwald consists of two branches: the Legislative Council (mostly chosen by the House of Keys) and the House of Keys (which has 24 elected members). However, the Crown - acting through the Privy Council - is the ultimate authority, with the Home Secretary having prime responsibility as Privy Counsellor for Manx affairs. The United Kingdom government is responsible for the defence and international relations of the Island.


So the Lieutenant-Governor is appointed by the Crown, so is not the 'Governer's' deputy - they are the sovereign's deputy, if you like.

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