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The Thai Murder And Various Other Murderers.


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Why do the media make such a huge deal out of some British murders in foreign parts yet fail to report other international Brit murders and make little comment on most murders that occur in Britain. What makes some murders news worthy and others not?

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Why do the media make such a huge deal out of some British murders in foreign parts yet fail to report other international Brit murders and make little comment on most murders that occur in Britain. What makes some murders news worthy and others not?


What other foreign murders of Brits haven't been reported?


Maybe these stories are covered because they have some kind of mystery about them? Most murders in the UK are open and shut cases or revolve around illegal activities. When there is a murder, anywhere, with no obvious explanation it'll be deemed newsworthy. Also Thailand is often considered to be a tropical paradise so anything that may threaten that opinion is worth mentioning.

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It seems to depend on the newsworthiness of the murder. So in this case -


1. Good looking young blonde

2. Popular holiday destination with backpackers people can relate cos they've been or no someone whos been back pack

3. Talking to Mum on phone (Can trot out line about "Every Mother's Nightmare" tapping in on the fears of nice middle class parents who's kids are or might want to go backpacking).

4. Mystery.

5. Slow news time.


I think it is interesting that some cases receive more coverage than others. If you consider the Soham murders they received massive coverage, and it was a massive case. But I felt that it received more coverage than simillar murders would, because of the nature of it. It happened in the summer, another quiet time, and because they were missing for a few days before being found. It happened in quiet part of the country and the kids had nice articulate parents who appeared on telly. All of which built up the case in the public mind and lead story for about a week when it happened and again with the trial.


Now I recall a little boy going missing a few months later in a grim Northern town. With simillar results but he wasn't as photogenic and there were other stories around at the time and there wasn't a tenth of the coverage.

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If ever there was a case for bringing back the death penalty this is it:




I don't agree with the death penalty but sometimes I can see why some do. Lock them up - throw away the key, otherwise.....


I was listening to some daft, misguided woman on Radio 4 who was stating that "you have to figure out a methodology to cope with these people because they are just not going to disappear". I remember thinking "Line them up and give me something with sufficient calibre and I'll make them disappear no problem at all....." Of course, if you shoot them below the knee you will take off the lower leg and the shock may well kill them before they bleed to death but that's a risk I'm prepared to take...

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I remember thinking "Line them up and give me something with sufficient calibre and I'll make them disappear no problem at all....." Of course, if you shoot them below the knee you will take off the lower leg and the shock may well kill them before they bleed to death but that's a risk I'm prepared to take...


Yeah let's forget about hundreds of years of law and justice and shoot them before they've even been charged or found guilty.

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Cheesey me dear, given the issue he is talking about I quite agree with him. I would personally like to maime the men that kidnapped that young girl and I would have no qualms about being really nasty to them either. Scum bag rotters.

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Cheesey me dear, given the issue he is talking about I quite agree with him. I would personally like to maime the men that kidnapped that young girl and I would have no qualms about being really nasty to them either. Scum bag rotters.


That's not a problem. Personally I don't think we should ever dish out that kind of punishment but the majority appear to disagree with me. My point was that before bashing the arrested men surely we should wait until they've been found guilty of something?

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DNA samples will give conclusive proof even before a trial takes place. I would not "bash" them either.


By the way, the only thing that would make me hesitate is a fear of enjoying it....


So based on what you're saying why bother with a trial? Why bother with any trials? With or without DNA everyone still deserves a full trial.

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Well I have to agree with you here. Let's summarise one of these trials:


Judge : So, from the semen samples taken from the victim who is guilty of the multiple rape of this totally traumatised three-year-old?


DNA Scientist : The chances of it being other that these three is one in a gazillion.


Judge : OK. Let's get some social reports. Clearly there must be mitigating circumstances. After all, surely social deprivation or whatever is vogue at the moment must have meant that these perverted individuals could no longer tell the difference between right and wrong as concerns the multiple rape of a three-year-old female child....


Well Gorgonzola, I hope you have a wonderful life on whichever planet it is that you inhabit. In the meantime here on planet earth we have reality to deal with..........

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Well I have to agree with you here. Let's summarise one of these trials:


Judge : So, from the semen samples taken from the victim who is guilty of the multiple rape of this totally traumatised three-year-old?


DNA Scientist : The chances of it being other that these three is one in a gazillion.


Judge : OK. Let's get some social reports. Clearly there must be mitigating circumstances. After all, surely social deprivation or whatever is vogue at the moment must have meant that these perverted individuals could no longer tell the difference between right and wrong as concerns the multiple rape of a three-year-old female child....


Well Gorgonzola, I hope you have a wonderful life on whichever planet it is that you inhabit. In the meantime here on planet earth we have reality to deal with..........


Judge : OK. Let's get some social reports. Clearly there must be mitigating circumstances. After all, surely social deprivation or whatever is vogue at the moment must have meant that these perverted individuals could no longer tell the difference between right and wrong as concerns the multiple rape of a three-year-old female child....

Defence Lawyer: Indeed, M'lud. The defendants all had deprived childhoods and came from broken homes. I have spoken to them at considerable length about the problems they endured in their formative years and I have to say...(pause)... that they are selfish, inconsiderate bastards who have no regard for anything other than their own sick and perverted 'pleasures.' Unfortunately, on my last visit to their cell, the warder removed the rusty knife from my possession before I had a chance to use it......


(If lawyers were human)

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