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Rimmer Again..!


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Sorry Staaue, but I agree with all the contra posts here. The whole Island's population wouldn't make up even a small local council in England, so the further sub-division just seems daft! How can you say that, for example, Malew's interests are different from those of Braddan?


Yes, but we're not England or the UK and that's the point. We can't always compare ourselves with the UK. The island is a special entity and this must be preserved. We should be proud that we have representatives in our parliament who represent only a few thousand people as opposed to some 30-40,000 in the UK. This is better for the people

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Fair point Sarah, we'll see what he does tomorrow..


Spot on CheeseMonster, its all about our community; for our Manks way of life to improve in a Manks way, we need to do things our own mad ways. Copying the English is so not the right thing to do...

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I'm with cheesemonster and to a degree staaue on this one, why should we change things just because thats the way they do it in England?

We are not in the U.K. or England we are our own Country with our own Government, If we continue to allow the island to slowly but surely do everything in the same way as England one day we will wake up and realise will be may as well be living there, is that what you want?

Think of all the things that make the Island different and unique as an ecosystem, even small changes to an ecosystem can have a huge effect on the way it operates.

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Well you only have to look at douglas to see how a town can loose its character due to the UK influence.


The old saying comes to mind " If it aint broke don't fix it "


If they want change then yeah ok but change for the good, i don't belive that local commissioners should have the right to decided on planning i think there should be one government body for that,


Let's see what balls they have lined up, sounds like another exercise in money wasting.


I think these ministers are changing things just to fill in the day.

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I was going to shut up, but I just can't help myself. :D

You sound as if you are one of these pompous and self important small town/village commissioners. No wonder there is an opinion that they are not required in our society.


Incidentally, I'm from down south and in my neck of the woods its about time there was a bloody good shake up of these small time ego trippers.


Nipper, I know you love your Island, I agree that birth place has nothing to do with anything. But actions say everything.... It's completely normal for someone to get passionate at a foreigner changing there country, it is actually abnormal to do nothing, especially if you're a Manksman.

Your above post has a certain contrast to a PM you sent me a few months back.. see below.. :D

Where are you coming from, I'm rather confused mate. :o:o


Manx culture and all that, Aug 21 2005, 08:00 AM

Excellent first post. Excellent.


I thank God there are still people like yourself around.


Where are the rest?


Over the years they have sold their souls to greed and ego which certain types of incomers proffer?




Mate, Rimmer is bad for our nation. why do you think he is not? We're talking big changes, goal posts that he is moving all the time to get what he wants; regardless of public and political views....




Tonight yet another issue came to light, our esteemed leader ard-shirveishagh Gelling pointed out an interesting fact......


Politicians often have an eye on individual objectives, which can lead to a shortage of rationale within the debating chambers.
I read this as doing their own thing, or in their best interests


Followed by another story about 'Rimmer' doing it his way.. http://www.manxradio.com/readItem.aspx?stI...03&stCT=General


Its all self-promotion and advertising, make of it what you will. My personal opinion is we will see more of him in the news over the coming months, demonstrating his arogance etc and not anything to do with our culture and ways...


What good causes has he been involved in, I'm sick of seeing negativity linked to his name; can anyone dig out something relating to him doing good things etc.... a cause he personally has championed maybe...????????????


That last bit is for those of you who think my views as incredulous shoit, don't flame me; be constructive and say something good in Rimmers favor.

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Rimington's proposal - to reduce the current number of local authorities - is little different from the one that has already been rejected. He is basically trying to sell the same shoddy goods in a different package and remove the 'local' element from politics so that the 'wise and wonderful' central government will be responsible for everything.

I don't really want to go over arguments that have already been dealt with quite extensively here:




except to repeat what I said at the time: I suspect that most of us have a great deal more confidence in the ability of our unpaid local authorities than we are ever likely to have in Mr Rimington and his overpaid motley crew. Local authorities have proved, time and again that they are more efficient and cost-effective than central government could ever be and any attempt to 'centralise them' ought to be resisted wholeheartedly.

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Firstly, Staaue, you seem to have an obsession with JR being English. Can I remind you he was appointed by the Manx people to represent them.


Secondly, our convoluted, multi-layered system is overly complex, confusing and results in a very slow mechanism for getting through legislation.


The present system only serves those with big egos and small ideas.

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Well i think it all comes down to power trips.


The local commissioners don't want to lose any powers because they want to be the seen to be a big players in the local community.


The Government just want to take any if not all powers away from the man on the street, this is probably because some local commissioners have been in the press slagging them off and want to silence some of that.


Its a Clash of EGO's and i think the whole issue gets clouded due to the infighting.


I think the days of local government are doomed, you seem to forget if the certain gang in government want something they get it.

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I think the 'ego-trip' may apply to larger places such as Douglas, but in most of the smaller communities such as the one I live in it's often very hard to find people willing to take on the responsibility. Just remember how many authorities had a shortfall in people willing to stand for election to the local commisioners.

Strangely enough, most of them seem to do a very good job, so I think we have to separate those who do from those who simply see it as a stepping-stone to an eventual place in the Keys.

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The saga of the Govt reducing the local authorities has been going on for years. Rimmington is the latest Minister in the position to have to spout about it. The civil servants behind Rimmington are the ones pulling his strings, and those of his predecessors. I can only suspect they [the senior, imported civil servants] see the relatively cheap rates the Manx people pay compared to whereever they originated from as a target to increase the Govt coffers. As the majority of Manx residents are from the UK they, perhaps, wouldnt mind a reduction in local authorites and an increase in rates.

On the subject of rates, watch the water rate go sky high these next couple of years.

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Very good point Lonan3 & Diomed, I've heard this from other people in govt; that it is the civil servants who run the show.!!

The scary part is they are mostly English foreigners who are in the click, doing things the English way.


ANS, was my post not what you like to see fella... I thought about what you said, and I still think its relavent. Nipper obviously didn't think about what she was saying. or was just sticking her oar in (like yourself). :lol::lol:

I admit a little underhand, I didn't enjoy writing it; but she should think about this before writing such material.

I knew when I started this thread certain people would do nothing constructive exept attack me, and that only a few people would have the ability to engage this thread correctly.


Nature of the beast and all that eh..!!



That last bit is for those of you who think my views as incredulous shoit, don't flame me; be constructive and say something good in Rimmers favor.


Can anyone answer me?????


Speckled Frost Posted Today, 09:36 AM

Firstly, Staaue, you seem to have an obsession with JR being English. Can I remind you he was appointed by the Manx people to represent them.


Secondly, our convoluted, multi-layered system is overly complex, confusing and results in a very slow mechanism for getting through legislation.


The present system only serves those with big egos and small ideas.

You talking from personal knowledge - or what??? Convoluted?? Did you expect it to be simple or something.


Staaue, you seem to have an obsession with JR being English
:lol::lol: 'Seem' :lol:

How discemment of you. And.... your point..????

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Evening Staaue.

I would love it if you could make your points without moaning about how 'everyone is English'.

For a start it's not true.

Secondly, you risk alienating people who might have something relevant to say just because they're not Manx.

And thirdly you annoy Manx people by making us all seem like a bunch of racist idiots.

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