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Charles Kennedy Calls Ld Election


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For so long Kennedy has been derided as being a wimp who never had it in him. People said he didn't stand a chance despite attracting record numbers to his party. On Thursday he announced a leadership election after admitting that he has been fighting an alcohol addiction for 18 months.


Whilst living in the UK I only ever voted for the LibDems or SWP and would love to see a LibDem government. Is there anyone in his party who could be a better leader? Surely Menzies Campbell is too old for the job?

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Poor "brave" Charles Kennedy.

So "brave" that, when he was confronted by ITV News yesterday with undeniable evidence that he'd been lying for years about a drink problem, he rushed to hold a press conference to say he was a liar - and then said (in spite of knowing that half his own shadow cabinet had last month signed a letter demanding his resignation) the party should vote him back as leader (as he rode a wave of sympathy).

The members of the party in the country might back him. But those who work with him at Westminster clearly do not.


It would have been brave it he'd admitted the truth on his own terms. This was not bravery.


And he was so "brave" that he refused to answer any questions after the press conference. Can it be a "conference" if only one person speaks?



OK, Churchill was a drinker. But I don't think there's much evidence he had a drink problem.

For instance, while Kennedy was too "ill" to attend a budget speech, Churchill managed to perform all he had to do (till he had a stroke while in office in the 50s and his party lied to the nation about it).

"I've taken more out of alcohol than alcohol's taken out of me."


If Kennedy wins an election, he dooms his party. He becomes a joke. His MPs don't back him. The leader of the MEPs today said he'd lost his confidence as a leader.


I have sympathy for the man. But not the politician. The party would be a laughing stock if it kept him in charge.


Incidentally, Cheesemonster, I don't think you've ever voted SWP. They don't stand in elections. They supported Socialist Alliance and perhaps Respect. Indeed, until 1992 they said "Vote Labour but build a socialist alternative".

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This tack worked for Paddy 'Pantsdown' a few years back - everyone then thought - Oh! he is normal after all - and his ratings went through the roof.


Has Charles 'chug chug' Kennedy got one eye on his ratings - and the other on Number 10?

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It may be that he's copying John Major's tactics - calling a leadership election to flush out his accusers and detractors (it was only the rather weird and Mr Spock like character, John Redwood, who had the nerve to try his luck that time and it did a lot of damage to the Tory party).

He may well be gambling that there is no one with a high enough public profile to gain the support of the party, but it's a big risk. Lembit Opik, for example, the Shadow Wales and Northern Ireland Secretary, appears to have potential, as does Michael Moore, the Shadow Defence Secretary and Dr Vincent Cable, the Shadow Chancellor. If one of them decides to throw his hat into the ring then Charlie could be in big trouble.

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It would have been more brave for CK to trigger a vote of no confidence rather than a leadership election.


He's banking on the sympathy vote from grass roots members, knowing his colleagues would kick him out at the drop of a hat.


I reckon one loose cannon will kick things off but the leadership will come down to a two-horse race and it will be Menzies Campbell, despite his age.


He's the only one with both a high media profile and the necessary gravitas.

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Incidentally, Cheesemonster, I don't think you've ever voted SWP. They don't stand in elections. They supported Socialist Alliance and perhaps Respect. Indeed, until 1992 they said "Vote Labour but build a socialist alternative".


You're right although SWP members stood as part of the alliance. They managed to win back their deposit in a pitiful one constituency I believe.

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Hopefully Menzies Campbell will replace him, but given the curruptness of the Liberal Party on the ground they'll probably go for Limp Dick and consign themselves to history.


Who's Limp Dick?


Simon Hughes?


He always seems very odd, somehow.

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I see he's resigned now


Whoever advised him to embark on this ill fated journey of the last two days should never work in politics again. He would have garnered much more sympathy if he quit on the spot and cited that he wanted to concentrate on getting to full health.


He's utterly destroyed any chance he ever had of making a comeback.

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The Liberals have made a cock up, a lot of the public liked Charlie, and the support is going to drop, I can't see any sort of growth out of this, they've made a bloody mess all over whats left of the Liberal Carpet.....

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Hopefully Menzies Campbell will replace him, but given the curruptness of the Liberal Party on the ground they'll probably go for Limp Dick and consign themselves to history.


Who's Limp Dick?


Simon Hughes?


He always seems very odd, somehow.


Limpid O'Pick


But Simon Hughes is also shite, I forgot about him, the rank file may go for him, because he is as bad as they are. Pity, there is a real danager now that the national party will be dragged down to the level of the ordinary members.

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The Liberals have made a cock up, a lot of the public liked Charlie, and the support is going to drop, I can't see any sort of growth out of this, they've made a bloody mess all over whats left of the Liberal Carpet.....


Exactly. Kennedy himself even ackowledged that the main reason he was 'shooting the crow' was because of the lack of support from parliamentary members rather than the party or public as a whole.


He was the best man for the job and the best of the three crooks masquerading as party leaders.

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The trouble with the labour party and the tory party is they are like 2 sides of the same coin, have you noticed the Tory Tony seems to be pushing all the right buttons.


I reckon it will be a tory win next time around gordon brown will not get his shot.


The liberals to me are the party i would vote for they seem to at least stick to the policys they make unlike the others.


Fair enough Charles has a drink problem but what do you expect having to put up with looking at Tony Blair all the time

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